
I went for pre-op testing and my upper gi showed mild esophegeal dysmotility and was wondering if this will keep me from getting my surgery. The radiologist said it shouldn't be a problem but it will be next week till the surgeon gets the report back and I am petrified. I have come so far!! I have absolutely no symptoms except pills are sometimes hard to swallow. Anybody out there have this and still have surgery??? Any advice will be appreciated!! Thanks, Pam in GA    — Pam B. (posted on September 13, 2003)

September 13, 2003
I have the same problem too and I always wondered why I never have vomited except for once in my life. When I had my EDG several years ago they told me my esophogus wasnt working correctly. This also explains why I always drank alot with my meals, it helped food go down and not get stuck, and I am 4 1/2 months postop, and I do sometimes still need to take sips with my meals, but I haven't had any problems so far, were not supposed to drink an half hour before or after or durring, but it may be necessary for you to, you will just have to wait and see if you need to sip with your meals, you might see what your doc has to say about it :0)
   — wizz46

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