How long does a pulled muscle take to heal??

I had open rny on 6-26-01, five weeks ago. Three weeks ago I did a stupid, stupid thing and lifted groceries and other stuff I shouldn't have done because I was feeling pretty good. I was in severe pain the next day, a burning pain on the right side of my incision. I did go to the dr. who said it looks like a pulled/torn muscle and would take 3 weeks to heal (I had my gallbladder out 2 years ago so I know it's not that). It's three weeks today and is still incredibly painful when I walk at all. When I lay down or sit it feels fine. Has anyone else ever had this? How long did it take to heal? I am so tired of not feeling well. But, my eating is going fine and I am happy with that. I just need to get rid of this pain and get off of the couch! Thanks for your help.    — blank first name B. (posted on August 2, 2001)

August 2, 2001
Hi, I just thought I would tell you that the last time that I pulled a muscle it took me approximately 5-6 weeks for it to heal. I know it hurts like all h$%^ but it does eventually go away. I have done it a few times and believe me I do know what you are going through. Take it easy, the pain will eventually subside. Good luck and congrats on your weight loss.
   — Claudette G.

October 26, 2001
I had the same thing happen to me. I lifted more than I should have too soon after surgery. It burns like crazy! I called the nurse and she said when lifting too much, a stitch could cut into a muscle and cause this pain. She suggested Tylenol, heating pad, and just being patient for a few weeks until the pain leaves. It finally left after 5 weeks. Although the nurse tried to reassure me my pain was normal, I was worried. The constant pain when you move keeps you aware that something might be wrong. Be patient and it will FINALLY go away. Good Luck..Debi
   — [Anonymous]

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