A few months ago my husband told me that he was not attracted to me b/c of my weight.

I have always been overweight and always fighting it. Well a few months after having our daughter my husband said that he was not attracted to me b/c of weight. He said he feels that I don't try hard enough. (Of course I do). Well now that I have told him that I plan on having the WLS he is acting different. Alot more attentive, etc.. It makes me feel like he is working to keep the future (& hopefully thinner) me. He is a thin guy, and until we had THE TALK I always thought he was ok w/ my weight. He is a good guy but I am really hurt and confused. Has anyone else had this problem?    — Brandyraj (posted on October 25, 2002)

October 24, 2002
Brandy, the talk is never easy and it hurts. Maybe what he really dislikes is seeing you struggle with it and when you become frustrated with it he to becomes frustrated with it. It is really hard to tell. I am glad that he is making a little of a turn around but that is a very uncomfortable feeling to be so in love with someone but have that tension between you. Good Luck to you!!!!!
   — Peggy A.

October 24, 2002
I've never been married so I can't relate on that level. However, I do know that I wasn't attracted to me & didn't see how anyone else could be. One thing to keep in mind is that he may have kept his mouth shut in order to keep from hurting your feelings. While it may have been more sensitive to stay quiet, at least he was honest with you. That counts for quite a bit in my book. & it also sounds like he'll be really supportive in the WLS process. I have a friend who also recently had WLS & she said that she wasn't attracted at all to big men. My off & on boyfriend is a big man & I'm not at all attracted to thin men. So there is another thing, we all are attracted to different kinds of bodies. In anycase, my point is that while it must hurt to hear this blunt honesty from your husband, at least he didn't leave you & he's gonna support you. Maybe this can be not only a process of loosing weight but of reconnecting with your husband in a wonderful way. I have no idea if this helped at all, but I hope so. Good luck & know that you are loved!
   — LionGirl2k

October 24, 2002
Brandy- It is okay that you are hurting about this. It is what motivated you to seek out an answer. I'm not sure how your husband approach the subject, but I do give a lot of credit for him speaking up. So many couples long for true intimacy (not just physcial, but emotional) and when one spouse reveals something tough for them to talk about, it can bring a real intimacy. I think how you reacted to the news (looking for a solution) showed your husband that you respected what he said and that it was safe for him to talk to you about difficult things. My husband and I kept "secrets" from each other the first three years of our marriage. Things we thought would be difficult to talk about. It almost destroyed our marriage. But we had the opportunity to turn it around and we did. THere is nothing I can't talk about with my husband, including telling him when something he said hurt me. We just celebrated 10 years and I didn't think we make it past three. God bless.
   — Cheryl S.

October 24, 2002
I may get bashed for this, but be glad that he said something to you. At least he is being honest and opening up a dialog. That is the ONLY way to solve any problem in a marriage. I know it hurts to know that he is not attracted to you at your current weight (although he did become more attentive recently and you're still the same weight). My ex-husband NEVER said a word to me about my gaining 50 lbs. during the third year of our marriage. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and the weight just came on so quickly because of the exercise intolerance and the medications I had to take at that time. He never said anything....BUT he began an affair which ultimately ended our marriage. That was seven years ago and he is still with her. So be glad your hubby is the honest, straightforward type. It is devastating to not know what is going on in your marriage, and to be told one day (Thanksgiving Day 1994) that he's in love with someone else. It was too late for me at that point. I would always choose a "talker" now instead of the "silent type"'s horrible to be left in the dark about what is going on. Hang in there, and God's blessings on you and your husband. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 25, 2002
First,It really is wonderful that he opened up and talked to you about this. I know it must hurt but now you have the opportunity to work this thru together. Also make sure you realize that "not attracted to" and "not love" are two different things. Please don't confuse the two. Second, men as well as women can experience many different changes after the birth of a child. You don't say how old your baby is but your husband could be experiencing many different emotional/psychological changes upon becoming a father. Please think about that too. Good Luck to you and he and I'll be keeping you in my prayers! Hugs, Leah
   — Leah H.

October 25, 2002
Yes, what your husband said it hurtful. He probably shouldn't have said it, but we have to face the fact that much about sexual attractiveness is based upon biology (who is healthy enough to mother my future children) and also images in the media telling us what is "attractive." Your husband was only being honest. Just imagine how much more attracted he will be to you once you lose your excess weight.
   — Terissa R.

