i seen a doctor about the surgery and she said that i should loose as much wieght as

possible BEFORE the surgery first. Right now i'm 483lbs. she wants me to possibly get down to 318lbs, and they will noe do the surgery unless i'm under400bls. i understand they know more than i do, but has anyone else come across this? if i could loose wieght that easily why would i want the surgery? i know it will not be easy but i will try.. any helpfull hints.. anything?    — alondralouise2 (posted on March 15, 2002)

March 15, 2002
Hi, My Dr has told me the same thing to lose weight before surgery. I asked him why and he said because the chances for a complication is less. I am currently back on meridia and have lost about 14lb but will have to get off of it if my blood pressure goes up again.
   — Lovett

March 15, 2002
I've seen a lot of patients online that are well over 400 pounds and they still had the surgery. They may not be able to do it through the lap. procedure but they've had it done. I've seen someone near 800 pounds and they had it handled...I think if I were you, I'd be looking for another surgeon even if it means you traveling. If losing weight was as easy as the doctor is trying to make it sound, wouldn't we have done it long ago? I'd do some research for super obese patients and see who they've used - maybe ask on this Q/A section of the WLS page for people to answer who weighed above 400 before going in and see who they used. To me, it would be worth the research and travel. Best of luck to you.
   — Lisa J.

March 15, 2002
My doctor is one that makes you lose 10% of your weight before he will schedule surgery WHY? because your liver is "dripping with fat" and losing weight before surgery shrinks it and makes an easier access and allows a smaller incision (he does 3-5" incisions). Plus, he said that some of the equipment only holds a certain amount of weight and it is for saftey reasons.
   — ZZ S.

March 15, 2002
Well my surgeon does the super MOs without trouble or that must loose X pounds. Fact is he publically admits most patients gain weight pre op. His heaviest patient was 1,100 pounds so your a light weight! I would find a NEW surgeon.
   — bob-haller

March 15, 2002
Hi, I have to agree with Bob, find a new surgeon. My surgeon works on all sizes and does not require you to lose weight before, and he is excellent.
   — Carey N.

March 15, 2002
I was 418 before my open RNY on August 29, 2001. I have noticed that some Dr's. particularly in the mid-west only do Lap surgeries so maybe that is why you need to lose so much before they can operate. I agree with previous posters who say find another surgeon. Open RNY is just as safe and effective as lap. If you couls lose 160 lbs., don't they think you would have done it. Boy are doctors crazy sometimes.
   — Danielle M.

March 15, 2002
My doctor said that I should TRY to lose weight prior to the surgery, but he didn't make it a condition of the surgery. He said he knows how hard it will be, but wants me to try to reduce the chance of complications. He'd be happy with 10% weight loss. (I'm at 364 right now) So..I'll give it a go, but I'm not going to kill myself or beat myself up about it...I've done enough of that over the years.
   — Wendy C.

March 16, 2002
I knew I could never face another diet. So, I ended up traveling 3 hours each way to a surgeon who did not make weight loss a condition of surgery. And I am glad I did it! Find another surgeon!
   — Kathy J.

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