How do your support groups operate? Agenda? Topics? Themes? Help

Trying to see how others run their monthly support groups. Do you have agendas, topics, themes. Anything ideas would be great. I've been going to mine for 15 months now and they are always the same with post-ops and newbies asking tons of questions the entire time. Thanks    — Lynn V. (posted on September 4, 2003)

September 4, 2003
Lynne, I go to two support groups. At one, my surgeon and his partner split duties-she keeps those who are interested in learning about the surgery or have the surgery scheduled to talk to and explain pre-op stuff while he takes those of us who are further out to a separate location where we talk about our issues. Things like how we view our new body image, how people treat us now, things we can do now we couldn't do then, food problems, etc. The other support group which is huge, has everyone in an auditorium to start with and there is usually a guest speaker-a plastic surgeon, someone selling a new protein supplement or vitamin, a chiropractor, a psychologist to discuss body image, etc and after they speak we break down into separate groups depending on how far out you are 0-2 or 3 mo post, 4 mo-a year, and then over a year, as each group has different issues to discuss. For instance at the one year or more out, our favorite topic is plastic surgery!
   — Cindy R.

September 4, 2003
My group meets once a month for 2 hours - sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. The nurses from my surgeon's office run it along with some help from a few patients. Always begins with announcements by nurses - sometimes about office practices, updates on procedures, new things they are doing (staff changes, office procedures), new info on surgeries, vitamins, foods, protein drinks, restaurant cards, etc. ALWAYS REMINDERS to new post ops about water and liquid diet for 6 weeks, and reminders to pre-ops to make sure ALL papaerwork complete and PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE. Then we have a question/answer session. Usually 4-5 patients in a different points post-op (days/weeks/month/years) former a panel (volunteer). They and the nurses take questions. We sometimes have a specific topic and sometimes speakers. Had a great couple of plastic surgeons in that were extremely helpful w/questions, brought slide show, and had great advice on insurance approval/documentation neeeded etc. We are encouraged to bring guest speakers if we know of someone in community wanting to offer assistance. Or we can ask staff to schedule speakers for specific topics. Some of the stuff is repeated each week but it almost has to as the group is made up of people just interested in surgery, pre-ops, post-ops, and friends and family members. My surgeon requires that all patients attend at least one session. You don't have to talk unless you want to. It's a great place to network about insurance, docs, clothing swaps, nutritional advice, support, etc. It's informal and open to everyone.
   — Deborah F.

September 4, 2003
Our Free Midwest Region support group meets every other month for 3-5 hours at a time. Each time we provide samples of different protein supplements that we have come across. My husband and I sell a line of nutritional and protein supplements, so each meeting we bring in samples of different stuff for everyone to try. If others want to bring samples of protein/nutritional supplements, they are more than welcome! This next meeting we are having a chili cookoff! Nearly everyone can eat chili after wls, and so we are having those who want to, make their favorite chili or bring a bowl of their favorite chili to share with everyone else! We always say bring enough for ten servings... and usually everyone brings twice that! LOL!! We also have constant clothing exchange going and try to keep the clothes horders to a minimum! LOL! Everyone brings paper, pen and questions and we take a few minutes for everyone who wants to, to introduce themselves and then we try to have a keynote speaker on something... nutrition, a cooking example, different kinds of protien (did you know there are three?? Whey, Soy and Rice??). Then we just have a browse and chat time! :~) The meetings kind of run themselves after a while! LOL!! Good Luck and email me if you need more help! :~)
   — Sharon m. B.

September 4, 2003
Lynn, we have 2 meetings a month and one is a topic and one is a q & a session and if possible we get guest speakers .. we been doing this for apx a year and half maybe a little longer and has worked thus far for us... i would like to try and make some games that have to do with wls but thats in the making and will take some the mean time we just enjoy the support and information all members bring...owe we also do outings and gatherings and at xmas we do gift exchange so thats fun ...
   — Deanna Wise

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