Can I take Allegra & Allegra D for allergy/sinus problem?

I am 2 1/2 weeks post op from open RNY. I have had severe pain and pressure in my head for the last 2 days. I went to my PCP and she prescribed Allegra D for days, and Allegra for night. I put a call into the surgeons office, but no return call yet.    — Andrea M. (posted on May 7, 2001)

May 7, 2001
I take Allegra-D for my allergies. I am now 8 mos. post op. For the first few monthes I took Allegra as the D pill was too big. I can now take The D just fine. Good luck!
   — Jill M.

May 7, 2001
Been taking Allegra for years now. No problem at all.
   — vitalady

May 7, 2001
I've been taking Allegra D since I was about three weeks post-op. I am almost 5 months post now and have no trouble with the med at all.
   — Maria H.

March 24, 2002
I am one week pre-op, my doctor at the btc in ypsilanti said that I will no longer be able to take the D, only allegra. He wants me to stop it the day of surgery.
   — Synthia D.

March 25, 2002
I've been taking Allegra-D every day since last June. Not sure why the 'D' would be a problem. I, for one, definitely need the decongestant portion, and can tell the difference when I don't take it.
   — PT LawMom

April 12, 2002
I am four weeks post op (lap RNY) and am still crushing my meds and eating soft/pureed foods. I was told by my surgeon and my pharmacist that I couldn't take Allegra-D as long as I have to crush my meds. The "D" does not react well to being crushed. I wa instructed to take a children's liquid decongestant if needed.
   — Sarah M.

February 18, 2005
The "D" in Allegra-D stands for a time release capsule, which is not effective for bypass patients. In fact, anything that is time release is not going to work as effectively for us because everything moves through our system so much quicker now. Allegra-D isn't any stronger or better than regular Allegra, it just sticks around longer. Go with regular.
   — Kelle W

March 26, 2005
I had the BPD w/ DS, but my surgeon did tell me that I could resume my Allegra D as needed. At first you may want to crush it and mix it in some applesauce. I would still check with your surgeon to be sure of your particular circumstances.
   — Sheila B.

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