How two get rid of your 2nd butt

Ladies, for those of you like me who had 2nd butts (....what exercise can I be doing to get rid of it! I am meeting with a personal trainer in about two wks, but, in the interim, what can I do. I belong to a full service gym, so, please, please TELL ME! For the stats, I am 32, had OPEN RNY on 8-15 and am down 57lbs ( I was 304.5 and am now 247)????HELLLLLLPPPP!    — heathercross (posted on November 8, 2002)

November 7, 2002
Ok...I'll be the one to ask...what is a 2nd butt? Seriously.
   — Natalie M.

November 7, 2002
Clarification, Natalie, if you had one you would know what I was referring to...The LEDGE on your buttocks that makes you look as if you have a second rearend!
   — heathercross

November 7, 2002
ahhh, ok. with my luck i'll probably have one of those too.
   — Natalie M.

November 8, 2002
Well, I rather forunately don't have a second butt. In fact, my butt has shaped up quite nicely (of course don't ask me about my elephant thighs, deflated air bag stomach, or great grandma boobs). However, I would imagine squats with your legs together. Lots of 'em would help that area.
   — PaulaM

November 8, 2002
I was a weightlifter for years, and you could look for a gym that has a 'buttblaster' machine. You can do this at home for free by getting down on your hands and knees. Take one knee and lift it up off the floor and then extend your leg straight acting like you are pushing something with your foot. I know it sounds silly and looks even more silly but I guarantee you this will work. Do this 15 reps on each leg 3-5X weekly. Then you can start adding ankle weights. I promise you that this will work. -Terri open Rny 10/15/02
   — cherokey55

November 8, 2002
I've got the ledge thing going too. I'm 7 months out, down 101 pounds with another 60-80 to lose. I have been losing primarily fromt he top down and have only really noticed the butt looking better recently. I mean it has shrunk in inces, but that ledge thing wasn't going down proportionally with the rest of my losses. I've been told that lots of walking helps some, and I've been doing all the weight machines at my gym that might conceivably help. I'll have to try the buttbuster exercise mentioned below...
   — Melissa F.

November 8, 2002
You are meeting with a personal trainer next week, so you will find out then......THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SPOT REDUCTION. I've discussed this same thing in regard to butt/outer thighs/arms with 4 different trainers and different facilities and have been told the same thing. Fat is burned off the body as a whole as you diet. Some people loose it here, some people lose it there. If you have really big thighs and do 600 leg lifts a day, this will not just burn fat from the thighs and you won't see just the thighs reduce in size. It will, however, build the muscle to tone them some as you diet and overall exercise and lose the weight. Your *shelf* will go down as you lose weight, but if it is greatly out of proportion to the rest of your body, and if it has stretch marks, it is probably stretched past the point of your skins natural elasticity and will never go down all the way. Very possibly you will have to have a butt lift or total lower body lift. Good luck!
   — Lynette B.

November 8, 2002
Ok, I will probably get heck for this one, but here is what worked for ME to get rid of my "shelf" as I called it......running. I started walking and gradually (very gradually) worked up to running. Now I can do 5 miles at a stretch, and when I tell you after about 2 months of this I lost my shelf I kid you not. I actually wrote about this in my profile a little while back because I am still amazed at what running has done for my body. It completely streamlined my hips and my butt-I had this combo belly/butt/thigh thing going and it is gone. And I have great muscle definition in my butt and legs. DISCLAIMER-this is just what works for me-I am not telling everyone to start running marathons tomorrow-and yes, running is very hard on your knees and ankles-I know all these things so please don't belittle me ,berate me or send me nastygrams as I am so accustomed to when I answer questions.....Best of luck to you!
   — Alli B.

November 8, 2002
The awful truth is that there is no way to get rid of particular problem areas, short of plastic surgery. However, I can tell you how to build gluteal muscles: squats and lunges. The more the better. A trainer could help make sure you get your technique right (it's easy to do them wrong), and push you to do enough of them (until muscle fatigue). You sound like you're making great progress, and it really is a good idea to exercise as much as possible while you're losing, as it helps ensure that you lose more fat than muscle.
   — Karen I.

November 8, 2002
Hi Heather: I think we talked before. Heather is my daughter's name, just beautiful. Anyway, I have this second butt thing, but just on my right side. I wish we had something else in common, like money. I know that years ago when I was at my lowest weight of 140, I still had the 2nd butt. Not as bad, but still there. I do not think weight loss will do it. A previous answer said lunges and squats, and that is probably the best way to go. As she said, short of plastic surgery, there is no quick answer. However, with weight loss, you only have 1 1/2 butts. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

November 11, 2002
I had a HUGE shelf and walking on a treadmill 5 days got rid of it. My butt is so small now that it gets numb when I sit for a few minutes because there's NO padding there anymore!! I was a size 24 and now wear a size 4 in pants.
   — Patty H.

November 11, 2002
There IS such a thing as spot reduction. I have done it. I was very seriously into weightlifting back then and I could target a specific area and work it hard, I would lose some fat and build muscle. It is not a miracle cure and it won't be perfect, but you can isolate most areas to work them and make some improvement. In my first post I described an excellent exercise that will help improve the area. I guarantee that you will see improvement. Terri
   — cherokey55

November 11, 2002
Let me re-phrase my post on spot-reduction. You can help reduce if there is fat stored there, but if the skin is stretched to the point of being past it's natural elasticity and you've got stretch marks, there is nothing you can do other than plastic surgery. If you lost the fat, the skin will hang. But don't take my word for it....check with some trainers and some plastic surgeons to see what might or might not work for you. In trying to *spot reduce* you WILL NOT burn the fat just in that'll build and tone muscle which will make a difference in how that part of the body looks, but you won't just lose the fat in that one area. But again, don't take my word for it or anyone elses who has an opinion such as mine. Ask the experts and you'll find out.
   — Lynette B.

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