Where are all the age 40+ pictures and stories?

I don't often read stories and see photos of the 40 plus; age that is. All the 30 year olds look great, have had a relatively non-complicated order of events and are generally quite successful. I am 46 and would like to hear from others in that age brackett, who have had the surgery and what you thought of the whole surgery and results. I am shaped like an apple(larger on top that the bottom), I have a large frame as well, PCOS, and a 41 BMI (5'7", 255 lbs). Thanks.    — Elizabeth P. (posted on May 4, 2002)

May 4, 2002
Sorry I am not among the 40+ I am in the 50+ group LOL and having surgery Monday, May 6th I have many people in my agr group and have been very encouraged by their speedy recovery. Best of Luck to you
   — Jeri P.

May 4, 2002
I am 45... had my surgery at 44. My profile is on this site. I started at a bmi well over 55. I'm 5'3" - started at 337.5. I'm now 180. I consider myself extremely successful. I have had no complication and am enjoying life like I have never been able to. Good luck in your journey!
   — Molly W.

May 4, 2002
I am 54 and I had my surgery on 4/3 and i am doing just fine :-)))) I wish u the best of luck I am 5'4" and on surgery day i was 250 . I am now 225 and losing. :-))
   — sallie P.

May 4, 2002
I am 49 and had open rny at 48. I am doing great and feel like I am 29! LOL! I think I have increased my life span by at least 30 years! The only problem I have encountered is my hormones are really mixed up with perimenopause plus all the estrogen released from my fat cells. I have lost 98 lbs and have so much energy! One of my employees (I am a supervisor) at work commented "Marilyn, you never sit down now! It seems like you are always moving around!" I was actually cleaning all the desks of my 18 employees with Pledge furniture polish during a lull in my work day. I am walking 3 miles a day and babysit my two small grandkids in the evening. I have a cleaning service come in every two weeks for my home but I am thinking of discontinuing that and doing it myself. My husband and I are taking our two adult kids and our three grandkids to Disneyworld next week. I plan to ride everything and do all the activities there. Life is good and I would recommend WLS to anyone in our age group who wants to have a chance to live a younger life again! Good luck to you!
   — Marilyn C.

May 4, 2002
hi 59 ..and right now feel like 30. I've lost 75 lbs and now im under 200. I weighed in at 198 this morning. its wonderful!!!!! I have volunteered to encourage people to put their photos on the site...I don't kn why some are bashful (not including the ones who have to reamain anm. bec of being a movie star or something...maybe running from a nutty husband / wife/ but if your a "normal person I hope you will post your photos. It encourages all of us sooooo much to see the before and afters!!1 Its so much fun to SEE!!!!!!!
   — Jackiis

May 4, 2002
I am very close to 40 and I have been approved for surgery in May. Feel free to follow my progress to see how things go. I would love to chat.
   — Christine J.

May 4, 2002
I turned 51 three days before my November, 2001 open RNY. No complications and I went back to work 5 weeks post-op. I was pretty tired that first week back to work, but it got better very quickly. And, I have a fairly pyhsically demanding job with long hours, most of them on my feet. I started at 330#, BMI 53 and I have lost 110#. I feel great and my activity level is better than it has been for 20 years. I am waiting to post my before/after pictures until I either reach my one year anniversary or I reach my ideal goal, which ever comes first. But, I love seeing the before/after pictures as well and I have to say, the latest crop of pictures are awesome.
   — Susan M.

May 4, 2002
I'm 52 and 2 yrs post op. I started at 278 and am 5'7". I now weigh 138 and if you want to see my pictures and read my story just click on my name. New pictures were submitted today and will be posted within a week.
   — Rose A.

May 4, 2002
I am 41, soon to be 42, had lap rny 12/10/01. I have lost 64 lbs and have had a textbook recovery. Zero complications, down from a 26-28 to 18-20 size. Scrubs from 4x to xl. I tolerate all foods and I am so grateful for this second chance at life. I walk 2 miles a day, couldn't walk half a block pre-op. I fit in restaurant booths, cross my legs, no more urinary incontinence, I could go on and on. The best part-my labs were at life threatening ranges pre-op despite 2 b/p meds, 2 diabetes meds, 1 triglyceride med, 1 diuretic. At 3 months post op w/NO meds since surgery all of my labs were in normal ranges and I continue to be med free. I will post pics when I am closer to goal. This is the best thing I have ever done for myself short of marrying my husband and birthing 3 terrific children.
   — jsuggs

