What is the best way to lose weight 2 1/2 years post-op?

Been a LONG time since I have posted a question here...It has been 2 1/2 years since my Lap RNY for which I lost 160 pounds (WAHOO!). I purposefully gained back 20 pounds because I looked "sick" and felt uncomfortable with my appearance. I actually gained back about 30 pounds, but was still happy where I was. I am now 7 months pregnant (and thrilled) and in total have gained 60 pounds (with previous gain and pregnancy). Now my question- once our baby is born, I plan to lose 50 to 60 pounds. I would like any input on how to do so. I know many have went back to the all protein "diet" to kick start the loss again. Is this the route best suited for bypass patients? I am not frantic about it like I would have once been. I know I can lose the weight again- I have gained so much with this pregnancy because I have been eating more to ensure baby gets the nutrients she needs. I have no problem going back to the ways of the first year of post-op life if this seems to work best for us....Any input will be highly apprecated! Thank you!    — karmiausnic (posted on April 25, 2005)

April 25, 2005
The South Beach Diet hands down. It addresses all our carb addict issues, is "good" carb, not "low" carb, and is a healthy plan you can live with forever (there are 3 phases). Combine this with the principles of the pouch rules (see those for good info on how to stay full longer). This is what works for me as a long term post-op (4 years in August).
   — mom2jtx3

April 25, 2005
CONGRATS on the new baby! I am a Atkin's fan. I maintain 5 years out with that diet along with 1/2 hr a day of aerobic exercise and weights 3x/wk. Best of luck!
   — ZZ S.

April 26, 2005
Congrats on the baby!!! This is such a wonderful time! I do hope you are planning on nursing your baby because it's so much healthier for them, and you burn more calories! If so, it would be a really good idea to talk to the nutritionist you worked with when you were preparing for surgery because she or he is familiar with the surgery (not all RD's "get" the surgery or low-carb stuff and still preach the food pyramid!)--New and nursing moms have special dietary needs. Good luck, and have fun!
   — Patricia R.

April 26, 2005
congrats on the pregnancy. i became pregnant exactly 2 yrs out from surgery and had lost 155 lbs. i gained only 23 with my pregnancy and was back in my "stretch" jeans within a week. i nursed her for 7 wks until i had to go back to work and that really helped. however i lack 5 lbs of the 23 and have noticed that my hips spread and i gained a butt. i think that is where i put it all. i had a tummy tuck before i had her and i think my stomach muscles were very tight so my baby weight went into my legs and butt!! i know if i ever have another one to workout thru my pregnancy and get back into the workout sooner after i have the baby. that is the key for me. i dont feel that i overate during pregnancy and afterwards i just watched what i ate. however nursing does require that you add 300-500 calories to have an adequate milk that does affect some women in the losing weight part. and if this isnt your first baby know that it took 9 months to put it on and it will take up to a year for you to look and feel pre-prego again! but what a trade-off!! at least i think so!! email me if you'd [email protected]
   — jamie M.

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