What is the first step I take towards having bariatric surgery?

Whats the first step? Do I make an appointment with a surgeon or my regular doctor? Who do I contact first to get the ball rolling? What is the first step to finding out if my insurance(regence care)will cover the surgery? If anyone can help me with these questions i would appreciate it.    — Renae L. (posted on May 21, 2000)

May 21, 2000
I started my research with the web site for the American Society for Bariatric Surgery ( This web site will provide you with a list of surgeons specializing in weight loss surgery and it also helps to narrow down the geographic areas. There is ample information on the differing types of surgical procedures. I selected several surgeons, called their offices and requested they send information. I also called my insurance companies to inquire about available coverage for weight loss surgery; however, at this point I was prepared to do whatever it took financially to have this surgery. After reviewing all this information carefully, I made a consultation appointment with the surgeon I felt best met my requirements and needs. The surgeon's office sent the necessary pre-determination letters to my insurances; I did not have to submit letters from my primary care physician or other specialists I had seen and I was approved by both primary and secondary insurances within 3 weeks of the first letter. I understand that this process went much more smoothly for me than it does for some other patients. After all this was in place, I made an appointment with my PCP, had a complete physical to rule out any immediate problems and made certain that he was aware of my plans and would be agreeable to participate fully in the necessary post-operative follow-up. I felt this was especially important since my surgeon was out-of-state. I started the research in October, had the consultation appointment in November, and surgery in March. Please feel free to mail me directly if I can help in any way ([email protected]).
   — Diana T.

May 21, 2000
Hi! I would say that you first step is to decide which procedure you would like to have. You can do that by looking at this site and at sites like and individual physician sites that describe and compare the various procedures and the pros and cons of each. Once you have a concept of which procedure you want, you can find a surgeon who does that procedure. It depends on your insurance whether you will need to get a referral or not from your PCP. Good luck to you and feel free to e-mail me if I can provide any assistance. I started my search assuming that the RNY was all that existed and that that is what I would have, until I learned about the DS, which just seemed better for me.
   — Kathleen B.

May 21, 2000
Hi, I started by checking my insurance first...since my financial situation is kind of tight...then I did some research and found a surgeon that was reputable! That is the main thing. Make sure the surgeon is with the Association of Bariatric Surgeons! I then went to my primary care to get the appropriate referrals (HMO). I then scheduled my appointment with surgeon, and had all my pre-ops.
   — Amy H.

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