Hello Does anyone post-op, do Tae-Bo as a form of exercise?

Hi, i just started tae-bo, and it is a workout in itself. I wanted to know if it is helping anyone who is post-op. Im on the basic tape for 30 minutes and i actually finished the whole tape this morning. It does reve up the heart,so that is a good thing. I also started weight watchers for maintence on my weight loss. Thank u all in advance for your answers 260/180/160    — sexysag37 (posted on November 9, 2003)

November 9, 2003
I love tae Bo!!!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 9, 2003
YES!! I have been doing tae-bo now for about 6 months, I'm 14 months post op, and I love it. It lifts the butt, thighs and arms nicely. I havn't worked out in about 3 weeks (just found out I am pregnant) but as soon as my Dr. clears me to work out I will be right back to it. I love & miss it. Your going to love the results. They happen fast too. Good Luck!
   — Irene M.

November 9, 2003
I have been doing Tae bo since I was 2 months ou abd was up to the advanced workouts in no time. I loved it so much I joined a Tae Kwon Do school and go 2 - 3 times a week. I try to still do Tae bo when I can but I am so busy practicing for my yellow belt that I dont do it as much as I used to. My daughter is giving me a stand up punching bag for my birthday at the end of this month I will be 52.
   — Earline V.

November 10, 2003
You go girl!!!! doesn't it give you such a feeling of power. I do it often. I alternate a lot of things since I have two disabled kids and have lost my job I am home now so I have more time. I love it though. It is a good stress reliever and a wonderful workout. Peggy open rny 9/20/02 -150lbs
   — Peggy A.

November 11, 2003
I started Taebo tapes about 4 months after surgery and did fine with even prompted me to sign up for a local kick-boxing class. Unfortunately, the class only had one meeting time and it was 5:00....I couldn't get there until about 5:15 and it was too late to try and warm up and get in the swing of things.
   — Lynette B.

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