Help Me PLEASE!!!!!!!! THe money I have for surgery, my husband says is to much to

spend on surgery! He says no I cant use it!! PLease someone try to help me make him understand how badly I need this surgery and how it is going to help me..I have to self pay because I have no insurance, he has insurance, but I am not on it, we for got after we got married we only had 30 days to put me on it, now we are not sure when we can enroll me..please someone email him and help me make him understand.This heat is gonna kill me, I cant move anymore, I can hardly breathe please. PLease send your advice to [email protected] am so alone in this.    — tylerswife (posted on May 17, 2001)

May 17, 2001
My first step would be call the insurance company and find out when you can add a spouse ..once a year I know you can add or delete This surgery costs between 20-35 thousand dollars with out complications what is going to happen if you have complications?????? You have made it this far...... the longest you will have to wait is the fiscal year which should be January for most companies and that is only 8 months away it will take you a few months just to work thru the system and get a appointment with a surgeon.. Yes this surgery is a must It will dramatically change your life and your husbands for the better but Money is a factor ask your self this question>>> Can you wait a few months??? whats your BMI what are your co-morbids ask your Doctor how at risk you are how old are you all these things play a big part in making this decision... But Insurance is a must have .. What state do you live In?
   — Kathleen M.

May 17, 2001
With my company and most that I have had experience with(my husbands also) a spouse can be added at any time to the EXISTING policy. after all people get married through out the year. And once a year their is "open enrollment" at which time you can switch to another carrier. Check with human resourses , I hope you misunderstood and can get on your husbands policy. And MOST company policies do not have a pre existing waiting period. You must find that out also. For that I would contact the company directly. I'm sorry I can't give you advise on how to handle your husband but I don't like to involve myself in another's marriage or finances. Good luck.
   — Rose A.

May 17, 2001
Did you recently lose your insurance? Did you ever have insurance? MOST insurance companies will allow you to add a spouse within 30 days or their losing their own insurance coverage.When I left my job, my husband was able to add me to his policy, even though it wasn't open enrollment time. AND, if you had your own insurance, MOST companies will cover the so-called "pre-existing conditions." I didn't have a waiting period at all, because I had insurance within 6 months of enrolling on my husband's policy. Basically, I would check about the insurance first. As an earlier post mentioned, that would be the best way to go. HOWEVER, if that doesn't work, I wish you luck with dealing with your hubby. I'm not sure what advice to give you there. I mean, my hubby has been SO supportive throughout. We talked about the possibility that the insurance would not cover the surgery. He said we'd figure out how to pay for it ourselves if we needed to, because MY HEALTH WAS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY! Maybe there is some way you could get your husband to realize this. I don't know exactly what your financial situation is, but if you are qualified to have this surgery, and you have co-morbs, I just can't believe that a person who loves you wouldn't want you to use the money for a life-saving surgery. What if you needed open heart surgery? Would he keep you from using the money for surgery then? This is not "elective surgery" this is life saving, just like heart or transplant surgery. Maybe you won't die tomorrow, but morbid obesity will kill you just the same! I pray that you can talk to your husband and explain it to him this way. PLEASE keep trying. You are worth fighting for. Best of luck, and may God bless you.
   — Maria H.

May 17, 2001
Didn't your mother-in-law give <i>you</i> the money for this? What right does your husband have to say that money given to you as a gift for this specific reason can't be used? Sorry, this irks me. Are you on medication? Add up how much that costs; if you're not insured, you must be paying something. Do you have to see the doctor for obesity-related issues? Add that up, too. Do you eat (duh)? Figure out how much grocery money you <i>won't</i> be spending any more when you're eating 1/10 of what you currently eat. Even with the supplements and stuff, I spend less than half on groceries now than I did pre-op, and I have a growing kid to feed. All these things put together over a period of two years will probably easily eclipse the cost of surgery...a cost that, if I understand your profile correctly, isn't even being paid by your husband. And there's always the unbelievable increase in your quality of life post-op, upon which a price cannot be placed. Too bad I can't chat with him in person...;^) Seriously, though, if that money was given to <i>you</i>, and not your husband, then it's your money to do with as you wish. Period. I wish you luck in this. Sorry he's being so difficult.
   — Suzanne B.

May 17, 2001
Why are you letting your husband control what is most likely a life saving operation for you? I like some of the other posters am very upset that your husband who should love you more than anyone else, would object to anything that would be great for your health. Bottom line the money was given to you--have the surgery. If your husband objects he doesn't love you anyway, at least not the way he should. No offense just my honest opinion.
   — Jeannie J.

