Do i need to use a CPAP machine?

I looked in the library and still need help. I just found out that I have sleep apnea. I've been called back to the sleep clinic to try a cpap machine. I don't want to go, I hated it the first time plus I have to pay part of each visit and I'd rather save the money for my surgery. I'm hoping surgery will cure me anyway(I should have a date soon) so do I really need to treat it? Do you think my surgeon will make me before he will give me a date?    — lunakitty (posted on August 28, 2001)

August 28, 2001
Going through surgery with untreated or undiagnosed sleep apnea is very dangerous. Most doctors require the sleep study and if it shows you have sleep apnea, they require it is under control before surgery. Look through the past 300 questions and someone else asked this too. Just one night and it will all be over. I wish you luck.
   — [Anonymous]

August 28, 2001
rena...u couldnt do any more for ur health by using the cpap. when u have sleep apnea u r robbing ur brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver & muscles of much needed oxygen. i have been on cpap for 3 years now. it is such a part of my life that i feel naked if i try to sleep without it. work closely with the medical supply company who will supply the machine & necessary equipment. u want a quiet machine (mine is quiet enuf to sound like 'white'noise) that wont bother u Or ur sleeping mate. the mask & head set should be totally comfortable. if its not, go back to the med supply & have them give u another one until u find one that is comfortable. i just switched to a gel mask. i love it!!! its so soft that i forget im wearing it. good luck to u.
   — sheryl titone

August 28, 2001
Most likely they will require you to do it. I too had to go back, hated it more the first time since I was the only "one" they had that night, and had a male tech. Reluctantly went in.A lil easier. Only thing thing for a symtem(sp) was severe headaches. never dreamed it was sleep apnea.I have only had my c-pap for a week, and it gets some getting used to. My tech said give it at least 2 full weeks.It gets a lil better each time. Though it is not healthy to have apnea, it should help you get approved. If not taken care of, can cause a lot of health damage in the long run by having all the strain on your organs,. Good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

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