Does anybody have suggestions for helping me lose my 10% weight

I have to lose about 26lb before surgery the nurce said I could start doing it even befor i have a consultation appointment with the doctor so I can get a quick surgery date. Are there any good tricks to losing this weight that people have used    — sheri B. (posted on August 4, 2002)

August 4, 2002
The ATKINS diet is the fastest way I know of to lose weight. You have to follow it to a *T* though. It's not a hard diet and you lose weight pretty fast on it.
   — Kim B.

August 4, 2002
Before I had surgery I was very successful at losing weight with the help of Weight Watchers. The hard part was keeping the weight off, but you will have the surgery to help you with that part. Their points plan is easy to follow and adaptable to any lifestyle. I'm not sure if I would call it a quick fix but the first several weeks that I was on the plan I lost weight pretty quickly. They have meetings in most communities or you can access the program on the internet. You could also try the Adkins diet. Weight seems to come off pretty quickly with that plan and it would get you ready for all the protein you will need to eat after the surgery. Good luck!
   — Catherine S.

August 4, 2002
My doctor put me on an 800 calorie diet. (women) 1 slim fast for breakfast 1 Lean Cusine, or Healthy Choice, or Weight Watchers for lunch (UNDER 300 Cal) REPEAT for dinner (under 300 cal.) Can have steamed veggies (NO BUTTER or MARG) 1 small apple 80 cal a day Free food....tomatos, cukes,mushrooms anything that has 0 cal. Drink LOTS and LOTS of water, crystal lite. Anything with 0 cal. Take a flintstone complete vit in am and pm. 500mg Vit c in am and pm EXERCISE, WALK ----------------- Men diet is 1200 cal. (just increase a dinner) I lost my 26 # in about 6 weeks. I found that the Lean Cusine were the best tasting. I hope this helps.
   — sandy W.

August 4, 2002
   — KENYA M.

August 4, 2002
I recommend doing the something along the lines of the cabbage soup diet...or something like it...but if you don't like cabbage you can try other variations. When I feel the need to clense my system or go on low calorie diets, I tend to eat a lot of brothy type soups....with just vegetables (no potato or corn) in them or maybe with a little meat like chicken or shrimp for protien. stay away from cream soups or anything else high in carbs/fat/calories. that way with just the veggie soups you can eat a larger quantity than just a cup or so and you can still feel full but not getting a whole lot of calories...sodium is a concern as well...I try to use other seasonings then salt like mrs dash or garlic to add flavor...I do use boullion but in limited amounts....just try that for one meal a day or as an appetizer to dinner and that will help you eat less of the other stuff you may want...thereby helping you to lose some of those pounds your doc wants you to get rid of.
   — ImANewDee

August 4, 2002
I found, if you are diabetic, that Glucerna by Ensure worked for me. I drank 1 can for breakfast and 1 for lunch then for dinner or supper I had a salad with protein. My favorate is the Mandrian Chicken Salad from Wendy's. In just 8 weeks I droped 20 pounds with no exercise. I also found the cravings for sweets went away. I am glad it worked for me.
   — LaVerne M.

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