Does anyone feel hungry all the time?

I'm 4 weeks post-op Lap RNY. Due to some complications with a stricture, I'm still on a liquid diet. I cannot begin to say how hungry I the point that I'm miserable and maybe getting depressed. Is this normal? Am I really hungry or do I think I'm hungry? I feel actual pangs in my stomach and everything. Can someone help?    — Marissa N. (posted on April 3, 2004)

April 3, 2004
I was hungry on liquids and puree...they leave your pouch fairly quickly and do not trigger the feeling of fullness. 4 weeks on liquid and you ARE really hungry, talk to the doctor and find out when you can move to thickened liquids or puree, at least your mind will think you are eating something then!
   — Linda 1.

April 4, 2004
It comes and it goes, I had times like this during my wl journey. I had to fight even harder when it happen.or then there's the ulcer flare ups, the symtoms are just like having hunger pain and pings. and if you never experienced a ulcer you would think it was hunger. try to check it out farther to see if it's hunger or something else. Don't get scared if it is a ucler, doc will give you a pill and it is gone in no times. Good luck.
   — B4real

April 4, 2004
I have to say all people are different. I didnt feel hungery for a while. I was actually about 9-10 months out before I actully felt/ heard my stomach growl. Freaked me out. I was like what in the world was that? Had been so long since it growled. But I did get a feeling that I thought well maybe I need to eat.
   — Carrie W.

April 4, 2004
I'm 4 months post-op and I've been hungry every single day. Also, my weight loss has been extremely slow. In the past 3 months I've only lost 16 lbs. Hopefully you're having better results in the weight loss area. It's really depressing to be hungry all the time and not losing very much weight. Best wishes to you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 4, 2004
Hi! I can honestly tell you, I have been hungry since surgery! I am year out as of March 24th, and I am hungry very frequently. And yes, it's a knawing, stomach growling hunger...NOT head hunger. I've found what helps me the most is just to keep drinking lots of fluids and I do more grazing then large meal eating. I know, the dreaded "grazing" work, but I disagree with those saying grazing is bad.....I think it depends every bit on what you are grazing on. Let's face it, if I had one chocolate chip cookie every 15 minutes, I would be able to consume probably two bags of cookies in a day and never lose a pound! But, I eat a VERY high-quality, high-protien diet...I snack all day at my desk on things like string cheese...nuts and various low-carb items I have found. Mine you, I don't keep UNLIMITED quanities at my desk...make sure I bring one serving of whatever I want for that day. I generally eat a "Healthy Choice" type of meal for lunch (making sure it's low carbs) and maybe a small chicken breast when I get home. It's been working for me....I've lost 129 lbs in one year. Now, I have to say that up until this past two months, I pretty much ate what I wanted and STILL lost weight rather quickly. I am now 17 lbs from goal and trying to get it off FAST, so I'm doing the South Beach Diet way of eating right's a bit more liberal then Atkin's and my doctor feels healthier. So far, so good! I've not passed any sugar thru these lips in over two weeks!! Anyway, my best combat for hunger is to eat small amounts of healthy food, frequently. I also still have a protien shake every morning to start my day. I hope this info helps you. Hunger is very hard to deal with after surgery, as we expected NOT to be hungry all the time!! ~Andria Open RNY - 3/24/03 - Starting Weight: 296 Current: 167
   — Andria T.

April 5, 2004
Marissa, hang in there. You are hungry and its because you are on all liquids. When you are able to move to more solid food, even soft foods, like scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, refried beans and cheese, you will notice the difference.
   — Cindy R.

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