Has anyone had a problem with northern cal kaiser, after being approved

has anyone had a problem with northern cal kaiser after being approved,as far as being able to schedule a appt. with a surgeon. After being approved they say I have to wait until september before I can even see the surgeon for the first time. They wont let me schedule the appt. even, the say they will mail me a appt. it seems as though they keep moving me to the bottom of some list. Thanks just fusterated    — kim L. (posted on June 12, 2001)

June 12, 2001
I don't have Northern Cal Kaiser, I have Southern Cal Kaiser, but I have heard horror stories regarding N Cal Kaiser and the wait. I am going to Pacific Bariatric in San Diego through Kaiser, and there are other N. Cal Kaiser patients there as well. They had to travel to San Diego in order to get the surgery done sooner. I hope this helps some. Best of luck!
   — Jennifer M.

June 12, 2001
Well, I am certainly glad to see that I am not the only one being jerked around by Kaiser. I in Roseville, and was approved last month after the "committee" had my file for 7 weeks. I was also told September for a consult and possibly December for surgery. Now, remember I started this process in October of 2000. Was assured I would have surgery by July...There has to be something we can do about Kaiser. I mean sheesh they take my damn money every month and yet deliver ummm NOTHING!!! Maybe we should talk to an attorney?? NORTHERN CALI KAISER PATIENTS NEED TO UNITE!!! They need to know that we aren't going to just sit around while they decide if we are "fat" enough for surgery.
   — Roxy

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