I need help choosing foods are that correct

I'm 8 months out and I've gained 6lbs last month. I seem to be eating a great deal of carbohydrates because I will not eat meat. No matter what I eat it seems to have carboohydrates in it. What are limits on carbs and proteins? I'm confused and very worried I'm jepordizing my success.....Any input would be most helpful.. Thank you, Deborah Kempa    — Deborah (posted on January 27, 2004)

January 26, 2004
Are you a vegetarian? Do you eat fish? I'm 8 months out myself, and my head hunger has returned with a vengence. Though, that said, so far I haven't gained. I eat pretty much anything I want, including tons of fish. I try to watch the carbs, but don't make myself nuts over them. Maybe you should try and keep track of your calories as well. I'd lay odds its not just the carbs, you're probably consuming more calories than you realize. Good luck.
   — lorien

January 27, 2004
Great question. Although I'm not a vegetarian, I really don't know what else to eat besides chicken (meat)and fish. What about vegetables? Are "complex" carbohydrates ok? Any specific veggies I should stay away from? Fructose sugar? Thanks tons!
   — jengrz

January 27, 2004
Hi Deborah, Do you not eat meat because you are a vegetarian or because it upsets your pouch? If a vegetarian, can you eat seafood and dairy products? How about protein shakes made with whey protein isolate? These are protein foods that will up your protein. And how is your exercise? To keep the weight off and continue to lose or even maintain, you have to move more-regular heart pumping cardio type of exercise. Re-examine what you are eating to see where you can cut back on carbs. If your eating complex carbs, like beans and veggies, that is so much better for you than the white carbs.
   — Cindy R.

January 27, 2004
Are not not eating meat because you are a vegetarian or because it makes you ill? If you are a vegetarian, some veggies eat fish and dairy products. Have you tried tofu and other lentil products. If you eliminate meat there are other proteins, cut you'll get your share of carbs with them. While I do eat meats, one nutritionst I heard said as long as you stick with fruits and vegetables and stay away from potatoes, pastas, breads and crackers, you'll probably do okay as long as you do all things in moderation.
   — Cathy S.

January 27, 2004
Hi Deborah, The obvious questions were already asked, so I'll just tell you what my nutrionist and surgeon wrote for me as post-op diet requirements: 60-70 grams of protein from high protein suppliments plus food sources (15-18 grams from high protein food sources, and 45-52 grams from food) Proteins should always be eaten before carbs and veges. If you have to, go back on protein drinks or mix unflavored protein powder into your mashed potatoes, veges, pasta, drink, etc... Look for sources of protein outside of meats (soy, vegan meats, etc...)
   — Jessica Wyatt Robinson

January 28, 2004
Everybody will tolerate different foods differently. My mother, brother and myself all had the surgery and there are some things that I can eat that they can't. Your best bet is to talk to a nutritionist.
   — Kelly T.

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