I am nearly 9 weeks post-op and can eat 1 cup of Lettuce at a time,

mixed with 3 oz chicken or tuna, 1/4 cup FF Cheese, and 1 tablespoon of light mayo. I was wondering if it's too much lettuce, or how do you measure lettuce, by weight or volume? I try to keep my meals between 1/2 cup and 1 cup at a time......I checked the library and didn't see anything, any input is appreciative. Thanks!!    — stacjean (posted on August 19, 2002)

August 19, 2002
At abotu 2 months post I was able to eat most of a chicken caesar salad shaker form mc donalds. The reasoning I was told is that elttuce breaks down to water when you chew it so it goes right through you. I am about 5 months post now and I can eat anywhere from 1/2 cup to a cup of food depending on the type of food (soupy things I can do a cup of, whereas grilled chicken, pork chops, etc I can only do about 1/4 to half a cup.
   — Renee V.

August 19, 2002
That sounds about right to me. I can eat about the same. I try now to really measure what I can eat. I just eat slowly and listen to when my body has enough. Works like a charm. -three months post op and down 70 pounds-
   — Sarah K.

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