A word of warning to people trying to lose their 10% before surgery

Stay away from ephdera products it gave me chest pains and i saw the cardiologist and he found that I also had high blood pressure and a heart palpitation from it. He said that yes they are fast gimicks but come at a price. Which is the danger of serious heart damage. Am only 27 years old and I have just developed heart problems from taking to many diet pills over the years. I know you guys are like me and want to lose your weight fast but find another way beside these lose weight quick gimmicks. Try doing a healthier version of Atkins stay away from the bacon and pork products. Too greasy not good for the heart. Try doing the shakes and protien bars eat lean meats and salads for dinner you should lose up to 25lb in 2 months. It works great beware of cheating.    — sheri B. (posted on September 2, 2002)

September 2, 2002
For anyone who is able....try to exercise too! walking is the best, cheapest, and most difficult to get out of doing. Wear good shoes, start slow, don't over do it atfirst....Tricks like parking as far as possible away from the store, taking the stairs instead of the elevator help too.
   — Denise M.

September 2, 2002
Ephedra is a dangerous ingredient in many "all natural" or herbal remedies (including "Metabolife" products). I think it is also called "mah huang". Basically, it is speed. It increases the heart rate and puts a strain on the body, particularly the cardiac system. It is not yet considered a "drug" but rather a food additive, so it isn't well regualted (just as most "herbal" products, which do not call themselves medicines). I have heard that the FDA is very recently looking at Ephedra, since some deaths have resulted. As with ANY herbal remedy, ALWAYS make health practitioners aware of any substances you are taking, whether or not they are "natural" or not. They can seriously react with other medications...
   — Denise M.

September 2, 2002
My doc's pre-op protocol included adding a 50gr protein drink every day, taking a multiple vitamin and extra C, and beginning an exercise program. He did not require me to lose weight but guess what? By following his advice I went into surgery 20 pounds lighter than my weight the day I attended his first seminar.<p>In addition, I was used to my exercise program before I went into surgery and had no problem keeping up with it as soon as I was cleared to get back in the pool. It takes 30 days to make a habit and I had 90 days to get to love the swimming and water aerobics so much that I would rather miss brushing my teeth than miss my exercise classes.
   — phoebe

September 3, 2002
I read an article in people about that the ephdera, Xendrocrine(I think that is it) where people where dying. it was in People a few months ago!
   — nicole79

September 3, 2002
Last year I started taking HerbalLife to lose weight. Their products are also billed as "all natural" and included ephedra in their list of ingredients. Well, everything was going great until about 4 weeks into the using their supplements. At this point I developed acute stomache pain where I could hardly see straight, and intense diahrea. My doctor told me to stop the HerbalLife and told me that my symptoms were the result of an irritated stomache lining. They gave me something (I can't remember what it was) and within a few days I was better. Thank God my heart wasn't affected. One thing I always try to remember is that, just because something is all natural or herbal, does not mean it is safe. Ppium is made from poppies and some mushrooms are deadly, some are hallucinogenic and some are simply edible. Many of our pharmacological agents are derived from plants and herbs. In fact, a friend of mine who is a pharmacist informed me that herbs are often more potent than the drugs that are derived from them. Remember, all natural can be quite meaningless if we don't ask the right questions.
   — rebalspirit

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