I need specific food advise.....

I am 5 weeks post op and have lost 42 pounds. Upon release from the hospital, my doctor told me I could eat anything I would normally eat, just smaller portions. My doctor didn't give me any kind of menu to follow and most foods make me throw up. I eat very little. I normally eat a 1/2 of frozen dinner for the entire day and I know this is not enough. Does anyone have any menu tips for me? Thanks.    — Kathi L. (posted on January 21, 2000)

January 21, 2000
Hi Kathi: Which procedure did you have? Was your surgeon a WLS doctor? Initially at this point I'd say try some creamed soups. Baby food is excellent for the new tummy, too. And, a good protein shake would be a big help. Please email me. Jaye Carl, RN, open proximal RNY 7-29-99. 90 pounds gone forever!
   — Jaye C.

January 21, 2000
I am not sure which procedure you had but I had a medial GBS. My doctor advises his patients to stay away from milk and sugar nothing over 6 grams per serving. I also need to take in 120 grams of protein a day per protein drinks, not food. And drink 8-8oz of water a day. Had my surgery on 8/19/99 lost 80lbs. forever.
   — bperrin

January 21, 2000
Well, this surely is a tender subject (sorry for pun) but I have found so many different views on the post-op diet.. (Mostly depending on type of surgery you had) I have not seen one surgeon agree yet.. Check out my webpage for the definitions of liquid, puree, soft and regular diets (and suggested foods) and the many views on when to start which stage at what week post op. Good Luck!!!
   — Victoria B.

January 21, 2000
I ate alot of yogurt, cottage cheese, jello, soups, steamed broccoli and other green veggies high in iron. I stayed with pretty bland foos for a while, cuz nothing else tasted too good. I experimented alot with homemade soups.
   — Jackie B.

January 21, 2000
Hi Kathi, sounds like you are really having some difficulty. Try sugar free/fat free yogurt, cream of wheat, cottage cheese (low fat), soup (especially low fat cream soups), sugar free instant pudding made with skim milk, pureed chicken, very finely chopped tuna w/lowfat mayo. Two ounces at a time. Good Luck
   — Marjie W.

January 21, 2000
Quick menu tips (I am 5 months post op from an open vertical RNY long limb gastric bypass). -Sugar-free Dannon yogurt 8 grms protein -Sugar-free carnation instant breakfast drink + 8oz skim milk=15 grams of protein (I think) -Kids cuisines or Chef Boyardee 7oz cans of pasta or beanie weenies-about 7-8 grms protein I know its not much, but I know you need to concentrate on your protein!
   — Krista C.

January 21, 2000
I am almost 2 wks post-op {open RNY distal} My surgery was done at a Bariatric clinic. They have wonderful post-op support groups. I have not had any problems eating at all. My Dr. and nutritionist say for the first 12 wks to eat only 2 oz. of food at one meal, then gradually increase to 4-6 oz.per meal. No drinking 30 min, before or after a meal. No carbonation,caffine, sugar, or high fat. They don't reccomend protein drinks,because that can get us in the habit our drinking our weight back, and they don'y stay in the stomach as long as food.Also no carbohydrates until weigh goal has been met.Hope this helps. Dani
   — Dani J.

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