May 4, 2002
How big is that "+"? I was 44 when I had surgery, and that was nearly 8 yrs ago..... My pix are on my site at .
   — vitalady

May 4, 2002
i was 50 years & 6 mos old when i had my surgery. check out my profile.
   — sheryl titone

May 4, 2002
Hi Elizabeth...I'm 47, and had my Open RNY on September 26, 2001. See my profile for details of my uneventful recovery. I also have two sisters who had it done, both in their late thirties. One is 3 years post op, the other 5 years plus. I still haven't gotten photos posted here, but I'd be glad to email you photos. Yvonne Ross Michigan
   — Yvonne R.

May 4, 2002
Yep, me too. Will be 50 in Sept had my surgery at 49. Down 87lbs and feeling wonderful!! Played softball this weekend kewl huh??
   — Denise W.

May 4, 2002
Elizabeth - 41 when I had surgery...starting weight 287.8 (BMI like 46!). 9.5 months out, I'm down 94 pounds and have 43 to go. No complications during or after surgery. Skin - kinda saggy...but nothing I'm complaining about. Photos on my profile page. Best of luck to you. OPEN RNY 7/17/01, -94, 43 to go.
   — blee01

May 5, 2002
I had OpenVBG on 06/11/01 at age 46, 5'11", 340 lbs....Now, just shy of 11 months later, I've lost 150 lbs, gone from 5x's and size 30/32's, to Ladies M's and size 12's. My experience has been great! I have my abdominoplasty in 11 days (May 16th).....
   — Cathy J.

May 5, 2002
Hi, I am 46, 5'10" Had my surgery Nov. 14, 2000. 282 starting weight, BMI 40. Have lost 128lbs, am at goal, had my TT And all is great. No complications. Have photos, just haven't gotten them on my page. Will e-mail them if you like.
   — Bonnie B.

May 5, 2002
Hi, I am 45, had my open RNY 3.5 months ago, have lost 85 pounds, I feel like a million bucks! My recovery was hard for abut 5 weeks which is when I went back to work, but since then I feel great I do take my vitamins, supplements, a protein pill (MAP) and get a b12 shot once a month, but nothing other than that! Its the best thing I ever did for myself! I wish I would have done it 15 years ago! Much luck, Donna
   — donnalawbabe

May 5, 2002
Hi, I'm 47 & had my rny 2 years ago, at 45. I'm 5'9 & my pre surgery weight was 350. I now weigh between 175 & 185--it varies. My life has changed soooo much! I can do all the things I wanted to do, but couldn't. I have skied the last 2 years, I can exercise, run, cross my legs, ride my bike, fit anywhere, buy clothes anywhere (sizes 12-14), and most importantly I feel great. No more back, knee, hip, etc pain--it's all gone. I am very healthy now. I just had a tummy tuck a month ago & my surgeon said I have almost no fat at all anywhere.. Kewl! My labs all have been coming out great, my blood pressure runs around 105/70 (from 150/90) & my pulse is always in the 60s. I have so much energy & like the others mentioned, I feel like I lost 10 to 20 years along with the 175 pounds! I, too, am/was an apple, much bigger on top than on bottom. I now wear size 12 pants & size 14 tops. I don't yet know how that will change once all the TT swelling is gone, maybe I'll be into size 10 pants. Now wouldn't THAT be something! One thing I will warn you, a fellow apple of, is that I have a lot of extra skin above the waist. The TT eliminated my belly roll & helped some with the love handles rolls, but I still have loose skin in my upper back, armpits & arms are pretty bad. My surgeon says the skin will continue to shrink & that it takes several years. He has suggested a personal trainer & to try that route. I haven't got a scanner, therefore, no pictures of me. Maybe one of these days....
   — Kathy W.

May 5, 2002
I had my surgery last year at age 46. I am 5'3" and started at 298lbs. I am now 125-128 range. I haven't been this healthy since I was a teenager. The experience has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. I am so much healthier and can do so much more now. My energy level has increased 200% and my arthritis is almost non-existant. I always thought I had a large bone structure, but now after losing all this weight I realize I really have a small bone structure. I have a before and after on my profile. I really need to update the after since I have lost about 20 more lbs since then. Good Luck and best wishes!
   — Janie C.

