Looking for those with my stats to compare. I feel like I haven't lost enough weight

and I am starting to freak out. I admit, I dont do many if any protein shakes, I cant stand them. Please give me some ideas of what your daily diet looks like. I actually look smaller than my weight due to weight training and my body type. However I want to be smaller and lose another 30 lbs, not sure if I will make it and I am in a rut. Here is my smaple daily menu. Please give me some ideas. for example today. breakfast - 1/2 c total cereal with 2% milk lunch-3 wing dings and few bites of whole wheat spaghetti w/ground turkey meat sauce mid aftermoon snack- 1/2 turkey sandwich on lowcarb bread and 1 detour protein bar 1/2 hr later dinner- undecided as of now My stats are surgery date 6/9/03 start 343 size 24/26 3x, bust 46 D waist 48 now 230 size 16 pants, dress 14/16 bust 38C,they are disappearing before my eyes blouse Large-XL depending on how its made my personal goal is 199, by July is this possible, I dont think so. HELP!!!    — Lisa G. (posted on April 28, 2004)

April 28, 2004
I started out similar. I was 326lbs, size 30-32. You didn't say how far post op you are. I am 15 months post op. I am now 170lbs 12-14 size. I have been at a stand still for the last 4 months. I would like to lose another 20 lbs, but hopefully plastic surgery will take care of most of it. I understand by you question you work out a lot. Your muscle will weigh more. Building the muscle will increase your metabolism. You seem to be on the right track. I no longer measure my food although I do compare if it's about the same amount as when I did measure it. I don't like shakes either. I will be happy to send you a list of the protein juices and bars I do like. I did hit a spot in my journey that I was not taking in enough calories for the amount of exerise I was doing. I also hit a spot that I wasn't taking in enough water. There could be lots of reasons you are not losing, or you could just be on a plateau. To give you an acurate answer I would need more information. You can contact me at [email protected]. Hang in there. This is a way of life now, not a diet.
   — june22

April 28, 2004
Relax! Is it the end of the world if you don't make 199 by July? I think not! It's so much more important how much healthier you are. To me it would seem that your total protein intake for the day is on the low side. Have you tracked your intake on It can really open your eyes to what you are actually doing. My experience was anytime I wanted to get the weight moving all I had to do was up the protein and push lots of water. Worked every time. My weight loss also did a major shift at around 6 months. That's pretty typical. You have done great and will make your goals eventually. Enjoy your new life and don't obsess about reaching some number by some date as it will drive you nuts. I wanted to get to 215 by PS but about 6 weeks before I plateaued for about a month. I was at 224. So I finally decided it wasn't a big deal and I would get the lbs off after surgery. However, suddenly my body dropped 9 lbs in 10 days and I did make the 215. But even if I had not it was not the end of the world.
   — zoedogcbr

April 28, 2004

   — Dinka Doo

April 29, 2004
My suggestion would be to add more protein (what are wing dings -by the way?) You DON'T have to get it from protein shakes. Perhaps you could go with some more protein at breakfast? Also, you don't mention anything about your fluid intake. Make sure you get 60 to 80 oz og water in every day. This makes a big difference! Regarding how much weight you've lost/will loose...I think you're doing great. You're not even a year out yet. You've got plenty of time to loose. I'm 18 mos PO and I'm still loosing. You can too. Try not to be so hard on yourself if you can't meet a randomly set goal. Keep up the good work.

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