Any suggestions to get scale moving again?

I am 17 months post op and have lost 123 pounds. I currently walk 2 miles daily and strength train 1 day weekly. My weight loss has stopped since February with the gain/loss of the same 4 pounds. I keep my carbs below 40 a day, sugars grams around 6-7 occassionly. I eat around 1600-1800 calories daily. 3 protein shakes every day made with water for 60g of protein and take my vitamins. Drink only water and decaf tea. Does anyone have any suggestions to help things along or am I done lossing. I would like to loss about 35-40 more pounds. Or is this just a plateau situtation? Thank you for your help.    — Irislady (posted on May 13, 2005)

May 13, 2005
Chris, you seem to be doing VERY well so my only advice to you is to maybe reduce your caloric & carbohydrate intake. How do you get in that many calories a day? Ha Ha Don't get me wrong that isn't alot by any means! I stay right around 1200 calories a day. It could very well be a plateau and it could be that your body likes that weight. Congratulations on your loss to date!! Hugs...Erika
   — Egyptianeyesdiva

May 13, 2005
I am in the same place as you. I am 2 years post op and down 155 pounds. I still have 60 pounds to lose and I have been stuck at this weight for 6 months and also exercise regularly. I just met with my WLS surgeon yesterday and he suggested dropping down to 1000 calories a day for a couple months. He said it is basic math... you only will lose if you are burning more calories than you eat. I am only at 1200-1300 calories a day right now. So, I am going to adjust my eating patterns again down to 1000 for two months to jump start my weight loss again. I hate the diet feeling to this plan, but we have come too far to settle for "almost there". Good Luck and just remember you have done great so far.
   — Wendyrvp

May 13, 2005
Chris I too had stalled for about 6 months, I will be 2 years out on the 21st. Eliminate carbs via breads in the evening that should help. It worked for me. Good Luck MaryLyn
   — Kriola

May 13, 2005
A few things worked for me when I was in losing phase and felt stalled--- I would try to reduce my carb-intake to less than 20 grams for a few days while also trying to boost protein grams to over 80. As a general rule, our anecdotal experience seems to suggest that the higher the daily protein intake (all other things being equal) the greater the weight loss. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

May 13, 2005
Chris, The key to continue loosing is to increase your strength training and your intensity of walking. If you have been doing the same amount of weights in strength training without any resistance, that is you can do each cycle without any hesistance, then you need to increase your amount of weights. The same in your walking. How long have you been walking 2 miles? If it is on a tread mill, increase your incline and gradualy increase your speed. If it is outdoors, increase your time and change routes to add some extra resistance. You should see some additional weight loss. As our bodies become more leaner, we burn less calories to "maintain" our daily activities, so we need to step it up a notch or so with our exercise to burn more calories. Hope this helps, and congratulations on your weight loss. Also I would check and see where you are at as to what amount of calories you need to just "maintain" at your current weight and go from there.
   — perry

May 14, 2005
Man if you are eating 1600-1800 calories a day that may be the problem. My dr said to eat between 700-800..
   — mom of many

May 15, 2005
Cathi, you are only a couple of months out of surgery. I would bet that your doc's protocol does not call for 800 cal or less when you are almost 2 years postop like the original poster. <br> For Chris, it sounds like you are doing pretty good, the only thing I can suggest to change up your exercise routine. Your body may be used to your current level of activity and will need more exertion to get your heart really pumping. Try walking farther, or adding in some jogging. That's the only thing I can think of.
   — Ali M

May 15, 2005
Chris, My doc just sent me for an REE and a body comp and if the figures come out the way that he thinks they will, he is going to start me on ephedrine and caffeine to keep the losing happening. I just keep reminding myself that I gotta keep plugging along to get to where I want to be. Ask your doc about getting the metabolism going again or seeing what your metabolism is doing. Good luck. Debbie
   — imdebbie

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