May 10, 2002
Hello! I am 59 yrs old. I had my wls last August. I have lost 75 lbs. and am 20 lbs. away from my goal set before surgery. I was worried my surgeon would not take me at 58 yrs. old. He did. I have no more diabetes II. My sugar is 90 without medication. Down from 400 with medication before surgery. I sure don't feel 59 nor do I look 59. It might have taken me a little more time to bounce back from surgery than a younger person but so what. My husband also had wls and has lost 180 lbs. Down from 508 lbs. No matter what age we have a right to live longer and happier and healthier. You are welcome to correspond with us. Have a great worry free day!!
   — MARY G.

June 6, 2002
It is extremely important to have a clear mind and a well informed mind to perform this operation. If you are reasonably healthy at age 46, the results should be positive. The goodness of this procedure begins with a positive outlook. You have to want, to want it! What I mean by this is, you have to really want this operation bad enough and to know that you have taken all the necessary steps prior to the operation to research this topic extensively. Knowledge is power and without it there will be skepticism and doubts. I hope that you will be encouraged by this email and I hope it makes you feel better to know that we are both close in age. I will be your angel and keep you inspired and excited to have this procedure performed. But "You have to want, to want it!" Without the want, the desire is obviously not there. So if you do feel confused or undecided, do not procede with this operation until you feel the need to want it. Please keep in touch. God Bless You Always
   — msbevhills

June 6, 2002
Hi, I'm 49, 7 months pos-op open RNY and have lost 90 pounds. I've not had any major complications and feel great. I still throw up occaisionally, usually 'cause I eat too fast. I haven't posted photos yet, but will soon. I started out at 250, BMI of 41 size 22. I'm now 160, BMI of 27, size 10-12, depends. I hope to loose another 20 pounds or so. The weight loss has really slowed, and I'm having to really work to get the rest off. However, I'm so pleased with my results, I would be perfectly happy to be just where I am. Best wishes.
   — Susan A.

September 17, 2002
Please know that I am 44 years old and had my surgery at 40 years old. I was a size 24/26 and now I'm a size 14/16. I don't have any pictures posted yet but I would gladly send you one personally. I lost 140 lbs. total and regained about 20 lbs. but I am now 4 years Post Op. I feel wonderful and would do it all again even with the knowledge I now have about what complications can arise. I am a full-time college student now and plan to get my R.N. in the next 2 1/2 years. I would never have undertook this great task at my age if I hadn't had the weight loss surgery. I am so much healthier now. I no longer have high blood pressure and I take one pill per day for Asthma. I love myself now and only wish I had the funds to have the surgery to get rid of my belly. But that will come in time. I have three beautiful children, Nicole (18), Chad (14), and Bart (13) and a husband (Kenn). They were all very supportive of my weight loss and are happy for me. If you want more info. contact me at: [email protected].
   — willierussell

September 17, 2002
I had my RNY at 41. 5'4" 282 lbs. 13 mos. later I weigh 135 and am in great health. I had to have my stoma stretched at 6 weeks, but other than that, absolutely no complications. My hair didn't even fall out. I do, however, have a LOT of excess skin, but that is being taken off with a lower body lift on 10/11 (at 14 mos. out).
   — sandieguy

September 18, 2002
I turned 50 the day I left the hospital after my RNY. I'm now 53. I was 260; now 130. I was miserable with arthritis and GERD; now happy and healthy and full of energy. I wear a pear, now I'm kind of a stick with boobs. I have had the plastics and am living life to the max! I know you will love this. hugs, Ann
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 18, 2002
Sorry, that was supposed to be "I WAS a pear" (as in shape.) Geeez! hugs, Ann
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 4, 2002
Hello there. I found myself up and down with my feeling at first. Now after reading and getting alot of info. I feel this is for me. I look at it this way. If I continue getting larger. Some kind of sickness is bound to come. And I will need testes, operations etc. and complations can still happen. So go for it.
   — Naes Wls J.

October 4, 2002
Hi, I just turned 50 last week and I am doing great! I feel like I am 30! I was an apple. I am in the process of becoming a person with a waist! Whatever that is called....normal? Good luck! I had a BMI of almost 58 and now it is 36....still obese but someday I hope to be at a BMI of 24. Good luck and blessings,
   — Mylou52

October 6, 2002
I'm 45 and had absolutely no problems whatsoever. I was 272 to start; I'm now almost 3 weeks postop and down 32 pounds. I went back to work 2 weeks after surgery (I have a desk job). I actually feel wonderful; I had a great surgeon and the hospital was awesome. You'll do just fine!! I personally thought my C-sections were much worse than this...
   — Janelle G.

