People can be so ignorant...

Friends, My husband receive the following email from his ex-girlfriend last night, regarding me having surgery. I want to write her back, of course, but I'm turning to you guys to help me say the perfect things. Any ideas on what to say to her would be appreciated. "Some old HS friend sent me a link to this site randomly. Guess they found a journal that Kristy made while she underwent surgery. Tell her congratulations on her weight loss. I don't know how I feel about the surgery - part of me feels like it's definitely an easy way out. I wake up and go to the gym at 5:30am at least 4 times a week to lose weight - and she gets surgery and quickly sheds the pounds. I'm sure it took a mental toll on her, and it wasn't all easy work, but I'm sure it accelerated the process 1000%. Sorry, just my opinion. I know my opinion doesn't matter to you, but I felt I just had to address it. But in the long run, Kristy will be happier and healthier I'm sure. And that's all that really matters." ~Kristy (lap RNY 9/18/03 - 332/166)    — kristynush (posted on May 31, 2005)

May 31, 2005
First of all - why in the world does an "Ex" girlfriend need to be e-mailing your husband...tht would not fly in my house. Especially with the "backhanded" compliments and "innocent" questions and the false happiness for you. She is plain and simple jealous. This is not the easy way out - that irks the heck out of me whenever I hear anyone say that. Does she throw up on sugar?? NO?! If she tries to eat something and forgets to chew it enough times - does it get stuck - causing her pain and vomitting?? NO?! most people who have this surgery have to get up early to exercise?? YES!!! I know I do! Have we chosen a lifelong commitment to staying healthy - taking vitamins - getting bloodwork done - periodical Dr. appointments? YES! NO - in no way shape or form is this the easy way out!!!!! I don't think I would waste my time responding to her except to tell her that her opinions don't matter to me and or MY HUSBAND. And that she should keep them to herself. Those are my thoughts on the subject!! And you are right - some people can be very ignorant about this surgery. But it is a personal decision - generally made for health purposes. You don't have to validate it to anyone!!! Mary
   — Mary777

May 31, 2005
Kristy, It truely sounds like she is just jealous. She wants a reaction from you. If you want to satisfy her need then reply. Otherwise just let it go. You cannot change the way she feels but you can change the way you feel and react to her. Your energy is better served on you and your husbands lives not on her. btw why is she emailing YOUR husband? That would be one address I would be banning. (that is unless there are children involved) Dont let her get the satisfaction of a reaction!
   — jenafwife

May 31, 2005
I too, would want to know WHY his ex would be emailing him. And I too, think she is jealous. But tell her if she thinks it the "Easy way out", to email me.... Let me tell her just how d@mn easy it was for me!
   — Donna A.

May 31, 2005
   — LYNNM

May 31, 2005
Unless there are children involved she doesn't need to be contacting your family at all. In doing so, all it says about her is that a)she still wants him and is trying to make herself look better than you in his eyes, or b)she is just an evil wench who's life is so unfulfilled that she must take down others in order to bring her up.<br><br>For either of those reasons for her sending the email, I feel YOU do not need to respond. Your husband needs to send an email that simply states that he did not seek her opinion and that he would not like to hear any more opinions on any subject in the future. She will realize that her emails and opinions are not welcome and hopefully she will go away. Take the high road Kristy.
   — RebeccaP

May 31, 2005
Sorry to say but why in the heck is you Husbands Ex writing Him. I would first put a stop to that ASAP. Anyways she sounds like a WITCH with a capital "B". If I were you I would kill her with kindness. For example: Thank you so much for your support and kind words. I really appritiate it all. And I am sure that ALL your hard work at the Gym will impress SOME people. But I get support from EVERYONE I meet. I mean to go to the gym EVERYBODY does that. But only a very select Wonderful Few can have surgery. You have to be mentaly stable and wise and of course amazingly stong and have a great supportive, wonderful, handsome Husband like mine. But to go to the gym well, any idiot can write there name on the membership paper. Good luck in your LONG LIFE strugle in the Gym. Have a wonderful life. That is more or less what I would write. I am kind of meen and dirty I like to hit where it hurts the worst. And after I wrote the letter/E-mail I would block the Address. And then I would go after my husband (he would be in big trouble). Oh and I would tell her to stay away from him and not contact him. Or if kids are involved then I would tell them both to keep the conversations on the kids and nothing else it is none of her business!!!!!! Good luck sweety and I hope this helps you.
   — Amanda A.

