Am I eating too much?

Post op 23 days and have lost 38 pounds. I'm very lucky that I have not had to vomit once. However, I'm afraid I'm eating too much. This is an example of what I eat in a day. Breakfast, 1 package of cream of wheat Lunch, 1/2 cup of tuna and 2 slices of a tomato snack, protein smoothie Dinner, 1/2 of a lean cuisine snack, sugar free fudgecycle In addition, I am drinking throughout the day, water & tea    — June S. (posted on October 9, 2002)

October 9, 2002
hi there! congrats on your weight loss and the fact that you havent had to blow chunks yet is also awesome. i too am one of the lucky ones that never vomits. except on two occasions where i wasnt feeling like i had to vomit i just did because i took 1 bite too many and so to make the pain go away i vomitted. i think you are doing well with your eating. you actually want to make sure you get in enough calories so your body doesnt go into starvation mode.if this happens, your body will hang on for dear life and your loss will slow conciderably. i find on the weeks i think ive really watched it, i dont lose as much and there are weeks where i think i over did it and my weight goes down more that week so i really think the starvation mode thing makes alot of sense. best of luck to you and happy losing! :)
   — carrie M.

October 9, 2002
I don't think "luck" has much to do with not vomitting. Unless, of course, you are experiencing complications. I think that people that generally follow the instructions: chewing, eating slowly, paying attention to what and how you eat...don't have that awful experience. Anyhow, it sounds like you are eating just fine, I even eat a little more than that, a little bit of something with protein about every 3 hours or so. I am a little over 2.5 months out and lost 45.5 pounds. I hope this helps you!
   — missmollyk

October 10, 2002
hiya! congrats on your "loss"! it sounds like you are eating fine...i think as long as you listen to your body and stop when full - centering your meals around proteins - you should be fine. if you get worried about the size of your pouch you can take the cottage cheese test. let me know if you'd like a copy, i'll email it to you. take care! kate [email protected] open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

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