If anyone has had oxford freedom health plan PLEASE help me with info.
I just got a call from my surgeons office and they told me that Oxford just called them and requested more information about me. They were saying that my morbid obesity could be a pre-existing condition ( um, yes I guess it would be considereing I have been obese all of my life)anyway, they wanted to know if I had insurance before them and if it was ever documented by another doctor. Well I have never been to the doctor for my obesity, and I had insurance like three years prior to being on Oxford(meaning I haven't had insurance since three years ago.) I just got on the oxford plan March 1, 2001. I guess what I wanted to know is if anyone who was recently enrolled with oxford had this surgery covered without having to fight with them for it. I am so stressed out. I have read on the insurance by state page that oxford is very good with covering this type of surgery, and I did everything that they require to have done for approval.(nutritionist, psych eval recommendations, diet history, personal letter with family history and health problems.)I just can't believe that this is not enough. I called oxford and the rep said that I have not be denied,they are reviewing my case, but they just want to make sure that it hasn't been officially diagnosed. And that I should get a form from HIPPA for my own records with my proir insuance company and have my records sent to me. Please if anyone can help me here I would appriciate it so much. — Dawn H. (posted on May 25, 2001)
May 23, 2003
My first question to you is, do you have any co-morbidities?
I was 350 when I had my surgery with high blood pressure, diabetes and high
cholesterol with a history of visits to the endocrinologist, optomologist,
podiatrist,etc, everything to keep my diseases in check. I have had oxford
for 2 yrs before I decided to have the surgery, I was approved 4 days after
my consultation. I was told that as long as you were 100 pounds overwieght,
tried other methods of weight loss, such as weight watchers, Jenny Craig,
exercises, etc, they normally approve. I never heard of all these questions
being asked or more documentation. Matter of fact I was told getting
plastic Surgery apporved was harder. I was just approved by oxford for
abdominoplasty and breast reduction on May 21 and I am scheduled for
surgery July 3rd. Has to be more to your case than that. call oxford and
speak to your medical coordinator your self and not customer service. Ask
them what exactly they are looking for....Good Luck
— Tamara N.
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