May 31, 2005
Personally, I would NOT write her back as her opinion has less than no importance and she's weird anyway to take it upon herself to write your dh. Who the heck is she anyway to even think she has the right to express an opinion? Sheesh! Some people. Anywho, if he was to respond, he could say something like "Dear Ex: It is true that your opinion does not matter and it does seem very odd that you felt you "had to address" this matter. However, since you're obviously interested for some reason, but uninformed, here are the facts. For some people, it's not the EASY way, it's the ONLY way. The surgery just provides a level playing field so that weight loss is possible for the first time. I will pass your congratulations on to my extremely beautiful wife, who, by the way, was way sexier at her highest weight on her worst day than you could ever hope to be." ;-)
   — mom2jtx3

May 31, 2005
Honey do not even respond to her she is obviously still hung up on your husband!!! Or if you really feel you need to, then kill her with kindness and thank her for her nice thoughts and tell her how much your husband loves it and how much you turn him on and he cant keep his hands off of, you know something along those lines. Good luck hun and don't let her get to you!! Congratulations by the way!!!
   — Franca

May 31, 2005
Kristy, I know how all the ignorance goes and i know that people think it was the easy way out, we of course know better!!!!!!!!!!! I would email her back and tell her that she should try one day waking up and not being able to eat, or cheat on a diet. That the pain of eating more than the ounce of food, or the throwing up is so much fun, that living on mushy soft food for months was great. That one day you wake up and are no longer able to eat like a normal human being. But that you are glad you did it and would do it again, and that you feel absolutley marvelous in your new skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That as long as she hasnt done it she can never say that it is the easy way out, oh and tell her "by the way mind your own damn business, your just jealous cause your still fat!! Just kidding you can leave out that last part if you want, it just gets me so mad that people are so ignorant and who wants her opinion anyways. I know that is all I would say to her, but my question to you is why the heck is his ex-girlfriend emailing him anyhow, hhmmmmm, I would be be wondering that anyways. Well good luck on your note back to her.
   — kaligirl1993

May 31, 2005
I agree with everyone on why is she writing to your husband part! However, if he is sharing it with you, then you have nothing to worry about on his part. My much as you want to say something...don't. It will kill her wondering what you/your husband has to say. She doesn't deserve an response! (It's not about not sticking up for yourself...she simply does NOT deserve a response. You owe her NO explaination whatsoever!)
   — Courtney Durham

May 31, 2005
I would be wondering how she has your husband's email address and why is he getting emails from an ex??? You can't change what people are going to think, and they are entitled to their oppinion, but you can change who your husband talks to.
   — Gina T.

May 31, 2005
I think she is looking for a reaction, I wouldn't give it to her, I would let her husband give it to her. Have him reply and agree - Something like the following: Thank you so much for your concern and you are definately right...God has given Kristy a second lease on life which will help us lead a long healthy life together! Just my opinion...God doesn't want us to waste our precious time worrying about this and that. He has a plan for us all and this surgery was part of His plan for you... Dave
   — David B.

