Is 2 pounds a week a good rate of loss?

I am 5 months post op (RNY Lap) I have lost 75 pounds. I started at 304. Since my initial weight loss, I have been averaging 2 pounds per week. Does this sound okay? I am eating about 1000 calories per day, but I am not exercising.    — Maudie B. (posted on June 12, 2002)

June 12, 2002
I am about 4 months post op. I was losing at the rate of about 2lbs a week. But the past 3 weeks I have lost nothing. I started exercising about a month ago, walking and weights and instead of seeing better loss it is slower...I dont understand. This week I even increased the exercise. I have noticed I can eat better now, but it is around what u eat 1000 cal. I guess any wieght loss is good but we each have to be the judge of our own progress.
   — SARose61

June 12, 2002
Note to Rosemary: The reason you stopped losing so fast is because you are exercising and building muscle. I'll bet if you keep track of measurements as well as your weight you will find that you are still getting smaller whether you weigh less or not! Muscle is good. Muscle is our friend! =) You are still doing great!<p>On the original question: 2 pounds a week is good. If you lose TOO fast you are more at risk for saggy skin! Get moving, though, cuz it will really help!
   — ctyst

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