Shunned after weightloss?

I've read countless profiles about WLS patients whose marriages have failed, friendships failed, work relations strained, etc..What is it about WLS that contributes to this? Why do people have such strong opinions about a surgery they may never have? No one got all bent out of shape when my Mom had cancer surgery, a hysterectomy or an appendectomy. Why is WLS such a big deal and why do people want to end great relationships because of it? My boss got weird after my surgery and I didn't even tell her about it until the day I gave notice. My 'best' friend has, out of the blue, shut me out of her life completely. I know you're all only hearing one side but when I say shut out I mean, one day she called me and everything seemed fine, by that evening, she wanted nothing to do with me and would not take or return my calls. Nothing happened, I mean nothing--no disagreement, no argument NOTHING. I told her I had a gift for her and that's the last time I spoke to her. She was all for the surgery until the day I had it, then didn't call or visit me in the hospital or for weeks afterward--that was 8 months ago. She told me that the reason she didn't call or visit was because it was "my turn" to call her?!!?!? Any help would be appreciated.    — jenn2002 (posted on December 10, 2002)

December 10, 2002
hiya...{{hugs}} my "best friend" didn't want me to have the surgery - she said because she thought it was too drastic but then a few days pre op she said that she didn't think we'd be friends after the surgery because i "would change" before surgery we had been eating partners...she wasn't obese like i was but had a weight problem. after surgery she lost like 50lbs through diet and i felt guilty like i'd taken the "easy way out" she started easing her way out of my life and making excuses as to why we couldn't get together (even tho we live next door to eachother!) i admit that during the first year post op i was pretty wrapped up in myself and all the changes happening to my body but she only said (one time) "gee maybe i should buy you a mirror for your birthday and that made me think about how i was always talking about how much weight i'd lost and how my life was different now. i tried to pay more attention to her but apparently it was too late. she avoided me like the plague and i finally confronted her (while online) and she made more excuses then finally some outright lies about my behaviour and it finally became clear to me that our friendship was over. my husband thinks she is jealous...i think that may be part of it. sometimes people don't want us to succeed and some people are happy when we are down and in "need" of them -- they need ways to feel better about themselves and if i'm fatter than she is, that makes her feel better about herself. i also had to look at the type of people i've been drawn to and for me, she embodied a lot of qualities that were similar to someone else in my life that i'd never been good enough for and i was always trying to "fix" that relationship through others...make sense? as far as your boss goes, i have no clue there and my spouse met me when i was thin, loved me then and loved me fat, he just wanted me to be happy and healthy. we are still together and more in love than ever. i think when we are morbidly obese we involve ourselves with people who get a certain, um not necessarily pleasure, but satisfaction of seeing us "below" them and when we lose weight we become more confident and for me, i was pretty self involved the first year post op or so but after many years of being so fat it was hard not to be all wrapped up in myself and the fact that my body was literally melting away. there are some heavy emotional issues that we have to deal with then too -- like for me, being fat was "safe" i found i didn't put myself on the line for people and the attention i got was negative which just supported my low self esteem. when we lose the weight we still ahve a lot of issues to deal with. i don't know if i helped at all...i've now found some of the best people through my wls support group and it's great being around ppl who've been through what i've gone through. it makes a huge difference, no pun intended. best of luck to you! {{hugs}} kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

December 10, 2002
OK, this question and the one posted answer have me thinking....I have tried to be very cognizant of not talking incessantly about my WLS and only bringing it up when someone questions me for some of the fears expressed here. BUT....What is wrong with us going on about something that has had such a fabulously positive effect on our lives. It is no different than the girl, newly engaged, who talks of nothing but her upcoming wedding or the person who is expecting or just had a baby and talks of nothing else...IS IT? Why cant we be tolerant of others? Is it that we are insecure and can't stand to see someone happier than we are? Just thinking......
   — Dana S.

December 10, 2002
I don't understand the jealousy in some people. A friend(18yrs.) of mine that just got back from Costa Rica(Atrip I was to go on until I lost my job)made sure that he sent me pictures of him noting the fact he had lost 50lbs.. The only reason I can understand that he would do this is jealousy and what really got to me is I have'nt even been scheduled for my surgery and the fact that he seemed very supportive at first. This has been pretty puzzling but I guess most of us don't need people like that and we as WLS patients have enough to worry about our new lives post-op. I hope that things get better in your relationships and if not keep on keep'in on! Sincerely, Keith
   — Keith H.

December 10, 2002
Im 5 months post op and down 65 lbs. I've become ALOT more self-confident and aggressive. I was confident before... but never really pushed it with people. Im finding that I dont take or tolerate peoples B.S. at all anymore. I will be the 1st to admit that the surgery changes you. As for my relationships with co-workers... they seem to have more respect for me now that Ive lost weight (they dont know I had surgery) and that kinda makes me mad.. but maybe its because I dont take their B.S. and they see that they cant push me around anymore.
   — Valerie H.

