Which comorbidities are acceptable under NIH?

My weight is 245, I am 5ft 1in. BMI is 46. My comorbidities: plantar fasciitis, gerd, herniated disks. Would my scenario fall under NIH "guidelines" or are my comorbidities not serious enough? I was denied surgery because my ailments are not a medical necessity. I may not die from these ailments, however, I endure alot of pain. Thank you for any responses.    — mary V. (posted on May 3, 2002)

May 3, 2002
GERD, Back and other weight related joint problems should qualify you under NIH guidelines, but that doesn't mean the insurance won't try to deny you. Just because something is not a life or death health problem doesn't mean it isn't medically necessary. They would probably not blink an eye at covering back sugery. I would appeal and possibly hire Walter Lindstrom to handle your case. ( I had 6 of the 7 comorbidities listed by the NIH for Bariatric surgery, and my insurance comp said it "wasn't medically necessary". I hired Walter and was approved within 3 days of him submitting his appeal letter.
   — Dell H.

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