Not where I wanted to be and I feel like a failure...need emotional support

I had RNY a little over 2 years ago but stopped losing weight after about a year. I know it was due to my own stupidity. I decided to try sugar and have been battling it ever since. I've always been an emotional eater and stress has been a real problem for me in the last year (starting nursing school, husband lost his job, had to declare bankruptcy, found out it's going to take a miracle to get pregnant because husb has some medical probs, mom has had some medical problems, had to pretty much stop working because nursing school is about all I can handle, have been totally flat broke for the last 6 months). I find myself doing everything I'm not supposed to. I graze, eat sweets, and don't exercise like I should. I even ran into some problems in the last year with alcohol. I've since stopped drinking because I was afraid I'd become an alcoholic (I really liked the feeling). I feel like such a failure and I know I only have myself to blame. Not only have I not lost any more weight, I've gained about 10 pounds in the last month. I'm pulling straight A's in school, I've lost 140 pounds, I've done some things I never thought I'd do (walked the Mackinac Bridge last year-5 miles!) and I know I should be thankful and proud of myself. But, I still weigh 260 pounds and if I'm not careful I'm going to get back up to 400 pounds! I know that WLS is only a tool and I know what I need to do but I'm having trouble getting rid of the guilt and shame and starting over again. Any suggestions? Thanks for any input.    — Kellie L. (posted on June 10, 2002)

June 10, 2002
Hey, Kellie/ sounds like you have done pretty well, I mean, without the surgery, where do you think you would be today, sounds like you might have stumbled a bit, but not much harm has been done/ you could easily "get back on the horse" without a lot of trouble, YOU CAN DO IT!!! I know you can, after what you have already accomplished/ e-mail me if you like, I had rny 9/27/01/ (revision from failed stomach stapling, so I know about the feeling of failure) my e-mail is: [email protected] I wish you the best/ Patti Meadows
   — peppermintp

June 10, 2002
Kellie, I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. You have a tremendous amount of pressure on you right now and although food and alcohol may feel like the solution it sounds like it's actually adding more stress on you. I know you are financially strapped however you really need to get some counseling to deal with your stress, to develop new coping skills, and probably to just have some support from an unbiased person. Most colleges have free or low cost counseling available to students, be kind to yourself and utilize these services. My prayers are with you and I know you can do it! I mean being a nurse takes guts and you are doing it with straight A's! Hang tough!
   — psychdoc B.

June 10, 2002
Kellie, Please don't feel like a failure. You have succeeded in so many ways. Just the fact that you are maintaining those grades in nursing school alone is a phenominal accomplishment. I admire the fact that you have taken so much on and have done so well. The only thing that comes to mind is to take one obstacle at a time. Small goals have always gotten me thru rough spots. Sometimes I know it seems like you are over your head, but just remember, God never gives us more than we can handle. Step back, take a deep breath and just start from where you are this minute. You are not starting over. Best of luck to you and feel free to write me anytime.
   — Kathy M.

June 10, 2002
So you fell on your butt. Pick yourself back up, lift your head up high and get back on track. You can do it. The important thing is you realize your mistakes. I'm messing up too here and there and have had to stop and take a good assessment of my own situation. That's why we're here for each other. Look straight ahead, don't look back, and keep on keepin on. Best wishes. USE YOUR TOOL.
   — Annie H.

June 10, 2002
Kelli, Hang in there hon... Geez you do have a lot of stress on you... but look how far you have come and all of your accomplishments thus far, geez girl you used to weigh 400 lbs... you walked the Mackinac Bridge... you are pulling some awesome grades in nursing school... and once you finish nursing school look at what a great asset you will be in the medical field... g friend you can do it just step back and reasses, you have a wonderful tool to work with... I am now in the beginning stages of falling off the wagon (I'm 14mos out) I love sugar and I have once again taken up smoking (cigs that is lol) after not smoking in 2 yrs I know it is harder than hell but hang in there... I have gone thru the job loss thing and bankruptcy and being flat broke too (that was b4 wls) but my outlook is things will get worse and they can then get better... once again hang in there and feel free to e me if you need to talk. You have a wonderful group of support here at obesityhelp...
   — Bonnie S.

June 10, 2002
FIrst of all I have to agree with everyone,PICK YOURSELF UP AND FACE THE WORLD WITH A BIG SMILE, easier said then done. I can't imagine the stress you are under, but remember that you never walk alone. YEs, these terrible things have happened but don't look at those things look at the great things in your life. Do I have a roof over my head?, Am I loved? and if you are going to nursing school that gives you so much to look forward to. Yes times may be tough right now, but that does not mean they will always be. Always remember everyone here loves you in our own way. Take Care, and be good to your self!!!!!
   — Jennifer E.

June 10, 2002
It sounds to me like you may need to go to counseling to get some help in dealing with your life setbacks and finding another coping tool than food. I know counseling may be out of your financial range right now but check with the school where you are studying nursing. Many colleges and other schools have free counseling available for students. I think anyone who has been through what you have recently been through needs emotional support from a non-affected third party. If your school doesn't have the services and you are associated with any church talk to the minister. In addition to being spirtual guides many ministers are also trained counselors. Good luck!
   — cathleent

June 10, 2002
I can feel your pain, sweetie. I know the "guilt and shame" cycle all too well, but I promise you, you can get back on track!! I was also a sugar addict and really had a tough time post-op. Then, after my sugar habit caused a 1 month plateau, I cut it out altogether and started losing again within one week. Now I don't even miss it. Please don't give up on yourself. Work your tool, continue to reach out for support, and LOVE YOURSELF. We're all here for you.
   — Terissa R.

June 11, 2002
Kellie, girl, I know how you feel. Check my profile and you'll see how we've mirrored one another. I, too, am in school. I have not been doing the things I should be doing to reach my goal (still 25 lbs away). I haven't weighed lately, because I'm scared the scales will be up. I found myself over-indulging with other destructive behaviors, but I am now to the point that I can forgive myself and get back to business. Feel free to write for support, maybe we can work out a plan together!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 14, 2002
kellie... I think you have too many issues on your plate and you're overwhelming yourself... there is no way to solve all of the problems at once, so you have to pick one and start one at a time, and it should be one that is within your control. You've already started... you stopped drinking... now pick another one, specifically sugar, and go cold turkey. Tell yourself that it's just an off limits food and that's okay, you don't need it to make you happy. You can't fix your husbands job situation or your mother's health, and you certainly have too much going on to worry about getting pregnant. Get yourself through school and get yourself healthy and at a healthy weight and then you'll have a great base with which to bring a baby into the world. You are overwhelming yourself... the biggest problem is probably the money... that will make me eat like crazy (if I'm worried...) Not sure on that one... it's time to talk to your husband heart to heart and tell him you need him to give 110% to get re-employed. Good luck!
   — Diane B.

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