December 10, 2002
Hi there, J! Ok now, while I am only 2 months post and 79 lbs down, there has been changes on some fronts and none on the others. I decided that only my family and 4 closest friends would know about my surgery, and I swore them to secrecy! Everyone else thinks I just had a big stomach problem that required surgery and the weight loss is a result of "being ill", the post op diet that the doctor has me on and a way to better improve my health, which they are techincally the truth. <p> All of my best friends are slender, so not one them feel a need to be competitive. One did lose weight a few yrs. ago thru diet and exercise, but she NEVER told me I was taking the easy way out, she's a paramedic..studying to become a nurse and knows it's genetic. In all honesty I don't even mention the weight loss unless they ask. With my job, it's my business and no one else's, anyone asks, same thing, had a problem that needed to be fixed. <p> The only sense of jealousy I feel is from 2 of my brothers, they are both MO, and want to lose weight desperately, but are not ready or willing to give up their relationships with food, I wasn't going to wait till they were ready, I was very ill now. One seems to be to dieting more and always asks how much I lost this week, when he hears the results, he'll usually say "well you had help, I'm doing it the natural way" I tell him sure that's true and congratulate him on whatever he has lost or encourage him that he can do better next week. I don't like feel competition, so I will bow out before I blow up. I did this for MY health and if others don't understand that, then seriously, it's their problem. If I were to lose a friend over this, I would remind myself that I have great support here. <p> As far as marriage, now this is just MY opinion. My hubby has never been better. He's been paying more attention to me, constantly tells me he loves me and that I'm beautiful. He loved me when I was Big and loves me now that the weight is coming off. I've read several posts and seen in the chat rooms where others talk about having affairs or even leaving theor spouses because they gained self-confidence. Personally, I think it's ridiculous! I can understand if your spouse became violent or cheated, but to leave them because self-esteem rouse up? They married these ones because they felt it was the best they could find at the moment and now they can do better. I'm sorry but that is what some teenagers usually do, are with the person they can have for the moment! I have even heard of ones who are leaving their spouses because they feel they can do better. But what if on the off chance the weight does happen to come back on? Will that person they left with still be there? You know the one that was there in the begining would have been ! I promised to love my hubby, thru thick and thin and that is what I will do. But also think of the people who are left behind because their partner left them to pursue "Better things"? Imagine what their opinions turn out to be against us? I would hate to have to imagine. Just my thoughts. Vi
   — Vi F.

December 10, 2002
Hi J, Chances are, these relationships were rocky prior to surgery and now that surgery is over, you're feeling better and looking better, and these people are so jealous of you. My surgeon explained this to me on my first visit with him. Now that I am almost 2 years post-op, I see that the true friends will be happy for you and support you regardless. Don't let anyone get you down. People who are against this surgery are not educated about it. Ignorance is our worst enemy when it comes to our decision to have this surgery.
   — Kody O.

December 12, 2002
   — Peggy D.

December 12, 2002
Hi J. I'm one of the one's whose marriage is, somewhat, over due to WLS. My husband married me at my heaviest (417). We had problems before my WLS on 1/9/02. He was an active alcoholic and only stopped drinking after a heart attack that he has never mentally recovered from. He has never been there emotionally (or any other way) for me. Case on point, he never visited me while I was in the hospital for surgery! I think what finally happened is that I got sick of being in a marriage by myself. I don't know if this would have happened if my self-esteem didn't improve, due to WLS, or not. The truth is that I didn't have a marriage, I had a roommate I was legally bound to. I will be filing papers on him this month. We are actually filing a joint petition because he realizes that he will never be supportive (he actually told me this). I realized that I deserve better. Good luck and God bless you, Lisa Marie (down 206lbs)
   — Lisa Marie S.

December 12, 2002
I have been MO for about 8 years and I was always aware of how I was treated with and without the weight. What I realized being MO I was never a threat to anyone - male or female no one took me seriously. Sexual tension and competitiveness have a lot to do with human nature. I have lost 50 lbs in 3months and feel so much better about myself and this is what is being seen by others as I loose I know the jealousy and competiveness will become more apparant. Personally I would rather deal with their jealousy than being treated as if I were invisible. More power to us for taking control of our situation - that in itself is a threat to some people. I HAD a close friend who has not called me since my decision to have surgery. She has also gained back all the weight she lost a few years ago so I am no longer the "fat" one. Guess this has been one way to find out who your real friends are.
   — Diane T.

December 12, 2002
Hi, I'm the question asker! I'm lucky in that my relationship with my husband has never been better--he's been to only ocnstant in my life for the past 8 years! My long term friends are great, it's just the one 'friend.' I have new insight now, we were food buddies, I never thought of it like that but we had mochas and pastries together everyday, had lunch together and snacked together. I am about the same size as she is now, maybe a little smaller, so it makes crazy sense now! Thanks everyone!
   — jenn2002

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