Anybody feel like they are just waiting to blossom?

Today I am two weeks post op and all seems to be well/normal whatever that is. I just simply am not sure how to redefine myself. To the outside world I have not lost any weight yet. But by gosh things are changing on the inside. I just feel like I am in this limbo of waiting for something to "happen" like I wake up in the morning and none of my clothes fit or my own kids don't recognize me or something like that. I kinda giggle when I think about it. I think my focus had been so much on getting the surgery (having the baby) that I have not put too much thought into post op life (raising the child.) Now here I am with "my baby" and Lord, I have not much more than clue as to how to take care of her. Thanks for letting me share.    — Char G. (posted on August 7, 2003)

August 6, 2003
Char, Honey, it is called HOPE! For years we just constantly went up and down on the scale and had so much to lose, it just seemed impossible. Now, you and I know that yes, it is possible! Let yourself feel this joy and relax and enjoy the journey. This is an awesome part of it and I wish I had listened more when others told me to make the most of the honeymoon period when we lose so quickly. I was always worrying about getting in my vits, protein, water, etc. that I lost perspective of how fast the first 6 mos - 1 yr went! God bless you and stay happy! You are absolutely correct in the anticipation of "something is going to happen". It is happening! You will be fine. Just use your tool as effectively and efficiently as you can during this time and be healthy!
   — Mylou52

August 6, 2003
Gosh--I could have written this post! I can completely understand what you are saying. I thought long and hard about this surgery, ordered three books from Amazon which I read and reread, asked my doctor, went to two different surgeon's orientations to choose a surgeon, and then carefully counted the days to my surgery. When I came home, it was like a reality check. I even told someone you lose weight after WLS because you don't (can't) eat anything. I call it a learning curve. As you go through each step, you have to learn from your body wha to expect, how to feel, what to do. Be open, be flexible, be prepared for the ride of your life. I am down 96 pounds since embarking on this trip, 64 since surgery, and each day brings surprises. I went shopping this weekend for new clothes--yes, it does happen--and I couldn't decide what department to try. In the past I have been limited to the separate (and unequal) plus department or women's sizes while now I could shop the whole store. I left without buying anything. I was overwhelmed. See everything becomes an adventure. Sometimes scary, sometimes rewarding, but exciting. My advice--kick back, and hold on for a roller coaster ride of your life!
   — Margaret S.

August 6, 2003
What a sweet and hopeful post! I felt just the same way right after surgery and still feel that way now. Just knowing all of the things that I will now dare to do is so exciting. Try to hang on to that feeling throughout and stay on track and you will be where youwant to be so fast that your head will spin. My best friend and her kids were meeting us at a baseball game a few weeks ago and she sent her 11 year old son to look for me and I saw him walk by me 2 or 3 times before he went back to tell his mom that he did not see me. He did not recognize me!!! It was great. Good Luck! :)
   — Carol S.

August 7, 2003
I laughed so hard when I read this! My daughter continues to recognize me (I just can't catch a break! LOL j/k), but my pre-op clothes hang off of me. I'm only 2 months out, and I've gone from a 30W to a 24W. That is still big to some people, but I haven't been this size since 10th grade!! I'm jazzed. Seriously, day you WILL wake up and have the joy of deciding that pair of shorts or pants just isn't flattering anymore! And you'll run around in little circles doing the happy dance. (Or maybe I just need to lay off the crack? LOL j/k again!) I wish you many Snoopydance moments!
   — ladyphy

August 7, 2003
YES!!! I TOTALLY remember that feeling! The excitement of FINALLY losing the weight and getting on with your life. When people do start to notice, the compliments start rolling in, etc, its like no other feeling in the world. Enjoy it!!
   — Kris T.

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