Is there anyone out there that got really sore approximately 3 weeks out?

I have done all that has been asked of me. I am/was up to 1 1/2 miles. The day I walked my 11/2 mile I did a lot of things so I think I just over did for the day. I talked to the doc's office and they said as long as their is no drainage, fever, etc. that I should just put the heating pad on it and it should go away. I was wondering if anyone else has over done things and was so sore. This is not fun. Getting up and down are very hard. Lana    — Lana H. (posted on October 19, 2001)

October 19, 2001
Hi Lana-- This sounds just like me. I am now 10 weeks post op Lap RNY. At about my 3rd week, I was finally feeling up to par. I felt like I didn't even have surgery at all. Then one day, it was nice and warm, I decided to wash and wax my car, and all the other chores combined. Boy what a big mistake. I was sore, mainly on my left side, right above my incision there. Took me about 3 days to get back to feeling normal again. Just this past Tuesday, I stood in line with my 21 month old (holding her on my left side) to get my flu shot. I did this for 45 minutes, holding her. BIG MISTAKE. Even now, if I twist or stretch too much, it hurts on that same side. Not too bad mind you, just enough to stop me from doing what I was doing. My thoughts on this is, we were stabbed 5 times. Albiet controlled stabs, but those muscles are still reacting to what we had done. And you have to remember, that you are 3 weeks post op. You are still quite swollen there. No wonder you hurt this much. Try to take it easy for a few more days. It will be a while until you arent swollen anymore. Heck, I am still swollen, (just a tad), at 10 weeks. You'll be just fine. But if you still have a lot of pain say in a week, go talk to the doc again. Best wishes, annie
   — Annie R.

October 19, 2001
after surgery there is alot of numbness from cut nerves etc...when these start to heal people tend to get more pain because their feeling is coming back. The same thing happened to me..i could not even feel where my incision was until about three weeks post op.
   — paula B.

October 19, 2001
I'm 9 weeks out. I can walk a mile now, but I still ache some afterwards. At six weeks I started walking, and my abs were really sore, and I had to start really slow and work up to a mile. There are still days wherein I do a lot (raking, walking, gardening) and ache in the evening. Cut yourself some slack. You're doin' great.
   — Nancy G.

October 19, 2001
I had the same experience. I felt great starting at about 2 weeks then the third week had a lot of pain on my left side. I couldn't pinpoint any particular cause other than I ate something (maybe eggplant) that disagreed with me and I may have pulled something trying to get rid of the gas. I limped around for a week worrying that I had a hernia or something worse and then, suddenly, I felt better. I have never had that happen since. I don't know what it was but I hope it never happens again!
   — ctyst

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