I am 18 months post op and have not been eatting properly or

excersizing regularly. I am have gained 4 pounds in the last 6 weeks and am feeling terrible. I hate myself and am afraid that I have stretched out my tummy. I eat about 3/4 of a cup of food at a time maybe even a cup depending on what it is. Is there help for me. I am so upset I don't know what to do. I have been depressed and am an emotional eatter.    — Tracy C. (posted on June 18, 2002)

June 18, 2002
I agree with Julie. Find a good therapist. It can be one of the kindest, most nuturing thing you can do for yourself at this point. He/she can help you with the emotional angle of eating which affects us all. Your mental state can undermine all the wonderful work you have done so far, or it can strengthen you to make the lifestyle changes you will need to maintain and/or continue to loose. A good therapist is like a secret weapon in the war against this eating disorder as so much of the battle occurs in our heads. The best of luck to you.
   — Bobbi G.

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