Stupid question!
Okay, before I had surgery one of my favorite drink used to be a Steamer. Kind of like a cappucinno but all milk. Comes in a machine like a cappucinno. I just ordered some of the flavored sugar free syrups from DaVinci to try making my own. Anyone know how to "steam" the milk to get it to the frothy consistincy that I am looking for?? — Mini Gadget (posted on February 19, 2004)
February 19, 2004
The only reason I know what you are talking about is because in my
Communications class we had to do a presentation on something we liked and
this man had one of those cappucinno machines that frothes the milk. He
mentioned that he bought it from Starbucks for $35 bucks. If you don't live
near a Starbucks, I know Bed Bath & Beyond, Wal-Mart, & Target
carry them.
— Shayla527
February 19, 2004
You can buy a plain old frother at Target or Walmart for less than $10.
It's a little wand thing-y, not part of a machine.
— Angie M.
February 19, 2004
You can also buy a little gadget from Pampered Chef that is used for mixing
up vinagrette dressings - I got one as a gift, and you can microwave your
milk first, then froth up the milk with the lid/blender-type lid. If you
saw the gadget, it makes perfect sense. <br><br>
— kultgirl
February 20, 2004
If you have a wire whip all you have to do is place your milk in a
microwave safe glass bowl and heat it to almost boiling then take your whip
and froth it pour into a glass and walla your drinkin your frothy bit o
— D P.
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