
I have been waiting for almost 3 months for my Dr's office to submit one little form (a questionnaire should be easy right?) to Aetna. I've heard and read all these negative remarks about Aetna...but my case manager has all her ducks in a row. She has been waiting since 07/17/02 for this form. Today is 09/30/02 and nothing yet. What is the deal? The doctor's office first said they didnt get the form. Aetna refaxed it. Then they said they would have it out on Friday. I called on form. Called Dr Cribbin's office and was advised never faxed. They have 2 patients ahead of me. Called 2 weeks later and still nothing. Found out today from Dr. Cribbins office that they faxed the info on 09/12/02. Spoke to my case manager, she has nothing. I don't know who to believe. Anyone have any suggestions?    — Alicia M. (posted on September 30, 2002)

September 30, 2002
I have had problems getting information sent through to the insurer. However, my doctor's staff has been extremely helpful and I realize that the problems were due to the fact that they are extremely busy. The insurance approval did come through in time for my surgery date. I would suggest that you call your doctor's office on a daily basis - twice a day if necessary. I work in a customer service type job and it is true that the squeaky wheel gets greased.
   — Etta M.

September 30, 2002
Definitely! My surgeon's office was so swamped with work (and incompetent staff) that they neglected to get my paperwork to the insurance company month after month! I first had my surgeon's consultation in August 2000. I was not scheduled for surgery until March 5, 2001. My insurance company's delay? NONE. Once they had received the "Letter of Medical Necessity" from my surgeon, it took them exactly 1 week to approve. I have looked at this situation in retrospect and am trying to have pity on my surgeon's overworked staff ... but I feel like, if you can't service the patients you already have, why do you take on more and more???
   — Terissa R.

October 1, 2002
go to the office, get a copy yourself, and fax it your self. Then you know that it has been done.
   — Vicki L.

October 1, 2002
I went through the same thing. I it took nearly 3 months for my Drs office to get paperwork in to my insurance. The insurance company took LESS than 24 hours to approve me. The key is Patience and Persistence. Call your surgeons office continually. Be kind and they will likely respond to you better. Find out the exact person that is responsbile for the form, and call that person daily. Explain that you understand how very busy they are (which may or may not be true ;-) ), but that will keep them from getting defensive. But keep it up until you get what you need. Very best of luck!
   — Rebekah B.

October 2, 2002
Thanks for all of your suggestions. They were very helpful. I followed everyone's suggestion and kept calling both the insurer and the surgeons office. Well today my case worker recieved the documentation she needed. So it's just a wait and see right now. I'll give them 2 weeks. Think that's enough?
   — Alicia M.

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