How much carbs and proteins should you be taking in daily?

I am 7 mos. post-op and I have slowed to about 10 lbs. a month. Is this normal? I know everybody loses differently, but I didn't expect it to slow down this quickly. I am thankful for 10 lbs a month. I feel very blessed to have been given the opportunity to have the surgery and I have lost 80 lbs. in the last seven months. I don't want to sound like a complainer. I wondered how much carbs and protein that I should be taking daily.    — Kimberly C. (posted on April 20, 2001)

April 20, 2001
I'll trade you. I'm 6 months post op, and for months 3 & 4, I lost 10 lbs a month, for months 5 & 6, I only lost 5 lbs a month. As you said, everyone is different, but I'd be might happy with your 10 vs my 5...and I'm crossing fingers and toes that it doesn't drop again.
   — tlg6056

April 20, 2001
my doctor says only carbs from natural sourses , like fruits and veggies, but from what i hear my doctor is the only one who says no canbs? so i gess i don't really know but i will watch and see what answers you get:)
   — sandra M.

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