Can you help a member who is slow with weight loss?

I am out 5 months RNY (2/19/03. I started at 274 and have only lost 54 pounds. I am thankful but so very depressed. Will I make it? Why am I SO SLOW????? I am excercising 3x a week. I am watching my carbs, getting protein, and water. Why am I so very slow? Please answer, I need the encouragement.    — Jazi in N FL W. (posted on July 23, 2003)

July 23, 2003
I think you're doing very well. Possibly a little slow for a couple of reasons. 1.) You seem to be a lightweight so you'll lose a little slower than others. (I was a lightweight too though I sure didn't feel like one!) 2.) You're paying alot of attention to getting water, protein and are you maybe exercising too much? not eating enough? In the early stages of this surgery sometimes our enthusiasm can actually slow things down. You don't want your body to think it's starving. Look at it like this too - if you keep it up at this pace you'll lose more than 100 pounds over the course of a year. Hang in there - it may seem slow now but when you reach goal you'll look back and feel like it happened overnight. Best wishes!!
   — ronascott

July 23, 2003
I have lost 72 lbs in 6 1/2 mos and was really depressed about it. this month I have lost about 4 lbs last month 1 lb. I just keep thinking I will not reach my goal. but than I think this is good the slower the better. we tend to want everything yesterday, and the slower the better chance of keeping it off. my surgeon is delighted with my progress she worries if you lose too fast. this is so much improvement from before and I actually look good. still would like to lost approx 45 lbs. you are doing good. just be patient and hang in there. it will come off. I'm 5'4 I was 257 day of surgery now 185. want to get to 140 than have tummy tuck. I'd be happy getting to 150. sometimes we set our goals too high. good luck to you. also try exercising 5 days a week make sure you get your water in.
   — Joan W.

July 23, 2003
Hello Jazi, Wow, 54 pounds in 5 months is great! But I know how frustrating it can be when we look at what others have lost. I'm on a very strict post op program, (my own personal choice) I'll be the first to say what may be right for me, may not be right for someone else. I don't eat any starches at all, I was told that rice and pasta has no nutritional value and all it does is fill us up. I eat all high protien food 5-6 times a day (fish, chicken, cheese and turkey) and protien comes first when I do eat. I drink 2.5 - 3.5 liters of water every day, just water, no juice or tea. I excersise a lot, even when I don't want to I make myself do it. 3-4 x's a week I lift weights, and do the ecliptical machine for an hour ( I started out 30 min, then 45 and now an hour.) 2 days a week a walk for an hour and I have one day of rest. I enjoy my sugar free popcicles, but I don't eat any other types of no sugar added or sugar free sweets. I have one protien shake a day if i'm short on the protien. I've followed this faithfuly and I'm four and a half months post op and I've lost 87 pounds. If you have any questions feel free to write me. Best Wishes, Heather 3/12/03 280/193/140
   — Heather S.

July 25, 2003
jan, i'm a slow looser too, and i'll tell you what others have told me: (1) the pounds you are loosing are gone forever - so this is fundamentally different than all the diets we have been on before, (2) this is not a race .. or a competition, and (3) you will get to where you need to be - just maybe not on your timeframe. so hang in there, keep on doing all the right things, and trust the experts. i am confidant that you and i are not so special that we'll be the only two for whom this surgery hasn't worked!
   — carolsaunders

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