Need advice on my post op food intake...
Hi, I'm 8 months out and have lost 52lbs...bouncing back and forth with 6bls for the last 3 months. I've chosen to not eat meat (I do not like it), but to eat seafood, pastas and rices. There lies my diet consits of: breakfast, bowl of honey bunches of oats w 1/4C 2%milk to wet the cereal..1 sm orange...lunch, 5-7pcs cold shrimp w cocktail sauce(just enough to taste)...snack, 7 sm rice cakes=60calories...dinner, eithr lean cuisine, spanish rice (modified by me) or veggies, 2spoons of mashed potatoe, applesauce...snack, either 7 pretzels, 1/2cp sugarfree icecream, another orange or 12 pcs of licorice sf...I drink between 54-70oz of water daily with a crystal light or defizzed diet gingerale.... I'm just looking for some opinions whether positive, negative or in different. :o) Thank you, — Deborah (posted on February 20, 2004)
February 19, 2004
I would say that by changing your diet you could easily start to lose
again. From the example you have given you are not eating anywhere near
enough protein and way to many carbs. If you stick to the rule of protein
first!!! you will lose. You do not have to eat meat to get enough protein.
You can drink a shake or eat fish and cheese and many other non
"meat" choices. If I were you I would not only do protein first
but protein ONLY for a bit. It will get you back on track and keep you more
full during the day. You will not crave the carbs after 3 days without them
and I would bet you would see a loss. I cannot eat carbs and lose. I think
that I have messed up my body after years of carb binging and can no longer
process them at all. If I go over 40-50 per day, and I am in my goal range,
I begin to gain. It stinks but if I stay away so does the weight, which was
the point of this surgery for me. Lap RnY 1/15/03 277/153- 5'7"
— Carol S.
February 19, 2004
I agree with the other poster way to many carbs Im 10mts out now and just
now have been increasing my carbs by adding rce and pastas cause Im trying
to maintain my weight now after losing 122pds Im at my goal weight Your are
doing pretty good on your eating just cut out the rice and pasta for a
while and see what happens and add some more protein in your day
Take Care Huggs
— wildbrat
February 19, 2004
I am only two weeks post op but from what I learned in nutrition class
sounds like too many carbs. We were given an example if your target weight
is 150lbs you should be consuming 68 grams of protien a day. Sounds like a
lot but it can be done I am still in the phase of liquids but choosing my
liquids carefully I am still getting around 40 grams a day which is more
than expected at this point. Good Luck to you. Nancy
— nefish
February 19, 2004
<b>Hi hon, by what you have posted, I think you are eating to many
carbs, TO MANY,It sounds like you are trying to hold on to the old way of
eating. after your wls you were suppose to change your eating habits. I'm
not a expert to anything, but with my own experience, I follow the Protein,
water, exercise, vitamin Rule. No pasta, rice, sweets, potatoes etc,and it
has given me great results. Try to rethink your menu. Good Luck ***
**400 lb/211/-189** 14th month</b>
— Naes Wls J.
February 19, 2004
I have to agree with the other posters - too many carbs! I would be wanting
to eat constantly if I started out my day with Honey Bunches of Oats! How
about having a salad with the shrimp or for supper? Carrots or celery for a
snack? Milk on your cereal is fine, but why not look for a cereal high in
fiber and lower in sugar? It really doesn't look like too many calories,
but watch the Lean Cuisines and rice. You seem to like fruit, and that's is
fine - stick with unprocessed fruits (like oranges, apples, strawberries,
etc.) Maybe you could add a protein shake or two instead of the carby
— koogy
February 19, 2004
Deborah: I agree with the other posters, too. I think you need to
re-focus on protein, with the carbs in the background. The way you're
doing it now, your carbs are in first place and protein is coming in
second! I haven't totally eliminated carbs in my regimen, but I always
make sure to get the protein first. What helps me, I think, is starting my
day with a protein shake made with skim milk - it gives me 25-30 grams of
protein to kick-start my day. Then when I snack, I try to make it a
protein based snack, like cottage cheese, Atkins Crunchers, Glenny's soy
snacks, beef or deer jerky, cheese sticks, protein bar. I usually end up
making my main meals with protein, veggies or salad, and some potatoes or
rice, but I make sure to keep those portions lower than my protein. I
don't think we should take a "one size fits all" approach to this
- everyone responds differently, so I hope that some of the ideas here will
be helpful to you. Best wishes for your continuing success. Lap RNY
9/11/03, 254/185/???
— Carlita
February 20, 2004
I'm not a vegetarian, but I do have
to agree with the others that you have too many of the white carbs in your
daily diet. You should substitute some of the good carbs, like whole grain
breads/cereals like Go Lean that are high in protein, and beans for the
potato, rice and honey bunches of oats. How about real eggs or egg
substitutes? They make a great breakfast,omelette with cheese. For lunch,
try tunafish salad on whole grain crackers or your shrimp or put your
shrimp or tuna in a salad. For dinner, a grilled fish or try tofu with
stir fry veggies or soy or veggie burgers all dressed up. Your fruit intake
is good and SF ice cream is OK. I think by cutting down in a bigway on the
white carbs you'll see the weight loss pick up significantly. Add some
heart pumping cardio exercise to your daily routine and you are SO there!!
— Cindy R.
February 20, 2004
This is the most crucial for staying healthy. Not enough protein and you
will be looking at major hair loss. I had open RNY 1-29 and have loat 18
lbs. so far. Trying to get everything in is very difficult. Also 64 ozs.
of water is necessary. Eat protein first, then pureed vegetables. You'll
feel a whole lot better.
— Barbara S.
February 21, 2004
Deb I too have to agree with the other postings, I was a Vegan for many
years but had to break down and start getting protein because white flours,
pasta were killing me. With a lot of research you can remain a Vegetarian liftstyle, but I find it
expensive since I hate leftovers. But I know others who had WLS who are and
found other sources of protein high diets with little carbs.
— Anna M.
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