May 31, 2005
Kristy, be strong! This e-mail was written by someone who does not know the pain of morbid obesity. Also, change is strange, and some people find our success threatening. Your husband may be a little uneasy, but don't worry. The people who matter most to you will adjust to your success, and the people who don't matter will become less important. Remember, opinions are subjective, and YOUR opinion matters MOST. I am proud of you for your success. Keep focused on how much better you feel emotionally and physically. That is truly what counts! Fondly,Pam
   — pjwilsen

May 31, 2005
***ORIGINAL POSTER*** Thank you all for your comments. To answer eveyone's question about why is she emailing him, she is a psycho. That's all there is to it. My husband is a medical student, so his email address is public record. Anyone can find it by typing his name into any search engine. There are no kids involved... in fact, they've been split up for almost 10 years (they were high school sweethearts). She just can't let go. Every few months or so, she'll email him to say hi or to see what's going on. He never responds to her, as he hates this girl. Anyway, the funny thing about her "opinion" is that she is extremely morbidly obese herself, and I believe that she happened upon my profile by looking at this site because she wants to have the surgery. I don't believe for one second that "some HS friend" sent her a link to my profile. Interesting, huh? I am not going to do anything, but my husband has told me that he is going to email her an earful (or eyefull, I guess) and that he will also tell her once and for all to leave him alone and will block her address. After all these years, she's still jealous that I have him and she's alone. Sad!
   — kristynush

May 31, 2005
Kristy, First of all, I have alot of ex's that I am still friends with, so if your husband keeps contact with an ex it's okay, he's not hiding it from you and obviously there is some jealousy that exist from her because you have your husband and she doesn't. She is not worth getting worked up over and you can be the bigger person by not responding. There is more between the lines in that email to your husband and if your husband chooses to respond let him but don't allow someone who is no longer competition to drive a wedge in your relationship. That's her intent and if you do respond she's won, because she got your goat. Good Luck with your journey and your future. Denise
   — dlryanoates

May 31, 2005
I would just delete the email and not respond at all. She just needs attention and the best way to annoy her is to INGORE her.
   — SJP

May 31, 2005
Kristy, don't be like her and say things to get even. If you feel you must respond to her, congratulate her on her dedication to the gym and that it was nice hearing from her after all these years. Tell her you appreciate the words of encouragment she gave to you and your family, and you hope she will one day know the love of a wonderful man how is supportive no matter what. The good book says a kind word turnth away wrath. You don't need the burder of being sorry for words you will regret later.
   — Patricia C.

June 1, 2005
Hi Kristy, After reading your "response to the responses", I think you are doing the right thing by not responding to her. Say a prayer for her, that she might find the right answer for herself. As for your husband, I think it's a good idea just to block her from his email list and hopefully that will be that!! My surgery is next Tuesday, June 7th and I'm very excited. Hope all went well with yours. We all have to make our own decisions. Have a wonderful life, Margaret V.
   — Teragram

June 1, 2005
i would ignore your husbands ex. why do you think she is an ex? he chose you because you were where he wanted to be. just keep breating, and know that you are confident in yourself. you don't really need her approval, do you?
   — barbara H.

June 1, 2005
Hon, do not worry about her opinion! I can tell you one thing, for some of us it is "not a quick fix" and that we were just too lazy to do the hard work of eating right, exercising and dieting! Most surgeons and insurance companies WILL NOT do the surgery unless you have proven you have exhausted all other means of losing weight. I feel these people can be very ignorant and should do some investigating and researching on the internet before voicing their opinions about something they do not know nor understand. Hugs!
   — Angelfirewithwings

June 1, 2005
Gosh, this train of thought the "ex" has is so familiar and widespread. DO NOT ANSWER her or react except to ignore her. She obviously wants to impress your husband with her judgment of your decision and must resent the fact that you had a success and she had a failure. This is a little high schoolish. I have ex's who e-mail from time to time, with no worrries about threatening my present relationship, so THAT part should not bother you (then again, it is your husband's reaction to her that counts)as you have the "upper hand" and YOU have the man she lost. She is jealous and mean. Many folks take that stance when the green eyed monster rears it's ugly head. Ignore her Ignore her Ignore her and YOU WIN!!! Best of luck on your journey... Kathy in MA
   — Kathy A C.

June 1, 2005
I agree with the general consensus -IGNORE THE IGNORANT. Obviously she is showing extreme jealousy and she is resentful because she obviously sees that you have a good relationship with her former husband!! Just remember, her opinion is like her butt, everybody's got one and they all STINK!! Hang in there and congratulations!
   — Paperlady *.