November 17, 2002
I'm 43 and haven't allowed a picture of me to be taken since I was 18. I was always overweight, but at 40 found myself topping the scales at 423 pounds. I'm 5'8" tall and was almost that around. I went for an open RNY 4 1/2 months ago and I have lost 123 pounds. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I had no problems with surgery inspite of having crippling blood pressure and diabetes. As far as post-op I will catch myself doing something as simple as walking and notice I'm not out of breath, I don't hurt..I'm actually enjoying the walk. I still have another 100 pounds to go before I can have my tummy tuck. But I'm counting them down with the days.
   — Cassiah H.

November 17, 2002
I'm 50+ . My picture is here just click on my name and you can see the before and after.I'm going into my third post op year and loving life. Today was my son's 30th birthday and he looked at me and said" you look younger than me Mom", bless his heart. I sure raised a good one!
   — Rose A.

November 17, 2002
I had my Open RNY at 41 (7.5 months ago). I have NEVER felt or looked better (even in my 20's)! You can see my progress at
   — ~~Stacie~~

August 6, 2003
I'm 56 and am 3.5 weeks post op and doing just great. 22 lbs gone already and feeling generally good. Not quite my old self yet but healing nicely. Wish I'd done it in my 40s but it wasn't quite as good as the procedures are now.
   — Margaret G.

August 6, 2003
Hi Elizabeth! I am 45 years old, 5'7", and weighed 256 lbs. (40 BMI by my math) on the day of my WLS 14 months ago. I weigh about 130 now (20 BMI), which is considerably less than I was aiming for or expected, but that's partly because I've had another health issue crop up (unrelated to WLS). As far as my weight loss surgery goes, I had no complications from it other than temporary hair loss (last Fall) that no one but me noticed. Yes, I've got the loose "Sharpei" skin, and my face is a bit gaunt at the moment, but I've noticed that things are still *shifting* so I don't know how it will all settle out in the end. Meanwhile, I've gone from being a total couch potato to being a runner. "Your mileage may vary," but it's the best thing I could've done for my health. And I've gone from a size 24 to a 4, which I never, in my lifetime, thought I would see. Check my profile for details/pics.
   — Suzy C.

August 6, 2003
Well, how funny -- I just realized how old the original question is, and that the poster has already had her surgery (and did great with it). How do these old questions get resurrected after so long (lol)?
   — Suzy C.

September 25, 2003
I agree. I would love to see and hear more from the 40 and 50 year old group. I am 50 and I have so many questions.
   — Jan P.

October 21, 2003
I am 49, had my surgery April 22, 2003. I started at 330 lbs and have lost 105 in 6 months. I don't have my pix available to scan for online, but will do so as soon as I can. I can't begin to tell you how glad I am that I had this surgery. It hasn't been real easy, but easier than I thought. I have started having sweet cravings (which is why I got so big in the first place!) but am able to control by having small candies 2-3 times a small I mean 2 Hershey Nuggets instead of the whole bag, or 1/2 c. ice cream instead of half the container. I find that if I don't deny it, I don't crave it as much. I have been very blessed and haven't had much trouble with my new anatomey. COnstipation is my biggest complaint....I have trouble drinking my water even though I drank water before surgery all the time. It is not unusual for me to go 4-5 days between bowel movements. Normal? probably not, but it's become normal for me! The only other problem I have had is hair loss, which began at 5 mos and continues to fall out. I was not taking my B12 religiously and that probably complicated it. I have faith that it will grow back and I have since increased my vitamin intake and do it consistently. I can't tell you how good (and shocked) I felt the first time I tried on a size 20 and it was too big! I haven't been in a size 20 for over 20 years! Eating out is still a challenge but I do it alot as I tavel for my job. Please feel free to email me: [email protected] for further info. Thanks for listening!
   — Marsha C.

