Why does my butt hurt all of a sudden?!?

Hi everyone, I am almost 3 months post-op and for the past month, I noticed that I can't sit for long on the floor or any other hard surface for more than 5 minutes without my tushy being sooooooo sore! Last night at church, I was sitting on a regular chair and OMIGOD I was in pain! Is this because there's less cushion? How do thin people handle sitting anywhere then? Also, what can I do to help it if any? Any exercises to build the muscle up?    — Iris B. (posted on December 25, 2002)

December 25, 2002
Yes it is because the fat is melting away and lack of muscle tone...I am also 3 months out and experiencing the same thing, oh well there are worse things to deal with, like too much cusion!!! (:
   — Vicki M F.

December 25, 2002
I hear ya hon, I had the same problem and still do but in time you will adjust, just put a pillow under your bootie...this is a sure sign ur becomming a skinny minnie
   — Deanna Wise

December 25, 2002
Welcome to the club! Yes it is because we have lost our fat cushion and the bones in the tush don't like it. How do I handle it? I figet and wiggle alot... and just plain get up and walk around before I sit again. Even a heavly padded chair hurts my butt now. Sure wish I had this wonderful problem YEARS AGO. ;)
   — Danmark

December 25, 2002
When we don't exercise while losing weight, the fat leaves, & muscles as well. If you exercise your gluteus maximus & minimus, you will have muscles to sit on that don't hurt so much. Active sex builds gluts (it's true!)-SMILE!
   — Karen J.

December 26, 2002
Remember, we've had all this extra "cushion" and now we don't have it anymore and it's going to take a while to get used to it. I had the same problem.
   — dolphins94

December 26, 2002
I was saying the exact same thing a couple of weeks ago at a restaurant that had hard wood booths. I think it is because my rear is a little on the bony side now. But you are right it does hurt.
   — Linda A.

December 26, 2002
hi:) i went through the same, my but even went numb alot, im going through it again alot, the only thing i can think is "less padding" LOL :)
   — carrie M.

December 29, 2002
Loss of padding that hasn't been replaced by muscle. There are exercises to build the muscles. However, I haven't done them and my butt rebels against anything that isn't well padded. I walk at my lunch every day at work and at the end, if I have time, I like to sit by the fountains before going back to the office - that concrete wall gets harder every day - LOL.
   — Patty_Butler

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