Up and down appetite?

Yesterday was one of those days when I felt like I could eat all day. I was truly Hungry - not head hunger! (Not PMS, either.) I probably ate too much yesterday. I was on the verge of being uncomfortably full at a party I went to with my husband last night. (Had a stuffed mushroom, a few chips and spinach dip, couple of cheese cubes and carrot sticks. Later had a slice of roast beef and a little bit of pasta and tomato sauce. Passed on the cake.) Now, today, I have no hunger at all! Has this happened to anyone else? I try to spread out my protein intake during the day, and had my usual amount yesterday, as well as getting in at least 48 ounces of water in during the day (more in the evening). Do you think the roast beef was magic? (LOL! It was really good - fork tender). I try to get in at least 50-60 grams of protein a day. Was yesterday just a day I had to "get out of my system"? I hope not, because it was a very out-of-control feeling. Any one experience this? What do you think is the cause?    — koogy (posted on March 14, 2003)

March 14, 2003
Susan, I experience the same thing sometimes. On some occassions, I have just been so hungry. Like raging hunger and could eat anything, and probably went a little over my normal calories. Other days I just eat b/c I need to. I think this is common, not abnormal or anything. And I think you did pretty well at the party you went to. It's hard to eat protein and healthy at parties, and that is always a concern for me. But you had spinach (even if it was in a dip!)and carrots, as well as cheese and roast beef which is good protein! You may have eaten more than usual the other day, so that is why the next day you could still feel a little full and not very hungry. My body is a mystery to me sometimes- so I just take it as it is and eat on my scheduled times, and it works for me. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 14, 2003
You really didn't eat too much at that party. Parties are a grazing environment. It is easy to eat more because you spread the food out over a longer period of time. I have noticed all of my life that my thinner friends naturally eat much less for several days after a big pig out. I don't even think they are aware that they do it. Not being hungry the next day is - believe it or not - NORMAL behavior. That's something we aren't used to !!!
   — Julie S.

March 14, 2003
My hunger goes back and forth all the time. One day I get stuffed on just a couple of bites of my lunch the next day I can eat three times as much. Parties are tough. I always over eat at something like that because you are grazing. As long as it is not an all the time thing I let myself be normal in situations like that. I mean i have four kids and a full time job it's not like I go to a lot of parties.
   — Linda A.

March 14, 2003
For me I get and will stay hungery if I eat carbs. They dont fill me up just make me hungery. When I eat something heavy like steak or something simular then I stay full. Sometimes I can be full all day and not relize it.
   — Richard M.

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