October 21, 2003
Elizabeth - I was 2 months short of 44 at the time of my surgery. Please feel free to check out my profile and my web page (the link to my web page is on my profile)...JR (open RNY 07/17/02 -201# since surgery, -214# total, 13# til goal!!!)
   — John Rushton

November 3, 2003
Hi! I am 57-1/2 yrs old and just had the lap Rouxen-Y bypass on 10/17/03. My BMI was 48.5 and I already have lost 14-1/2# by the 12th day post of. I feel terrific. No pain (just the drain tube for a few days and no tiredness.) If fact, I want to go back to work next week and starting swimming. I have arthritis badly, so that form of exercise works for me. I was so worried about recovery bec of my age and having diabetes and hypertension. I am off meds for both problems and my glucose is within the normal range 1st time since 1998! Go for the surgery if you have not done it yet. It is the best gift you can give yourself. I am not at all sorry I did this. Just wish I had done this a few years sooner! But you do it when you are emotionally ready for some great changes. Linda from Indiana
   — Linda O.

January 18, 2004
I'm checking in as a 47 y.o. at the time of this posting. At the time of surgery (June '03) I was 46. I can honestly say that I wouldn't change a thing about having my surgery. It has been a wonderful experience for me overall. The benefits--just thus far--have been worth it 1000-fold! I'm healthier today than I've been in more than 20 years. I take my vitamins/supplements, try to eat properly and exercise 4-5 times a week doing cardio, weights and aerobics. To date, I'm down 104 lbs. I've had no complications from my surgery. I know Tyra Banks is not going to lose her job when I get to goal--but that wasn't my objective when I started. :-) Flabby arms--yeah, flabby stomach--yeah, less than desirable knees--you bet! I'm working on what I can but I also realize I'm not 25 anymore and somethings just don't bounce back like they used to! I don't know that other (reconstructive surgery) is in my future--I just don't know if I want to go through that. At this time, I'm just grateful for today and what has happened to me thus far!
   — MDGordon

March 22, 2004
Where are the 40 somethings? We're here but maybe not as tech savvy as the 30 somethings. I'm 42, 3 mos. post-op, have pcos,fibromyalgia, and GERD and had surgery at a BMI of 50. I haven't posted a picture because I don't have a digital camera yet. My surgery went great only 2 hours in surgery and 2 days in the hospital. I only missed 4 days work and found my energy level skyrocketed. I could barely walk around the block and now I take a brisk 1 hour walk per day. My stress level has dropped significantly. My menses is not nearly as painful as it use to be. I have gone from 8 prescriptions per day down to 2. I am down 3 dress sizes and have lost a total of forty pounds as of yesterday and more today,(It feels like another 2-3 pounds, I drop 2-6 lbs at a time and then nothing for a week or two). My girlfriend is 48 and she is 9 mos. post-op she has lost about 80 lbs. and had a similar experience to mine. I think it's very important to be mentally and physically prepared prior to surgery. Attitude is everything! Do the pre-op diet and excercise program and the emotional work. Notice when you eat and why. How does eating make you feel? What sets it off. Be very honest with yourself. Develop a plan to deal with these issues, seek counseling or the ear of a trusted confidant. Move forward when you are certain. Realize that you will never have the same relationship to yourself, food and others ever again. For me the most positive result has been the freedom I have in my own body I have room to move and do things I haven;t bee able to doo in years. Yes, I get a lot of positive feed back on my appearance but it's the feeling of liberation which makes me so happy I made this choice. I wish you luck in your journey. No matter what you decide to do, it will be the right decision. We all have a certain path to follow, and your stretches out ahead of you just put one foot in front of the other.
   — Elizabeth E.

March 22, 2004
Im 47. BMI was 44.6 when I started. Im 5'4. I have lost from size 22 to a Medium in clothing. Size 8-10. Life is definately great. My goal is 14 more lbs but im not worried about losing that. I already feel the best I can be at this age. check out the many pics on my profile
   — WLS_Deb

March 22, 2004
I'm 43 and WLS has been the most amazing thing for me! I can't imagine how my life would have been without it. I had some complications in the beginning and had a few tough weeks. It was never life or death - more just like pain in the neck complications, staph infection, etc. I am 3 1/2 years post op and would do it all again (including the complications if absolutely necessary) tomorrow. You can see my pics on my profile - even one of me with Carnie Wilson. I wear a size 12 most of the time. Sometimes Liz Claiborne allows me to wear a 10 (thanks Liz!) and every now and then WalMart forces me to wear a 14 (Grrrrr) but usually it's a plain old 12. I wish I was a size 6 but for me that's not realistic. I'd have to stay on a continual diet to be a size 6 and this surgery is not what that's about. The surgery has allowed me to be as normal as a morbidly obese person can be when it comes to food. I eat what I like and maintain. Some days I'm bad so I try to be extra good for the next few days. Just like a normal person. I feel younger, happier, healthier and better all around. No more diabetes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue. The arthritis pain is so much better! My husband and I are having a ton of fun! I have only one regret.....that I couldn't have done this when I was 20. I missed out on so much. Now I live each moment to it's fullest. WLS has been AMAZING!
   — ronascott