October 25, 2002
   — ANGIE M.

October 25, 2002
My husband, who has always looked like the cover of Muscle and Fitness magazine, married a size 10 body. Then he watched me gain 100 pounds, while he worked to maintain his perfect physique. My husband lost interest in me when I gained weight and did not treat me with respect. He was frustrated that he could not "make" me more disciplined, and admits it now that I have lost 84 of those 100 pounds.Although I was hurt by his attitude, and then ate to comfort myself (big help), I understood his feelings. I think if he had gained 100 pounds, I would have been frustrated and not attracted to him physically either. A few weeks ago we celebrate our 7 year anniversary and he gave me a card with a message inside. The message was how proud he was of me, that I was a very courageous person for taking the route I did. You said your husband is a good guy. He will be there to go thru the journey with you and your marriage will come out stronger in the end. Good luck.
   — Cindy R.

October 25, 2002
Am I the only one who thought this husband was completely out of line? There is something to be said for honesty, of course, but also for integrity and respect. You can be attracted to a person no matter what they look like if you apply yourself and love them for WHO they are and not how much they weigh! I am not about to dish out advice, because I have a very loving supportive and wonderful husband who respects me and whatever decision I make regarding my weight. All I want to say is that I felt what your husband said was very offensive and insensitive. You shouldn't have to lose weight for him to love you or be attracted to you!
   — AprilRebuilt

October 25, 2002
my opinion----In the posters post she stated her husband said he was not physically attraced....not that he no longer loved her. Think about it...are you happy with yourself? Your attitude toward yourself has ALOT to do with his attitude toward you. I know in my case...that I was very unhappy with my appearance and that directly effected how my husband felt about me. As it does with anyone around you in many situations. The fact that he told you that something was bothering him is wonderful, although it may have hurt, he feels comfortable enough in your marriage to have an open line of communication. Besides trust that is THE most important attribute to a marriage. Look at it this way...if he had brought up an issue that was not a direct line to your would not have been as big of an issue as it is. I had this very 'talk' with my husband a couple years before I had this surgery. I know how much it hurts. I hurt more than anything....the one person that is the closest to you took a direct stab at your confidence and your soul. But you know is something that bothers him. It is something that bothers you too, or you would not have tried to correct it in the past. He has the right to bring up issues in your marriage. You also have the right to do what you want with the issue he brings forward. I am not saying that you should do this for all means no! This is something you do for yourself. All I am saying is that he does have the right to let his feelings known. A marriage where people do not discuss their feelings is bound for failure. just my two cents
   — RebeccaP

October 25, 2002
Who knows what makes men tick. I'm 48 and I'll never know. My husband is the same weight as yours, so I get it, he doesn't, yet. Try and not let anything deter you from your goal. If he's giving you all that attention now, maybe he really didn't mean it, not entirely. "The Talk" may have let him think he could open up, more than either one of you really wanted, sounds like the talk was weight related, maybe he thought you needed motivation, we know that it isn't the way. Also there is another person getting alot of your attention now, that is a big big issue by itself, not to mention that your hormones couldn't have bounced back so soon after having a baby. You said a mouthful when you said he is a good guy! Like Granny always says if it aint broke it don't need fixin.
   — Tricia J.

October 25, 2002
I'm glad your husband was honest, BUT it's what he said that I have a problem with. You just had this guy's child, you should be treated like a queen!! You said that he's acting better now that you're planning the surgery. What if for some reason (Heaven forbid) you can't have the surgery, will he change back to the old attitude? Do this for your health! After all, this surgery is not cosmetic, that what all of us are fighting our insurance companies for! It sounds like he wants to control your emotions or actions by either giving or withholding affection. He only has that power if you give it to him. Do this for you, to have a healthy future, not to make yourself more attractive to him. Talk some more with him, even shinny people don't have secure marriages. Sorry if my comments sound harsh and I may be making too much out of the situation; but maybe someone reading this can benefit from it.
   — Brenda K.

