Am I the only one who feels this way???????

I am 19 days away from surgery and I am scared. I am not scared of surgery, I am scared of what happens before surgery. At first I worried about abnormal pre-op test results that might give reason to cancel surgery (which I still worry about, but kinda obsessing with another fear now) Now I am even more worried that I get sick before surgery and worried that there will be a delay. I can't wait anymore! I've waited over 2 years for this and I am dying inside! I won't be able to handle it! I CANNOT for the life of me think of anything else BUT the surgery...and what could go wrong before! I know I should take this time to prepare, and I should feel so blessed to have what so many people are still struggling for right now. But I just feel like something is gonna go wrong! And I don't know what to do. All of this "weight(ing)" has really taken it's toll on me! I am losing my mind! Has anyone had these feelings pre-op? Please let me know how you dealt with it. Should I be feeling this way? Am I normal? Please help. :'(    — Samar M. (posted on August 21, 2002)

August 20, 2002
Pre op I worried about qualifying, getting insursance approval, passing all my pre ops, getting ill before:) Finally surving surgery and wondering if it would be successful. I THOUGHT I was coming down with a cold daily. Just relax, your life is about to be so great! POST OP IS THE PLACE TO BE!!
   — bob-haller

August 20, 2002
I felt the same exact way. I am a worrywort to begin with. But everything went as scheduled. Just try to stay calm and think about a thinner healthier you! Good Luck!
   — Dawn H.

August 20, 2002
I am feeling the same way and I don't even have a date yet! For me to relax, I have to DO SOMETHING. So I've been taking extra good care of myself, sleeping more (or trying to when I'm not obsessing), going for walks, taking an iron and Vitamin C supplement, things like that. I even went and got a pretty robe for the hospital that cheered me up. Maybe that will help you too? I'm so happy that your day is coming!
   — Sheila T.

August 20, 2002
I am feeling the same way and I don't even have a date yet! For me to relax, I have to DO SOMETHING. So I've been taking extra good care of myself, sleeping more (or trying to when I'm not obsessing), going for walks, taking an iron and Vitamin C supplement, things like that. I even went and got a pretty robe for the hospital that cheered me up. Maybe that will help you too? I'm so happy that your day is coming!
   — Sheila T.

August 20, 2002
Samar, it is SOOO "normal" to have the feelings you are experiencing. Last year, WLS was the first thing I thought about when I opened my eyes in the morning & the last thing I thought about as I drifted off to sleep. I agonized about my decision too. Please know that today, (post op 11months and down 103lbs) I have NO regrets. Dr.B is the best...he did my surgery at BTC too. (he used to be a vascular surgeon in Canada, and from a nurses perspective he is top notch!!!) As for BTC it far exceeded my expectations. The nursing, dietary, respiratory, and lab staff was excellent. Several of the nurses had also had the procedure done and knew exactly what we were going through. Read the physicians & hospital reviews for BTC (mine was 2-19-02). Next year at this time you will be able to look at this in hindsight, and because of your experience I'm sure you'll be a wonderful encourager!! Best wishes to you... keep us posted =)
   — Denise W.

August 21, 2002
I had the same problem pre-op. My surgeon prescribed a mild dose of Xanex and that did the trick to ease my anxieties. Maybe your surgeon can prescribe a little something to soothe your nerves. Good luck and God Bless. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -122
   — KimBo36

August 21, 2002
Hi there...I am 6 days post op and if you check out my profile, you will see some of the same fears...I went on vacation with my family 2 weeks before and when I returned, I was about 10 days away. I decided to spend time with friends, family, go out for dinner and do the things that I may have difficulty doing the first 2-3 months post-op. No one was anymore scared than me. Each night, I told my husband, I was going to die. I am 31 and healthy...not medical problems. Chose some of your favorite things to do, see the people who make you the most happy and also eat the foods that maybe difficult to have in the first 6 months. Maybe make an appointment for a massage or pedicure the night before. Also, I take sleeping pills when stressed (Ambien 10mg)....asked your doctor, they are so mild but will help you get the sleep u need and the rest and curb the jitters. Email me if you need to. Good Luck! Heather
   — heathercross

August 21, 2002
I understand where you're coming from. I've been trying to have surgery since 1997 and finally had it done this past June 11. I went through all the same feelings. It's ok. Read my profile and maybe that'll help.
   — George B.

August 22, 2002
Unfortunately it happened to me. I got a lung infection and then the Dr. decided that I needed to stop smoking for a month before he would reschedule.(I was planning to stop while in the hospital) I was, to say the least, devastated. I am Bipolar also, and this news I almost could not handle. I stayed in bed for 3 days, did not smoke, ate when awake and slept the rest of the time(Cried alot also) After the nicotine was out of my system I felt I could do this. I contacted my PCP to take care of the infection, they did a chest xray and of course found something. So then I had to get a CAT Scan and had to wait 4 days for results. Turned out it was scar tissue from other infections I had before. So after being smoke free for 30 days I called the surgeon to reschedule. I am scheduled for September 6th, 2002. But now I am a little wary and worried that it will be cancelled again. But I realize that there is a reason for everything that has happened, even though it doesn't seem right. I know I will have this surgery, because I will it to be. Hell, I quit smoking cold turkey after smoking for 25 years!! I think that proves the determination I have to have this surgery. So you hang in there even if it gets delayed(I know it hurts) it still will happen if you keep your head up and focus on what you want!! The best of luck to you sweetie.
   — DeeDee B.

August 22, 2002
Samar, I understand your plight. I was about to lose my mind a couple of weeks ago, i'm waiting for my initial consultation(October 10) seems like a lifetime away. I had to change doctors , so that's adding to my wait. All I could think about was this surgery, did I pick the right surgeon am I doing the right thing. Driving me absolutely crazy. Then I had to a reality check I decided to pray. I asked God to give me peace of mind and help me to patiently wait until my appointment. Well I feel better, I still think about the surgery alot but I have a calm about me now. I know that everything will be ok. And I'll be praying for you that God gives you the same peace of mind. You've overcome the major obstacles and you just have a few more days to go. God is always with you ask him for the peace you need.
   — Kimmie C.

August 22, 2002
OMG! You are my mirror.. SMILES! For me I decided to use that nervous energy to redirect my worry--I CLEANED! I decided since I wasn't going to be able do alot of bending over and lifting after the surgery, I would get my house just emaculate so not only would it keep my mind off of my fears but it would be something wonderful to come home to after the surgery. Good Luck! Melissa

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