No insurance, no loan, no way?

I guess that my situation differs a bit from many of you. I tried upon 3 occasions to get WLS. The first two times I was rejected because of age. The third time (I was 19 and within the past year) I was rejected, had an appeal rejected, and another appeal rejected. I don't really think my doctor was completely on my side, but I was so frustrated that I let my insurance expire and am no longer insured (for the first time in my life). I recently found this site and have begun new hope of having WLS. My question is where do I start? I have done countless hours of research on the internet, but I can't find any answers of my own and hoped some people could help me. I can't really get a large loan because I'm young with little credit (I have a few credit cards and have had a phone and apartment in my name etc.). I have a job that only pays 5.45 an hour, but will be starting a job that pays 13 an hour in Janurary (I don't know if this information has any bearing but felt I should include it). I can't really get a loan to pay for the surgery, and I don't have any insurance. I could make payments, but as above stated don't have a chance at a loan. I could use my paycheck to buy insurance that would cover me, but then I have to worry about PPO's, HMO's, pre-existing conditions, insurances that wont cover me, etc., and my research hasn't proven anything to help me discover a company I can rely on. I'm 400 pounds on a 5'10" frame, so I have no doubt that I need the surgery, and any logical doctor should agree, but I need to pay for it. I have no problem spending every time of my money on payments, or insurance, and even selling off what assets I have. Anything to pay for this, but I don't even know where to begin. Any ideas at all?    — joshbowski (posted on December 5, 2000)

December 5, 2000
First thing:is the new job you are starting going to offer you insurance? If so, found out now what things they require you to have for the approval process. You would be surprised to find out how many insurances will cover this surgery at least as a out-of-network benefit. I don't know if a loan is necessary if you look into the insurance suggestion (you could get private insurance to) but have you tried to get a loan and been turned down?? You have some established credit and usually that is all it takes to get a loan. I know when I was 19 I had loans. I think it sounds like you haven't exhausted all possibilities yet, sometimes when it comes to this surgery you have to be persistent and check all avenues. Good luck.
   — christine L.

December 5, 2000
Hey Joshua, Have you thought about insurance with your new job in January? Maybe they have insurance plans that will cover the surgery? I wish I had more answers for you but right off the top of my head all I could come up with is the "wait and see" method. Hope this helps...Hugs,
   — Marni

December 5, 2000
My surgeon, Dr. Martin in New Orleans, LA has a very reasonable cash price, something under $2000, I think. He also takes payments. He will also do the surgery at a state hospital that goes by your salary, It could be for free. His number is (504)899-5511. Let me know what you decide, and if I would be of any assistance.
   — CohenHeart

December 6, 2000
Hi Joshua, If you are making min. wage, you may qualify for medicaid. If you were sick and had to be admitted for any other purposes(emergency,etc.) the hospital would advise you to apply for this service. It does not hurt to ask. If you are starting a new job that pays more next month, you should be offered insurance without hesitation. Some company's start their benefits from day one and sometimes you may have to wait anywhere from 30 to 90 days. Call your benefits coordinator at your new company and find out the insurance companies they deal with. If they offer more than one, call the insurance company's and anonymously ask if they have an obesity surgery clause in their policy. I hope this info helps. Jan
   — Jan M.

January 20, 2001
Joshua, I am responding anonymously because I am attempting the same thing I am about to explain to you, and I dont want to jepordize my chance by leaving my name. I used to work for United Health Care. I am in the process of re-applying for my old job. I do know that they cover the surgery, there were two people in the office who had it done during my employment. As an employee for the company your insurance goes into effect immediately and is very cheap. It also does NOT have a pre-existing condition clause. There are claims offices in almost every state in this country, and they hire almost everyone for entry level jobs and pay fairly well. If you go to they have an area for job seakers. It gives the home office address for sending resumes. I would not recomend sending a resume to that office unless you live in minisota. But they can tell you where the closest office it to you. It is worth the call. The people who did the surgery at my office paid a total of 110.00 for their surgeries. I hope this has helped you, and I hope it helps me. I just wish I had done it when I was employed with them in the past.
   — [Anonymous]

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