How do you do a blog?

I have noticed when I click on some people's names to see their profile, they have a very nice back ground and then a nice pictures, and a log of their experiences, a counter, bouncing things, before/after pictures; a small before picture inside the after picture. One I seen had a song attached. How do people do this? I think it looks very nice and creative and would like to be able to do so. I thought maybe everyone was putting everything into their profile via the comments, but now I am not sure. Help, Danita Simon.    — Danita S. (posted on May 18, 2005)

May 18, 2005
Danita, As for the photos if you click the photo button on your initial page to obesity help it explains how to have your photos posted. As for the cool designs with the profiles at the end of each profile gives the person who created the background for the person if you click on their name you will be automatically sent the information on how to choose the theme for your background and ideas as to where you can choose what you would like to see. It took my picture about a month, and about 6 weeks for my profile page to be spruced up. OH has volunteers that actually build the pages based on choices that you make that you would like to have on you profile pages. If you have any other questions don't hesitate to email me. Denise
   — dlryanoates

May 19, 2005
You can also us an HTML editor to build the comments section of your profile so at least you could set different text, sizes, bullets and such.
   — David B.

May 20, 2005
if you don't know how to do it yourself, you can get help writing to [email protected] and they will contact you and a volunteer is gonna do it for you. Mine was done by Rene S. and i love it.
   — iaheel

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