I need some advice and support

I had my open RNY on June 13 I started at 291 and I am at 195 and that was at X-masss and the scale has not moved since. I eat 1 protein shake at 7:00 then at 10 I eat 2 onces of chicken at 12 I eat 1 slice of cheese and 4 oz roast beef at 3 I had some pretzels and for dinner I had chicken broth and a 1/2 orange and at 9 I had some sugar free hot choclate. Any advice on how I can get the scale to move or just some support so I don't give up??    — Tiffini P. (posted on January 15, 2002)

January 14, 2002
Your body is hanging on to its fat! I'm 18 months post op and have found that if I bump up my protein and water my weight will drop again. Actually, when I stop losing for a couple of months, if I will eat more, I tend to drop weight. I call it tricking my body into thinking it is not starving. Good luck!
   — Toni2760

January 14, 2002
Hi! It really sounds to me like you're not eating enough. I can eat alot more than you and have reached goal. I agree with the previous poster that it sounds like your body is holding on to every ounce. If you can increase your protein and calories a bit you might just see that scale start to move. Congratulations on your wonderful loss so far!
   — ronascott

January 15, 2002
Yes! Ear more food. You aren't eating any just snack all day. This is only my opinion. But, you probably don't need the protein shake anymore and where are your veggies???? You are also not eating enough protein. I'm nearly 4 years post-op and I lost 150lbs. A typical day for in which I eat well, don't crave any carbs and stay full is: 6am: an apple and a cup of herbal tea 8:30am one boiled egg, 1 slice of whole wheat toast 12:30pm small baked pork chop, broccoli 4:30pm non-fat, sugar free vanilla yogurt with berries 7:00pm boiled fish, spinich salad 10:30pm 4 wheat crackers, cup of herbal tea **** 60oz. of water...consummed between meals. **** I don't "clean my plate"; but, I do eat until I'm full.
   — [Anonymous]

January 15, 2002
WHY are you eating so little food? Because that feels right? You don't want more? That satisfies you? Or too scared to eat more? The amounts/kinds of food you're eating don't scare me, but only 1 shake a day scares me. If you're not going to put in food, put in more protein shakes. 2 or 3 30g shakes will push you off your plateau, as long as your water & vites are up there in the healthy ranges, too. You don't HAVE to eat more food, certainly no more volume if you don't want to. But there needs to be an ABUNDANCE of nutrition on board, and water, lots of water. Your body will be very happy if it has protein & water to "spend" and will let go of more lbs.
   — vitalady

January 15, 2002
Plateaus happen. Deal with them. Do what you are supposed to do -- eat protein, take vitamins, exercise -- and they will pass. IF you are not doing what you are supposed to do -- START! One way not to notice plateaus -- DON'T WEIGH EVERYDAY! Plateaus can happen ANYTIME after surgery. Two weeks, three weeks after you have surgery you can hit your first one. They will go away. They may last a month but they will go away. A few things to help them go away -- increase food intake. Why? Because your body may be in starvation mode especially if you are close out from surgery. Increase exercise in either intensity or duration. Increase water intake. It will help flush things through the body. Increase protein. It helps build muscle (which by the way weighs more than fat! So if you exercise you may gain weight but lose inches!)
   — [Anonymous]

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