October 25, 2002
I really liked what Rebecca had to say about our attitudes having a lot to do with our attrativeness to others. Before I began this journey to have WLS (I'm waiting for March to get here for mine), my attitude was in the toilet with regards to my appearance. Although I always dressed nice and took good care of myself, I never saw myself as attractive to the opposite sex. I felt like a failure, I behaved like a failure, and I lacked any hope that I would ever succeed at losing weight, finding a life's companion, or even attracting a one-night stand (LOL). This must have come through to anyone within a mile of me because I was never approached by anyone, even though I always "looked nice". Since beginning this journey to have WLS, my attitude has done a complete 180. I no longer feel like a failure, I no longer behave like a failure, and I now have more hope for myself, my life, and for my future than I know what to do with. My point is, now, there isn't a week that goes by that I'm not complimented by my co-workers on my appearance (I'm still wearing the same clothes and I've not bought any new), and I even find men looking at me and I don't automatically think that they are looking at me because I'm fat. I actually think that they are looking at me because I am attrative. It's not just the overweight people are less attrative than thin peole. It's that the inner spirit gets crushed by the emotional baggage that comes with being overweight or MO. Our light goes out and others think that nobody is home. Perhaps your husband sees that the light has come back on and that makes you more attrative because you are "home".<p>As for his saying something, I agree with the majority of posters. My ex and I had similarly difficult conversations as we tried to work out our differences and while the marriage didn't last, the honesty felt much better than secrets ever did. Sure your feelings were hurt. You're human. But I think you are on a more level playing field with your husband because you know the facts. And as the previous posted noted, attrativeness and love don't mean the same thing. I can love just about anyone but not everyone is going to be attractive to me, at least until I get to know them (and then some attrative people appear quite ugly if you know what I mean). And physical attraction is huge for men. They are so visual. Hang in there and work on communication. Your husband has made a wonderful start.
   — rebalspirit

October 25, 2002
I say, although what he said hurt your feelings, be glad he is honest. My husband told me he was all for the surgery, took care of me after, etc, etc,. Now that it's been almost 15 months and I'm closing in on 180 lbs lost, he told me the other day he wished I never had it done. He has always been attracted to heavy women (i was heavy when we met), and although he says I look good, he is so insecure that he can't handle other men looking at me. He said I'm all into myself now, and a bunch of other BS that he is just using to get at me. He even tries to get me to eat a lot of junk. My marriage has turned REALLY bad since the surgery. I never realized that my husband was so insecure, or so selfish. I really wish he had been honest with me about his thoughts BEFORE surgery, it wouldn't have changed my mind, but it would have given me a heads up on what to expect in the future. I did this for me, and I know that my marriage will not survive it. Your husband was honest, and seems like he wants to help, be glad, and let him help you.
   — Carey N.

October 25, 2002
I posted earlier... I'm not a newlywed, and I know the ups and downs of marriage just as well as anyone - especially when it comes to being overweight. Does your physcial appearance have to be the determining factor in someone being attracted to you? No! I was attracted to my husband because he was a sweet, loving, compassionate person. He's overweight too, and does that bother me? No, because he is a healthy man. I love him and am ATTRACTED to him just the way he is. That was the only point I was trying to make.
   — AprilRebuilt

October 25, 2002
Thank you everyone for posting your answers to my question. By the way, my daughter Shyla is 7 months. I understand what you all are saying. I guess I am just worried about how he would feel if say I had some other type of physical problem where a surgery couldn't help. What happens when my looks start to fade? I am worried that his love is only skin deep. But then I hate to think that he is really that shallow. I really do apperciate all of your answers, communication is the key.
   — Brandyraj

October 25, 2002
I think you are lucky you were able to have this talk. Being Obese makes us unhappy, why do we struggle with the idea that it makes husbands, kids, etc unhappy and even a little embarrassed? Maybe he never spoke to you about it before because he loves you and did not want to hurt your feelings. Keep communicating - I think he will be a great support during and after surgery. Good Luck
   — Diane T.

