Has anyone else suffered the loss of old friends after WLS?

I guess I would have thought my old friends would support me. Two of my old friends have dropped me since my 60 lb weight loss (I'm 4 months post op), saying that they don't want to be my friend. I'm feeling a little lost and lonely.    — Margaret G. (posted on November 14, 2003)

November 14, 2003
To blatantly tell you they don't want to be your friend in my opinion, they were never your friends to begin with. I know this hurts, and I'm very fortunate not to have "lost" any friends at this point (six months out). I've been warned by other post ops that if we "gush" too much about our WLS journey to others, they may get a little tired of hearing about it. I try to do all my gushing in my support group meetings and online here. If others ask about it, I will tell them, otherwise, I try not to talk about it. On the flip side, some people are scared by our sudden "success" and some are downright jealous. It's hard to know, but do keep your chin up. The people that truly love you are the ones that will stick with you through thick and thin. Many blessings and hugs.
   — Happy I.

November 14, 2003
I too have realized this has happend to me. Although within the last year my life has changed so much since the surgery, Im now engaged. But I saw my friends becomming more snippy with me. I think the problem was because I no longer "needed" them emotionally like I used to. I think they are hurt I no longer need a crutch friend. But even so, you would think those people would still be your friends even though you dont depend on them anymore. I guess that hurts when you went from someone who needed their friends to feel better and now not needed all their support, they no longer feel important.
   — sandrac131

November 14, 2003
I agree with the previous poster. If they told you this, they were never your friends to begin with. I've found that I have a new world of people that have been opened to me because of my weight loss. I really haven't lost any old friends. I try to act the same as I always did, but I KNOW I have more self confidence and I think this scares some people. You were never a threat to them before. Now your being noticed and your not the "fat friend". Your probably looking better then they are and they can't take it. Move on and find new friends.
   — Patty H.

November 14, 2003
You have not lost any friends, because if these people do not want to be your friends anymore, they were never friends to begin with. Put them behind you, true friends would be so happy for you and want to share your success. I have three best friends and they tell me everytime I talk to them how proud of me they are. They support me, and get as excited as I do, with every pound I lose. I have even expired one of my friends that is alittle over weight to do the high protein, low carb diet and she has lost 15 lbs in 3 months, and she and I can talk about her success and mine. She has not had the surgery, far from needing it, I am 3 months post-op and down -70 lbs. <p> I know it hurts when old friends act this way, but keep in mind that they are wrong, not you. You are not alone, you have all of your AMOS support and we are very proud of you. Maybe right now these old friends are jealous of your success, and maybe in time they will come back around, but right now, try and make new friends, and enjoy getting your independence back. You need people around you that are uplifting and encourging, not people that are bringing you down.
   — cindy

November 14, 2003
I agree with previous posters...these people were never your true friends to begin with. My closest friends have been so supportive and proud of me for each and every pound lost. Maybe take a look at your previous relationship with these two "old friends", were they people you used to eat with? Did your relationship revolve around eating? I've seen this happen to others around me...their "eating buddies" are the ones who fall to the side because you are no longer a part of that lifestyle. Are these two old friends overweight? It may be a bit of jealousy as well. Keep your chin're doing fabulous! Don't let anyone bring you down. Surround yourself with those who truly love you for you - you can't go wrong. : )
   — Kamy

November 14, 2003
Hi Margaret- I would think about your history with these 2 friends. Were they kind and supportive in the past? If the answer is yes, I would swallow my pride, give them a call, and then ask them why they don't wish to be friends. Then really listen......really. If they have some legit issues with you, maybe it can be worked out. The reason why I think you should ask them is that many years ago, my good friend began behaving in a way that was offensive and hurtful to me. I tried to talk to her about it several times, even sending her a letter spelling out the problem. But she didn't HEAR what I was trying to tell her. So I did what your friends are doing, and told her I didn't want to be friends. Many years later, I heard that her father passed away and felt terrible. I called her up to make amends, and we talked about our problems in the past. She FINALLY opened up to me and told me the reasons that she had behaved in that manner. If she had only told me at the time I was getting so annoyed, I would have supported her with her problem that caused the bad behavior towards me. But if your friends' reasons for ending the friendship are nonsense, then I agree with the other posters, they're not worth it. Good Luck, Mea :o)
   — Mea A.

November 14, 2003
Oops Margaret- It's Mea again- I also forgot to say that their reasons for ending the friendship may have nothing to do with your weight loss, which is phenominal by the way:o) It never hurts to ask :o)
   — Mea A.

November 14, 2003
What!? ARE THEY 10? Sounds like very shallow people and immature to boot. I'm sure they are jealous and can't handle the fact you look better than them. I agree, they aren't friends in time you will realize they were never friends to begin with. Best of Luck!
   — ZZ S.

November 14, 2003
As my cousin said to me, they are jealous! I didn't tell my close friend I was going to have the surgery cuz' we always had the weight in common. When I finally did tell her she didn't say anything to me about it, in fact she waited until the day of surgery to send me a quick good luck note. So while I was recovering the girl had a tattoo! We'd always talked about doing something drastic like that, but she tends to do things like that. I got my naval pierced, she freaked,then she did it. I had the surgery, she won't so she did something drastic herself. I haven't heard much from her since the surgery, only e-mails, we live in towns next to each other, no visit no phone call. <p>But I kinda saw it coming. And in my eyes, if they choose not to be friends with us because of the surgery, then we are better off not having a "friend" like that in our lives. Just think if they harbored all that anger but still remained your "friend". You are better off, despite the mourning of the loss of friendship, you'll find better ones!<p> Lap RNY 8/19/03 268/196/150 -72#'s
   — Michawn

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