Should I cut off my hair before WLS?

I have very long (waist length) hair that is very thick, heavy and all one length. I'm not sure if I can take care of it during the hospital stay and post-op recovery at home. I know that hair-loss is a side effect of the surgery but I think it will be much more noticeable with this length. HELP?!?!?!    — Dena C. (posted on July 19, 2002)

July 19, 2002
Dena, my hair is about 3 inches past my shoulder and was also very heavy and thick. After I had my surgery, I did lose a lot of hair. However, because I had so much to begin with, my hair now looked "normal". It's not near as heavy as it used to be, however, the "thickness" is starting to come back. Unless you have a problem with long hair or you just want a short cut, I don't see why you would have to cut your hair. To take care of it, I would just stand in the shower and wash it and then let it air dry and either put it in a ponytail or up in a clip. That way you dont have to dry and style it and it's still clean. I could start drying and styling my hair after about week 3. I did this with my hair and my surgery was in November so sometimes it got MIGHTY cold!!
   — Patty H.

July 19, 2002
Hi Dena, I also had very thick hair to my butt when I had surgery. I had no problem taking care of it,I put it in ponytails or up. After about three months I started losing hair, because of it being so long it looked liked I was losing more than I actually was. I noticed but no one else could tell. I decided it was time for a change, I cut about 6 or so inches off. Boy did it feel great now my hair is about at my shoulder blades. I think a lot of us use it as a shield, when its long you can't see the fat in our back so we think. My sis also had long hair now hers is VERY short. Sorry I rattled on so long but its up to you to cut or not to cut:O) Best of luck to you Take care Tish
   — Tisha W.

July 19, 2002
My hair is very long as well, to my lower waist. It wasn't difficult for me to take care of it in the hospital. I wore it in a pony tail. And when it got dirty after a couple/few days (I was in the hospital for 6 days), one of the nurses helped me wash it in the shower and then put it back up for me after it had dried. I haven't gotten to the point where it is falling out - yet? - as I am only 11 weeks post-op. I plan on cutting off several inches when I am close to goal. I've already picked out a cut I love. I'm just not quite ready yet.
   — Jennifer A.

July 19, 2002
Hello, I also have long hair...almost to my I went in and had my hair put into 2 french braids the night before surgery. I didn't have to wash it or anything until i was home and then i made sure i had a shower chair so that i could sit down to wash it. I know it seems like a pain but, i've had short hair in the past and really didn't like it on me. Personally i would wait until after surgery to get my hair cut if i was you just because you will be adjusting to many new changes in your life so why add another one too it? Just my opionion though. Hope i could help.....debbie
   — deborah D.

July 19, 2002
Hi Dena! I also have think hair down to my rear. I struggled over the same question but decided not to cut it. I had it braided (a single french braid) the night before surgery and was content not to deal with it until I got home.. BUT on my third day in the hospital my wonderful CNA Ovidia helped me shower AND helped me wash my hair! She even found me some shampoo and helped make sure I got the tangles out of the ends. It felt so good! I got a hand held shower for home that worked really well post op, and I'm so glad I didn't cut my hair. Now talk to me in another 5 weeks when maybe I'll start losing hair.. but I'm NOT cutting it. My sweetie likes it long, and frankly so do I! Good luck! ~Peace
   — Joscelin

July 21, 2002
Hi Dena. I had surgery on 12/28/01. Down 95 pounds now. My hair at the time I had surgery was about half way down my back and VERY thick. I also chose to put it in a tight french braid for surgery and didn't have to deal with it until I was home and my hubby could help me with it. About 2 months ago, I started losing hair -- it seemed like I was losing a lot of it but most folks said they couldn't notice it. Trouble was, I noticed it. So last week I went and had my waist length, dark blonde hair cut to a VERY short style and dyed to a beautiful sparkly light blonde. I LOVE IT! It takes me 2 minutes with a blow dryer to style in the morning and I'm out the door. I don't have that huge mop of hair to "hide" behind anymore and I've had a TON of compliments on the cut/color/etc. My advice to anyone is to keep your hair long if you WANT to until you WANT to cut it. If you never want to cut it -- DON'T! Most people who have thick hair and lose it, don't lose enough for it to be noticable to anyone but themselves. So if you love your long all means keep it. If you want a change, get it whacked off. If you aren't sure.....wait until you are. You can always go shorter at a later date but you can't put back what you cut if you change your mind! Best of luck on your upcoming surgery!
   — Pam S.

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