March 22, 2004
Elizabeth, go for it. I was 51 when I had my open RNY 16 months ago. My BMI was 58.2 and I weighed 350 pounds.I'm 5' 5". I have lost 190 pounds. My BMI is 26.6 now. I wear 12-14 clothes--down from 28-30. I was off work for 3 weeks. No problems with the surgery or recovery. I feel great. This is such a blessing. I was on meds for BP, cholesterol, diabeis and arthritis. The only thing I take now is Celebrex. My diabetis and BP are VERY controlled. Good luck.
   — Linda Dianne E.

March 22, 2004
hi elizabeth- i had open rny 6/2/03 at age 51- bmi 40.6 5'5" and 236 lbs- today i am 3 weeks post tt, weigh 127 lbs and wear a size 4- it's a dream come true- just wish i had done it sooner- good luck-
   — Jannie N.

March 22, 2004
one week shy of 3 years post op and I am holding stready between 145-155 depending on level of exercise. That means I wear a size 6-8. Never thought I would be a single digit but it was my dream goal. I have had more complications than I can to go on about but long story short, I would do it again. My pictures are posted at the end of my profile. Best wishes. Sue
   — smummert

August 14, 2004
I have not had my surgery yet but I am 45. I beleive that you can give yourself a better chance for success and it is worth felling better for the next 45 years of your life.
   — wdmosely

December 28, 2004
I am 50 years old and I wish I would have done this years ago. I agonized for 2 years before I had it done. Big waste of time. It's a big decision that only you can make, there are many risks, but I can tell you that I feel like a new person.
   — Mehowes

December 29, 2004
I am 44, look at my profile. it has lots of details and photos. I am a lot thinner now than my smaller picture on my profile. I was a size 14 then and am a 6-8 now.I need to get a new one added on
   — **willow**

February 14, 2005
Hi I had wls when I was 43.I am now 45 and after losing over 225 lbs I feel so good and stronger than ever......steve
   — SteveApril45

April 12, 2005
I am 52 years old and had a 52 BMI when I had surgery-I'm only 5' tall. I had surgery 2 months ago and have done great. Only in the hospital 2 days after surgery and back to work at 2 weeks post-op. I have now lost about 46 lbs. and feel and look better. I have not posted pictures yet-sorry. I'd be happy to answer any other questions that you have.
   — fruity9

August 15, 2005
I had my surgery 3 1/2 years ago. I am now 53. I have lost and maintained a 130 pound weight loss. I used to have to get around using an electric cart- now I go to jazzercise 5 times a week. I still have my health problems but it's so much easier to adapt to them without the weight issue also. I'm a counselor as well as, a patient and work with people who are struggling to live a different way. I think we older ones have some different issues than the younger patients. In regards to the physical issues, I find that our skin which has been stretched for so much longer doesn't shrink as much when we loose weight so we tend to have more skin problems and other issues associated with this. We are also more likely to have had the weight issue for a longer period of time and it's even harder to let go of that image and concept of our "self" being fat. As the world treats us differently, we also have a harder time trying on new "thin" behaviors. This happens for several reasons. The world of our family and friends are used to us acting and reacting in one way and when we try to change this- it oftentimes causes them discomfort. We all like the status quo after all! It's also harder to re-learn behaviors that we should have been able to experience when we were in our teens or early 20's when we are almost double that in age- in many ways - to relearn how to be in this thinner body- we do have to not act our age. We have to go back to acting the age we would have been when most people experience these growth spurts that were prohibited to us when we were growing up. All this is can add up to be the best time of our lives!!! Just think how lucky we are - we aren't getting older, we are truly getting better.
   — kathleen H.

May 25, 2009
I am 54 and will have my VGS on June 2, 2009. I too feel that the pictures are really inspirational.
   — lovelyd

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