May 17, 2001
First of all, I had to laugh at the way you put something in your post. You said "we" forgot to put me on my husband's insurance. "We" didn't forget anything. You had no choice about putting you on it. HE DID! My hubby and I went through the exact same thing last year when HE forgot to put me on his insurance. Luckily, I had had the surgery already but....all of my post op problems were not tl I found a job and got insurance. It was a difficult time to say the least. So, Rebecca, HE forgot to put you on his insurance. HE says your life is not worth the money for the surgery. HE has decided to make all of your life decisions. Sweety, you are obviously a grown woman with a mind of your own. YOU should be the most important person to you. Not your child, or your husband, but YOU. Without you feeling healthy and feeling that your are important and vital to this family, they have nothing to recieve from you. You will eventually resent him not letting you do this (although for the life of me I cannot concieve of my hubby "not letting" me do anything. I would feel like his child rather than his spouse.) If he had a stroke would you be able to deny him physical therapy? If he had diabetes would you deny him insulin? The problem with thinner people, is that they don't see obesity as a life threatening problem. They see it as a weakness in you that you can overcome. All of us here know that that is NOT the case. Doesn't he notice you huffing and puffing after sex? Doesn't he see you having a hard time breathing after walking a long way? Have you ever told him how your heart races after just doing the laundry because of the strain? Does he know how hard it is to wipe your bottom after using the bathroom? Does he know how much more expensive large clothes are than "normal" ones? (I now buy children's clothing and my bills are half or less than what they were before). I realize that you just got married and that you are still in the honeymoon stage but..please evaluate what this means to you. Will you live with him making all decisions for the rest of your life? what will that mean to you years from now? This is the only life that the good Lord gave to you. Make the most of it and don't let anyone tell you that you are not worth it. You are worth as much as you allow yourself to be. Good luck to you.
   — Barbara H.

May 17, 2001
I read your profile and that money is YOURS not his. Your mother-in-law gave it to you. Have you spoken with her about the fact that he obviously has made other plans for the money she gave you for the surgery? Maybe she can straighten him out.
   — [Anonymous]

May 17, 2001
Honey, you don't need anyone's permission to have this surgery, unless you are under the legal age. Have the surgery, get well and get strong, and then deal with hubby's tantrums and terrorism! Hang tough......and fight for your life!
   — jane W.

May 18, 2001
I would suggest that you talk to your mother-in-law. She gave you the money for the sole purpose of having this surgery, to use it for anything else would be an insult to her. Your husband may be afraid for you to have this surgery for reasons that go beyond finances. If he feels he can justify it, you need to do be diligent in affirming to him that this is something you need, not want. I dont't think it would be appropriate for me to say anything to your husband, as it is really not proper for a perfect stranger to butt in between a husband and a wife. If you feel you don't have any say, then I can't stress to you enough that you consider that you DO have a say regarding your money. If he wants to use it for bills, and you two don't have children, bring up the fact that you would be better able to work and contribute if you were to lose the weight and improve your health considerably. Call his insurance company and find out when the enrollment period comes up. You can usually add at one particular time of the year, so you need to get on the ball about this. But, make sure they don't exclude wls, because if they have an outright exclusion that specifically states they do not ever pay for wls, then you will be in for a fight. BCBS of TX will not pay for surgery under any circumstances, period. If none of this will get you the surgery, you might consider a doctor in Mexico, Dr. Roberto Rumbaut. Several of his patients on this site speak highly of him, and say that their lap rny or lap adjustable band surgeries were only around $10,000 or less. That covers everything but the flight down to Monterrey, and I think your lodging. (I had considered this route as my insurance is being a real bear about approving). Whatever course you choose, I just pray you will get this surgery. Good luck and don't give up.
   — Diana M.

May 18, 2001
The fact is that your Ma-in-Law gave the money to you for the sole purpose of extending your life. She did not give it to your husband to go pay the bills- NOR did she give you the money to go pay bills... or to save it for your child. So there is your answer. Either give the money back to Ma-in-Law, or get your surgery done. Husband's opinion is moot. Your life is worth more than even bankruptcy.
   — Karen R.

May 18, 2001
I agree with Diana! If you were to pay off the bills now and later get more comorbidities because of your weight then how will he be able to pay your health bills along with any other bills? If he were to lose you due to these comorbidities, how will he pay for and raise your daughter? The most reasonable route is to take care of your health now so that you will be able to and around to help him in the future. That may be what your mother-in-law is considering. Best wishes, Pam
   — Pamela W.

May 20, 2001
YOU get in touch with hubby's HR dept and ask what can be done. Ask when is the soonest you can be added as a dependent to hubby's policy. However, there are bigger issues here. Have you taken him with you to your doctor? Does he know MO is life threatening? I hate to say this, as you are evidently a newlywed, but if he will not "allow" you to have life-saving surgery... er... I mean... You're staying married to him because?.... Another thought. Give him a brochure from a local mortuary with costs of casket, flowers, etc., and ask if he'd rather pay this bill instead. The fact that you gave us HIS email to try to convince him is revealing. It means he will not listen to you. HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR BIGGEST ADVOCATE! Wake up, Becky....
   — [Anonymous]

May 20, 2001
Rebecca, your husband needs to get real and not thinks so much about the almighty dollar. He should consider it found money. You didn't have it before and were surviving financially even thought it might have been tough. (?) THE MONEY WAS GIVEN TO YOU SO YOU COULD HAVE A BETTER LIFE. Can his mom step in to show her support for you. You are always going to have bills, it's the american way. But you only live once and you have the right to enjoy it. Keep your scheduled surgery date. You deserve it and it is evident that your mother-in-law thinks the same thing. I am not a selfish person, but this the one thing I am going to do for MYSELF.. Good luck to you.....
   — Betty M.

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