What am I doing wrong??

Hi, I am almost 4 months PO and down 69 lbs ! YEA! I have had no problems until now. Seems over the past 3 days everything I eat, I throw back up. I can drink fluids and eat very soft foods without problems but for example at lunch today I had some rice with 3 (very) small shrimp in it. I know I have had a problem eating too fast as I am a nurse and we are lucky to get a lunch break at all, and I thought I had eaten slow enough. But sure enough I started "burping" and then it all came back up. It's to the point where I would just rather not eat at all of fear of throwing up. Yogurt,very thin toast, all drinks, I have no problem with. Seems everything else I do. Could I STILL be eating too fast?? How do you all time yourselves when you eat? And what are you eating at this point? I would appreciate ANY help. Thanks ya'll, you are my life savers. God Bless, Gina    — Gina D. (posted on September 2, 2002)

September 2, 2002
Volume? How much in how much time? I could not eat rice for 5 yrs, personally. Some people cannot do leftovers, particularly shrimp. Go figure. Is it possible you're just jamming too much? In the beginning, I took 1 tuna sandwish to work, cut into quarters, each in its own baggie. It was just enough food to hold me about 2 hrs. yet not overstuff me in the time I had in which to eat
   — vitalady

September 2, 2002
Dear Gina, I too am 4 months postop on the 5th of September. I have found that there are days I can tolerate things, and days that I can't. I am 90 lbs. down, and I think it is because on those days that I can't tolerate food, I substitute it with water and vitamin supplements. It doesn't matter what it is, toast, crackers, rice, whatever, some days it just doesn't want to stay down, and there is nothing worse than that belchy, gassy, can't get the burp up feeling..then you end up with a mouth full of water (thick water) that just tastes nasty. After a day or so, usually I can go back to the veggies or whatever, but on those yuck days, I don't push it. I wish you much luck, and like all of us have to do, be patient, it is a big adjustment, but one well worth it. Diana
   — Diana C.

September 2, 2002
I'm wondering if you may have a partial stricture. Since you say you can eat soft foods and liquids without a problem, perhaps more dense foods are not passing thru. I would try what the others suggest, eating slower with smaller bites and give time between bites. But if that fails, see your surgeon to rule out other problems.
   — Cindy R.

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