October 25, 2002
I would tell him that you are not attracted to him either because of his shallow behavior. Have the surgery and be what you want to be. Never have this surgery to please a man! If he is acting sweet and loving now, then perhaps you can deal with that now and believe me, when the weight comes off, you will resent him even more. If you want to have WLS for yourself, then by all means, do it. If he isn't attracted to you don't worry about it because plenty of other guys will be. Sounds like he just spoke before he thought and has really put his foot in his mouth. Being thin is not the only thing that makes a woman OR a man attractive. What is inside is what makes us beautiful and sounds like 1. HE is not beautiful inside OR 2. He is shallow or 3. He doesn't deserve you! Follow your heart, dear, and know one thing: Having surgery and becoming thin will not solve all your problems. As you lose weight and become more confident, you will not stand for this type of behavior. Your self worth is not based on a number on a scale. Sounds like he is very immature. Good luck!
   — Mylou52

October 25, 2002
Just a word of wisdom, after a person has surgery, their whole life changes; the way they think of themselves, how they relate with other's, even how they move within the world is different. Due to these changes, the dynamics of the person's relationships is bound to change. It is not uncommon for many(don't know percentages) relationships to have problems because of this life changing decision. Who I was as a 337 lb. woman, was totally different than who I am today, after having lost over one hundred pounds. You should just be prepared to notice a shift in your relationship with your husband. If you and he are aware of the changes, and are willing to work on the relationship, you should be fine.
   — twenc

October 25, 2002
Ok, here's the first answer from a man and I KNOW I will ruffle some feathers! Your husband was just being a MAN and most of the posters to your question were just being WOMEN!!! What I mean by that is it is a proven fact that men are "visually" attracted to women. That's why a man can take out the garbage and be ready for sex. He can eat dinner and be ready for sex. He can come home from work and be ready for sex. He look at his wife washing dishes and be ready for sex. The slightest visual stimulation can get the hormones RAGING. And so for men, if they are attracted to a certain type of body style (to each his own) then when his spouse no longer fits that mold, she no longer is as attractive to him. That does NOT mean he doesn't love her, it just means he doesn't get visually stimulated. On the other hand, women HATE when a man is ready to "jump in the sack for a quicky!" Women typically need to be romanticized and "warmed up" before they are ready for love making. That's why so many of the women answering you have said they fell in love with someone for their personality, etc. That's typically what women are attracted to. They want a man who is kind and loving and gentle and manly. They are not nearly as dependent on looks as a man is. Another point is that women often try to "fix" their men. Why is it ok for women to do that and not vise versa? With all that being said, your husband has shown a tremendous amount of love for making himself vulnerable by expressing his feelings to you and being open to the pain and criticism it would bring. It is EXTREMELY difficult for men to do that. More often than not, he would suffer in silence and one day end up having an affair. If your marriage needs work, start working on it today. You can't start yesterday, but you can sure put it off until tomorrow, however, tomorrow may be too late! You KNOW he loves you! Here's a hint...LAVISH him with love and see if he doesn't reciprocate. I GUARANTEE HE WILL!!!!!1
   — Robby E.

October 25, 2002
OK. This will be kinf of a weird responce. I have been in your boat, And still am. My husband once told me the same thing. He also told me he was afraid that me and him where again to be like a carnaval act. (thin man and fat lady). I do belive in what the man said before me. He is right men are visual. And your husband was being trueful. But the truth is that it still hurt like you know what to hear that, It knock you down some to find out that the person you love the most thinks that way. But here I am still married, I know he loves me and on a good week we still have sex 3 time a week sometime less sometimes more. He does like it, never complains. My suggesting to you is talk or aruge your way threw this. Intill you are ok with everything. You can do it together, tell him how this made you feel and listen really listen to his answer. Talk. I hope this helped somewhat if any. love shannon. ( P.S. I am just starting to try to have this surgery)
   — shannon M.

October 26, 2002
Be patient and forgiving to your husband. He is only a man.
   — Arlene S.

October 27, 2002
I'm sorry but I could not resist responding to this question. As far as male and female, according to a previous poster, males are more visual. Well, it is also a fact females are supposed to care more about money. On that advice, should I tell my husband he no longer appeals to me because he does not earn enough money. To me, that is just as shallow and unappealing, whether based upon male/female sterotypes or not. I think the husband in this case is way out of line. She has tried in the past, and is still trying to get her weight into line. No one has felt the pain of overweight more than her. This husband definitely did not make her feel BETTER. My guess is that if this woman has surgery, and indeed gets down to a husband acceptable weight, she will give him the old heave-ho. Maybe at that point, she will not be interested in his callous attitute and perhaps he has a teeny weeny. Of course in the name of honesty, she should tell him so. After all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. We can all be capable of being painfully honest. Good luck to you in your weight loss journey hon. Do it for yourself. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

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