June 1, 2005
Pay no attention to this ignorant person, because it sounds like simple jealousy to me. Apparently, she has no idea how hard it is just to come to the realization that you need help. I'm sure you probably went back and forth like I did, but you must do what is BEST for you. My surgery is tomorrow at 12:30p.m., so keep your head up and keep on keeping on. I wish you well and many blessings to you and your family. This has been 6 yrs. in the making, waiting to be free from my own body. I'm ready to enjoy a health life. Love & Light, Mattie
   — mrscarr76

June 1, 2005
Dear Kristy: 1) I agree - do NOT give her ANY attention! Ignore her, put a spamblocker on her ermail address so you son't get anything else from her. 2) Encourage your husband not to respond to her either; simply but a spamblocker on her email address so he won't be bothered by her either. She's courting each of you in her "dance of anger" and any response feeds her sense of being in a relationship with you! Lovingly, Lauralyn
   — EmbodySuccess

June 1, 2005
Dear Kristy: 1) I agree - do NOT give her ANY attention! Ignore her, put a spamblocker on her ermail address so you son't get anything else from her. 2) Encourage your husband not to respond to her either; simply but a spamblocker on her email address so he won't be bothered by her either. She's courting each of you in her "dance of anger" and any response feeds her sense of being in a relationship with you! Lovingly, Lauralyn
   — EmbodySuccess

June 1, 2005
I usually don't post on these types of things, but looks like you need lots of back up. I agree with the others that this does not merit attention from either of you. It so clearly says, "I am SO superior to your lazy fat wife because I WORK at my figure and she got hers free." I mean.......? PLEASE. Like this was easy? And staying on program, drinking your water, measuring your portions, your vites, surviving the crazy surgery and anesthesia (not to mention months of mental torment thru the insurance games) and YOU are the inferior party? I think not. It also appears your husband chose you, extra weight or not. Take the higher road and just say to yourself, "So, it would be better to take the hard way? the way that doesn't work?" And remind yourself that you are the better person here.
   — vitalady

June 2, 2005
Some critical thinking would show you that she deserves no reply whatsoever.!!!!
   — heidi C.

June 3, 2005
While I agree with the majority of most posters that the best option is just to ignore her, if you decided you wanted to write her back, you might want to point her to this website or other general information on weight loss surgery. It sounds like this woman is maybe struggling with her own weight and immaturely reaching out for info... Good luck, Sid
   — mrsidknee

June 3, 2005
Hi Kristy, well for sure this person is jealous. I wouldn't doubt it's not about the weight loss surgery, it's just about you in general. She probably has always been jealous, and just used to surgery as a reason to e-mail and make her mean comments. She probably would have used any excuse to e-mail your husband and make nasty comments, this just happen to be it for now. I would ignore it, and if you really have to make a comment, let your husband do it. The e-mail was to him, so he should be the one to reply. Let him tell this woman, that he loves you very much, and is thrilled that you are happier, healthier, and more confident, no matter how you got there. He should let her know right away that he is not interested in recieving e-mails from her whatsoever, and that her rude comments won't be tolerated. Don't let her jealousy make you angry, be proud of your accomplishment! Good luck to you!!
   — Carey N.

June 3, 2005
A lot of people here have suggested to ignore her and that is great advice. However, you stated that she is also morbidly obese as well. Maybe you might want to congratulate her on her dedication to working out and educate her on what gastric bypass is and what it does. Let her know that it is not the "easy way out" but that it is a tool that often means the difference between success and failure in many people who are dieting and working out. Maybe encourage her to look into the surgery and learn more before she makes a judgement about it. Offer to help her with any questions. Basically I would handle it as if you were an adult handling a confused and unhappy child because, in essence, that is what is going on here. She sounds lonely and unhappy. If she could truly shed all her weight it might help her self esteem enough that she no longer feels it neccessary to pine for your husband. Good luck. Lynda D.
   — Lynda D.

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