HELP WITH PROTEIN SOURCES,other than just meat
I'd like to know at 2 months out how many carbs you were having looking for new nutritionist but in the mean time i don't wanna go over i've been trying my best to keep it undet 30gms. I eat things like tonite i made a calzone with the help of a very tasty Atkins diet recipe. 53gms protein,and around 30gms carbs... it takes ALL day to get in ONE serving but its tasty and i just divide it into 4 small meals and then have a half of protein shake....thanks — tracy W. (posted on October 23, 2003)
October 24, 2003
I recently found a low carb bread at our local grocery store. Each slice is
7 grams of carbohydrates (4 of which are fiber) and 8 grams of protein per
slice! It's a little ont he dry side, but just great when toasted or, when
I have it as a sandwich, good with turkey and low fat Swiss with a little
honey dijon mustard. That's a pretty good amount of protein for a
sandwich!(And the loaf is sort of small, so it doesn't make a huge
— koogy
October 24, 2003
I bought a protien powder called "Nectar" thru this site. It is
the best tasting - tastes like actual fruit juices and has no carbs or
fats, and 23 grams of protien , 90 calories a serving. It is marvelous. It
comes in Caribbean Cooler, Strawberry-Kiwi, Very Berry, ect. I also think
the CarbWise Chocolate Peanutbutter crunch bars are pretty good. I tried a
bunch of those high protien bars and this is the only one I found that
tasted good. But everybody has different tastes so you may want to try
samples first.
— linda A.
October 24, 2003
I don't know if you are a vegetarian
or not, but what about dairy products, like milk, cheese, eggs? Or
seafood, like shrimp, white fish, tuna? There are also protein powders
that you can cook with. Also, protein shakes and bars with low or no
— Cindy R.
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