List of things I should bring to hospital.

Does anyone have a good list of "necessities" to bring to the hospital on the day of surgery. My surgeon says a 5 day stay in the hospital is the norm. I am sure there are a lot of things I will need to have with me. (Post-ops...any good lists??)    — J. W. (posted on October 5, 2002)

October 5, 2002
Look at my profile!! I have the original list and I just updated it with what I <i>actually</i> used!! I also suggest talking with someone who had surgery at your hospital to find out what they give you because mine had pretty much everything (even Q-tips, hand lotion and toothbrush!). Good luck on your surgery!
   — karmiausnic

October 5, 2002
Hi there.. I am 4 days post-op, so I this question hits home. I would say it all depends on your hospital and the quality of care offered there. I would recommend reading the reviews on your particular hospital--as I did and was prepared for the pretty dastardly treatment I received there as a result (okay, I don't know if I were really "prepared", but I wasn't surprised!). So--first I would bring lotion--both body and facial. I know hospitals have it, but my hospital was in NYC and you had to pay for everything and they never offered it..after surgery you might find you're feeling dry and I really longed to have some rubbed on my feet and back (the anesthesia can do a number on you). The basics (toothbrush, deoderant) probably go without saying, but take them in case you forget. I would take a list of phone numbers of loved-ones who live out of town and a calling card too...write all of that down. You may be feeling a little "out of it" and yet still would like to talk to people who are unable to visit. My doctor recommended Gatorade (and lots of it, sip by sip) after surgery. The only flavor the hospital carries is lemon-lime...I wish I had brought my own. Also, I don't know if you'll have a private room or not...but I didn't..and though I was pretty lucky and had nice roommates, I did have to put up with a lot of chatter and moaning from other patients in the recovery room. I wish I had brought ear plugs. I know that sounds really silly and trivial, but when you're in pain --the VERY LAST thing you want to do is be disturbed by someone chatting. I actually took the mouth swabs (like big q-tips) which are soaked in a non-sugary syrupy-like substance and shoved them in each ear. Don't laugh--I was DESPARATE! So...hey, bring some ear plugs, they can't hurt! I hope this helps.......they are only a few things that I wish I had had. Hope you have a great experience and a wonderful recovery. Again, I'm 4 days out and doing well. Still moving slow, but getting there.
   — Karen K.

October 5, 2002
Well, 5 days is a little longer than the 2 I spent in there, but the # 1 thing I used was a little personal desk fan. Hospitals are always hot to me and that fan blowing on my face all night was wonderful. Also bring some lip balm as your lips get very dry.
   — Cindy R.

October 5, 2002
I had surgery last week and asked the same thing packed all the items people recommended. My recommendation your favorative pillow and lip balm. I used nothing else, the hospital supplied me with all the essentails....What a waste of time packing...shan
   — Shanchel

October 5, 2002
Hey Girl, #1 items are tongs and wet ones..Those private places are very hard to reach..Chap stick, deodarant, pads(period is bound to start) robe, panties, perfume(it did wonders for my esteem the day my hubby came to bring me home), toothbrush & toothpaste and one nightgown, I wore my own the last day I was there and wore it home with my robe over it....Someone you love is a great help...I wish you the very best and don't worry you will have everything you need...
   — Sharon1964

October 5, 2002
I agree with shannon ... I packed things.. I used my lip stuff only.. didn't read anything.. .. did NOT need tongs or anything.. you just don't poop in the hospital.. at least I didn't... and most people don't... but it might be comforting to have things in a bag... I knew I would be in ICU one day (ended up there 2 out of three nights because of lack of beds) and I knew my partner and close friend would bring anything I needed. You just need a person to fetch ice chips .<br><br>My partner is telling me from the couch "pack your sense of humor, your best attitude, and some smiles..." and you'll be fine! Good luck...
   — Lisa C.

October 5, 2002
a fan! We get very hot for a day or two after surgery, and the hospitals won't always provide one. A robe is helpful in case the hospital gown comes open in back. The hospital provideded everything else for me.
   — Darlene P.

October 9, 2002's the deal. I went nuts trying to figure out what to take to the hospital..after I came is a list of things I had/should of had while I was there. I brought a sample bottles of shampoo/conditioner, soap, toothpaste. The nurses offered me bed baths which I took them up on. I got up every morning and brushed my teeth and put deodorant on. I wished I would have brought some feminine wipes and MY pillow. Didn't need underwear and I didn't need my robe..with the IV line was too much trouble to deal with so when I went for walks I just pulled the one side of my gown over my bum and trudged along. You may want to bring a fav book or mag but to be honest..with the pain meds I was in and out of consciousness my whole time there...Oh..I did bring a hair dryer along. Washing my hair was the best experience I had lol. Each hospital room had it's own temperature gauge and I kept it about 65 to avoid the sweats..that is why the hair dryer came in handy. Good luck and I hope this helped!!! ~Traci~
   — Traci A.

October 9, 2002
And to strongly agree with the other posters below..BRING CHAPSTICK!!!! my lips were a mess. Also I didn't bring any "tongs" to wipe because the nurses were all too willing to help with wiping. Some people say they didn't have any BM movements but I had MANY!!! hopefully the hospital staff will do the same for you as they did for me! : )
   — Traci A.

October 9, 2002
I packed a ton of stuff, the tongs, the wipes, all that. I had a gigantic carry on bag full of stuff that my fiance had to lug into the hospital that morning. Didn't use any of it. Didn't care, didn't know the difference. Thankfully, I didn't have the need to wipe while I was there. I probably could have used the chapstick, but I was so out of it I forgot I brought it. But pack it all anyway, it'll make you feel better,like you've prepared, and it'll give your SO something to fool with while you're in surgery. Then just put it away when you get home. Good Luck!
   — Monica H.

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