Has anyone ever had Postpartum thyroiditis?

I had my daughter 7 months ago and I was diagnosed w/ Postpartum thyroiditis a month after she was born. My dr. told me that this is when you get an overactive thyroid for a month or 2, then get an underactive one for a few months, then it is suppose to level out. My level is at 9 now, a few months ago it was 39. The Dr. said it will probably never get completely better and I will most likely have to take meds for the rest of my life. He said he has never seen someone take so long to get back to normal from this Postpartum thing. I am 23 and he doesn't have me on any medications right now. Has anyone had to deal with something like this and were you able to get WLS??    — Brandyraj (posted on October 19, 2002)

October 18, 2002
I just went to see my endocrinologist yesterday. I have an enlarged thyroid, but my antibodies and bloodwork are normal. He said that he wanted to keep monitoring my thyroid for thyroid disease and such. When I asked him if this would affect my surgery, he said no. I'm not sure if the case would be the same as yours, but you might want to ask him. Good luck.
   — Ruthie K.

October 18, 2002
If your tsh levels are to high they may wait on surgery till medication brings them normal because if they are to high (wich 9 is should be betweeen 0.5 and 5.9 or close depend on the lab) it throws other thins off....causes fatogue poor healing mood swings i am suprized the doc has waited this long to treat you you should be on thyroid med espesialy if he has dtermined this to be not wait uncontrolled thyroid can be very very serious....the lonbger he waits to traet you the longet it may be to level you out as you have to start on a small does of medication and work your way up to your correct does ...
   — bekka K.

October 19, 2002
I got mine under control before surgery. My TSH was, get this, 155!!! Yup, I went to 150mg. of Synthroid and started to feel better soon after! I am 2 months post op and down 50 pounds and still take the 150mg. I just had bloodwork done and they did not need to decrease it from my weight loss. Good luck!!
   — Stacy C.

October 20, 2002
I developed hypothyroid after the birth of my son, Cody, 3 years ago. I have been on 200 mcg of synthroid ever since. You may want to speak with your pcp about putting you on a small dose of synthroid to get your levels within the normal range explaining that the range has to be normal for this surgery. By the way, my insurance company would not approve this surgery until they had a current thyroid panel reading. I know they wouldn't have approved the surgery if my levels would have been off. Why doesn't your doctor want you on any medications? I would suggest if he doesn't cooperate with you that you take your own care in your hands and find a doctor that will. Best wishes to you!!
   — Roberta S.

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