What do you see? long..
Hi everyone. Ive been having some problems and am just wondering if anyone else has it and what do you do about it. I had my operation in March of 02.I weighted myself EVERYDAY. ( i know its a no no ) Well in may i moved and i didnt weight myself again until the 2nd week of sept. The last time i had weight i weighted 268 and when i weighted again i was at 226. Now heres the problem. Im doing everything to convince myself that the scales are wrong. Even though others get on them and they weight what they should. I just think "ok its right up to a certain weight" "The bigger you are the more wrong the scales get" I also do it with mirrors. I got a full link mirror a few days ago and its the first time ive seen myself in a full link mirror in a LONG time. (even when i tried clothes on i wouldnt look into one of those ever) Well ok this is goin to sound weird but you know how when you look at a shirt or something with alot of strips and it makes your eyes just feel weirid? well thats what happens when i look into the mirrow. I get laughed at because when i try to describe it they say im discribing a fun house mirror. But anyways I feel that the mirror is kinda humm lying LOL. My eyes are playing tricks. Because when i look into a regular bath mirrow( ones above the bath sink) i just see the old me. Fat and discusting. When i look into that full length mirror I see me as ALOT smaller. Ugh i know im making no sense. But what im saying is i still see myself as i did before surgery ( 315lbs ) Even though my clothes are getting lose. Thats another thing. Ive gotton NO new clothes i still wear the ones i did before surgery. Everyone said i need new clothes becuase those are lookin terrible on me because they are so baggy. But i dont feel that way. I still feel like they fit even though i can get them off without unbottoning the pants and so forth.. Am i just nuts? Whats wrong with me? i want to enjoy losing weight and feel what everyone else must feel. — Deanna B. (posted on September 25, 2002)
September 25, 2002
I don't know what to say, except that I know how you feel. I have these
same problems. I'm having some weirdo perception problems myself. I KNOW
I'm smaller. I must be,because my clothes are way too big. But I don't
feel smaller, or see myself that way. But on the other hand, when I see
pictures of myself before surgery, I can't believe I was that big then
either, so I must have had a problem seeing then too. Recently, I took a
picture of myself, then held it up against a before surgery picture. NOW I
see the difference!! You might want to try that. I think it all boils
down to the fact that a lot of overweight people have self esteem issues,
and they carry thru even when we're thinner.
— Monica H.
September 25, 2002
Even in the long mirrors I don't see it. I still see the old me. It's
pictures that show me the real difference, I just had a bunch of pictures
developed and I was shocked at how different I looked. I am 4 months post
op down 90 pounds. I have gone from a size 24 to a size 8. People come up
to me and say they can't even recognise me anymore. My husband doesn't
understand how I can't see it. But I feel like a teenager again. I guess
it will take a while for my eyes to get used to it.
— Linda A.
September 25, 2002
Don't feel like you are going crazy I know exactly what you mean with the
mirrors. I have a bath mirror and I look at my reflection and I think okay
the big ole belly is still there but when I walk past a glass door or
window is a whole nother reflection. And maybe try and buy some new
clothes so you can see the size difference in them. i went shopping with
my husband he had to keep getting me out of full figure because i was
looking at pants in at size 24/26 and i am in a 12/14. I couldn't believe
I have no experience in buying clothes for a normal fitting person. It was
something to cry for both happy and sad moment. Well the best of luck and
— Chris9672
September 25, 2002
I thinking its like when you keep gaining weight and telling yourself that
your not that big, but one day you actually see yourself in a mirrored
door, in a photo or on video and you go, 'whoo!!!!! whose that." and
realise that you are looking at your reflection. Maybe this is what is
happening to you in reverse. Or maybe if you tried on smaller size clothes
(borrow from a family member or friend, if you do not want to try on in the
store) this may help you in seeing the new you. Good luck. :-)
— sharon E.
September 25, 2002
Deana, go to a thrift shop and buy yourself an outfit that FITS. Then look
at yourself in the mirror. It will make a big difference. Baggy clothes
just make you look bigger. You have lost almost 100 pounds and have to look
markedly different from where you started. I hope you saved a
"before" picture. Now take an after picture in clothes that fit
and look at the difference. Pictures don't lie.
— Cindy R.
September 25, 2002
Deanna, you are not going crazy. ANYONE who has ever lost a significant
amount of weight has felt the way you are feeling---the feelings of being
overweight are firmly entrenched in each of us because of our weight
problems and because of the ways that others have reacted to us. Go out
somewhere with a good friend and buy yourself an outfit that you really
like. Then have your friend take a picture. You will probably not believe
the results! It may take you awhile to get used to your new body, but you
WILL do it. Don't scrimp on yourself---you have made a great sacrifice and
shown great courage. You deserve the BEST that life has to offer!
— asumamma1
September 26, 2002
I feel the same way. The way I conquered it was by not looking at my face.
Then I don't see me. I see a stranger and can be critical and honest.
Put a large piece of paper over your mirror where your face normally is and
you'll start to feel a difference. After a while you start to accept
yourself. I've removed the paper from the mirror now and I see the thin
person I've become.
— Patty H.
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